Friday, July 28, 2023

Framed 9 patch top and!! Finished!!! ( or not!) Friday!

Happy Friday!!!

I have been working on my Jelly roll quilt  and now!! it is in Top Form!!!

When I first posted about this quilt I thought I would get 42 blocks out of my Jelly roll - as I just assumed that a roll had 42 pieces in it - Imagine my surprise when I ended up with only 40 blocks!  

One of you should have pointed out my math error. just sayin' .....

A trip down to the fabric area was required.... and then I got lost - and I think I have started 14 more projects... but!!! I did end up with 2 more 2 1/2 inch strips that I thought would work to fill the holes..

You just know I had to add a piece of plaid!! Who will know that I made it if I don't!! ( and no Joy - I don't think I will ever run out of plaid in this century!!!)

Then it was off to rearrange the colors a bit...

and now!!!!

Framed 9 Patch is all ready to quilt!!

You will note all three of my clamps?  My Margarita ones had a hard time getting over the wood - the Flamingo did not - he was a rock star - but! There was also a construction clamp that wanted to get in on the action ..... Bwahh hahaha!!!

and now it is your turn!!

Show off what you did this week? What did you finish, make progress on, start?  Show it off!!

******Link starts here**** ***The end****

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Very pretty quilt! As for letting you know about the math error, we all knew you really wanted to go shopping, happy stitching!

maggie fellow said...

super and fun photo shoot

grammajudyb said...

This is a fun one! I love my quilt clamps, thanks to you I knew they existed. Mine aren't as cute as yours but you know. And sometimes you gotta go to the shop and raid the "manly" stuff. Mr. Busy's clamps were always busy and not so I invested in my own. Girls Rule!

Quiltdivajulie said...

That final photo is fantastic!!! I love the open framework and sky behind the windblown quilt!!!!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I think every jelly roll is a bit different. I think I assume that they have 42 strips, too. No one will know that the blocks you added weren't meant to be part of the groping!

Chantal said...

Yay for happy endings! It looks great. Enjoy! ;^)

Vicki W said...

It seems it's very dangerous to go to your fabric area. Maybe spread some bread crumbs so you don't get lost.

Anonymous said...

alycia, love your blog and all you share. i wanted to let you know that i mailed you a box of blocks from when you designed the half-square triangle blocks for q.o.v. i got twelve (12) made before my health went south. so i mailed them to you today. i'd be glad if you used them in the quilts for the lady marines in honor of my uncle who was a marine. (sorry, i couldn't find your email addy to send this to you privately. also forgot to include my email addy.) patti in florida (

Delighted Hands said...

What a great finnish!!!!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Your post really had me laughing this time. You think any of us can do better at math? Not me, anyway. And I can relate to going down to get some fabric and ending up with lots more projects. (Often I even forget why I went down there!) The framed 9 patch quilt is great, congrats on a wonderful top.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

I like the white corners in your block. Something to file away in my to do list. Glad you chose a plaid. :)

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, love the plaid block - did it cost you a fortune for just those few pieces of fabric lol ? Gotta love those quilt stores. Take care.