Friday, July 07, 2023

A Patriotic Finish and!! Finished ( or not!!) Friday!!!

Hopefully you all saw some Fireworks??? Or at least dreamed of them??  We dreamed - and about 6pm on the 4th  the storms rolled in, and the rain came, and the wind came, and the rain poured, and then it hailed - and so!!

We watched a movie!!!  ( Champions on Peacock - I recommend it!!)

And this beauty is my Finished for This week!!! The quilt top was made by Barb G - she is a member of one of my quilt guilds... and this year - that guild decided they would make Quilts of Valor as a donation spot - so YAY!! me!!!   

She finished this top and got it my way - and I quilted it!!

Don't you just love it!!!! I think it is bold and beautiful!!!

You guys if you shop on Amazon at all - the 11the and 12th is Prime days - it would be cool if you got to Amazon thru one of my Amazon Links... I make a small commission on your purchases ( even if you don't purchase the item on my list that you clicked on) and it helps our group to make our Quilts of Valor 

  • And now!!!
  • It is your turn to link up those finishes or not finishes!! and brag away!

  • Please link your direct post!!

  • and I would love a link back - get everyone inspired to finish things!!

*********************Link up here **********************

************The end... go sew!! ***********************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook


Kate said...

Sorry your 4th of July celebration got rained out. Very fun finish this week.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I thought that you were going to say that your fireworks were the natural ones - lightning! That's a wonderful finish!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Agreed. The quilt is beautiful. It sparkles. A lovely contribution to Quilts of Valor from both of you.

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful quilt whichis just perfect for the QOV!