Friday, March 31, 2023

A Center Medallion and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Last day of March!!  It felt very weird to put the first quarter blog calendar away.... it has so much written on it and the next quarter.... is blank!!! Oh boy!!! How exciting!!

Quilts of Valor is hosting a 20 Stars for 20 Years Quilt a long, and it looks like a pretty cool quilt. You had to sign up, I did, and this time I read the emails to find the pattern in my QOV log in page... I tell you what.

I am turning over a WHOLE new leaf!! I am going to learn to follow instructions someday!!

So - I started on the First step - I am half way thru step Number 1

I think this is going to look pretty cool!!! Can't wait to keep going...

I have also gotten in the Spring cleaning mode... cleaned out the Hay shed, vacuumed up the feed barn... The Surprise Scraps are going to Vicki in MN... Its awesome!!!  I hope I stick with it for a few more weeks...

So now!!! It is your turn - Brag away!! Show us what you have finished or Not Finished....

I'm excited to check it out!!

**** The end*****

Be sure to visit as many as possible... Link back to the Finished (or not) Friday so more people will join in....See you soon!!

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Thursday, March 30, 2023

Thursdays Thoughts - Q2 Goals

I have a strange way of Organizing, but it seems to work for me. I think I approach Goal Setting that same way. I have a bunch of Generic Goals, and as they days go by, the specifics seem to fill in.

But things are changing, and I am starting to notice it now.... For the past 10 years I have been the Primary person my Parents would go to. ( okay really 16 - but 10 with severe health issues)  8 Years ago I had to make the tough decision to make them move closer to me. 

I hated to have them sell their mountain home, but I just couldn't maintain two places.... The last 3 years have been WAY more intense care of them.  

But since both have passed, I am just now starting to notice the changes. I mean, My Dad and I texted every day - multiple times. I saw him every week, Multiple times, I did all his cooking, etc.

And last night, as I was cooking dinner, I realized I hadn't heard from my Dad, and I hadn't planned a meal large enough to take him some, and it was weird..... It was never a stress, just a thing to do, but not having that thing to do.... is weird

All that to say - I need to make sure I have some focuses so I don't completely fall apart and end up on the couch binging Netflix ( or apple tv) and eating Cheetos  ( puffs only please)



*Keep Machine Quilting for Clients. 

    This is the large goal, the specifics will get there when the client make the appointment ( haha) 

*Last Quarter I made 4 Memory Quilts,

*This Quarter I have 3 planned for Clients - I think that will be it for Q2


*I started yoga... I got it in a few days each week, but for this next quarter - I would like to do it every weekday.  Wish me luck, My dog likes Yoga, I like to do it in the morning, and in the morning is when everything breaks loose haha... so I need it.... calm before the day

*Keep quilting quilts for Quilts of Valor and Hospice. 

*Keep taking Day trips to Hike the State.  Specifically more Ghost Towns

*Ride and Chase Cows... that's the best part of SPRING!!!!

Not so fun:

*Keep sorting my Dads house. The good thing about this is when I moved them 8 years ago we did a HUGE sort - and got rid of a lot of things that weren't important.... the bad thing about this - a lot of the things that are left are memorable things - and things my Mom wanted passed down.....

So are you tired of me yet?   

I will be linking up with Quilting Jet Girls Q2 Goal setting 
And I hope that writing things out will remind me to keep at it... Stick with it, and... Have some fun!

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Hugging our Veterans!

 We are Spreading the Love....

I have a large group of Veterans and we are covering them a group at a time... it is just SO fun!! the Buildup, the wondering who is next - the smiles on their faces... its so awesome!!

Isn't this an Awesome group!!!  WWII, Korean and Vietnam!!! ( One was Vietnam and Desert Storm)

Do you remember that little cartoon that went around of two little kids in overalls discussing farming like adults?   I don't know why but this photo reminds me of it.

They were just so cute - talking about their quilts - and laughing ( which you can't see by his expression) My youngest son who is 6'7" helped award the quilts, and all of the gentlemen were awed by his height!!

Have a Happy Day!!

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Monday, March 27, 2023

Quilting Design Wall ?

 I have a memory Quilt up on my design wall... and since its not really mine to share.... I bring you..

My Quilting Design Wall... aka - what's on the Longarm!!!!

it was really cool to come in to the room in the morning when there was just a bit of sunshine lighting this quilt so well....

Doesn't the light just make that look so pretty?

I still had to go back and quilt the checker board  but I just thought it was so pretty...

And ta da - ready to be done, and get back to its owner....

And now to get to work on something for Finished ( or not ) Friday!!!... I have not planned ahead!!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings

Find me at all these places:

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Friday, March 24, 2023

An Accidental Finish - and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Happy Friday!!!

Hope you had an amazing Stitching week!! Can't wait to see what you all were up to!!

I have an accidental finish today... As I was quilting a quilt I had some backing left over, and I thought - I wonder if there's enough to load a small quilt... and I wonder if I have anything small to load?

I found a little something - loaded it - had some fun playing with stencils and motifs, and when I took it off the frame,.......

I realized it was probably supposed to be a Table Topper type kit - like there was a front , and back and the binding all on one piece... oops!! 

Oh well - It is bound and done, and there you go!!! An accidental finish!!

So the scraps.... They went to Ms Melva  Hopefully She enjoys pink and Cream....

but now!!! I found more - want a *Surprise* bag of fabrics?  I know there is Deep Green, Two Horse Pillow/panels, and who know what could go in the bag before it comes your way....

Interested in it ? Make sure you use the word SURPRISE in your comment so I know you are interested....and a way to contact you if you don't have that set up.....

Now!!! It is your turn - show me what you have been up to this week.. Did you get a Finish????

***********************Link up Here*************************

************************The End********************

Thursday, March 23, 2023

Thursday Thought - Quilt Questions

How many of you , when you are starting a new quilt get asked the questions...

How big will it be?

Who is it for?

Why are you making this one?

My family has learned to not ask those questions, especially if they want the atmosphere of the house to stay calm.. But sometimes I wonder if those who don't quilt, don't quite get that ... 

We don't always have the answer to those questions - we just needed to start something!!

One time a Rancher Friend walked into the house and I had a quilt laid out on the floor - he started to walk on it!!! and my youngest son yelled Stop!!!  The funny thing was - the quilt was really out of the way, I mean you had to walk to it to get to it.... When he asked why and learned it was a quilt lay out - he innocently asked - Why are you making another one? You already have a blanket on the couch?

To which my educated children said - Quilt!! Not Blanket... and we like to eat, so we don't ask why!!

The quilt in the photo - I just wanted to make Happy Hawaiian blocks, you know - add color to the winter. As I was making the blocks - started to think - well that would be cool if  Two humans and a dog could snuggle under it on the couch.... But then, as I was laying the blocks out - I really wanted the light/dark effect to be even....which means, sometimes you have to add more blocks.... 

Fast forward a few months, and!! I finally got that King Bed I have  wanted... My dear sweet husband and I have had a queen for a million years, and I kinda kick at night ( TMI I know) so I wanted more space so the poor man wouldn't leave me.

Did you know a King is a LOT wider than a Queen? I mean a LOT!! So none of my quilts really fit that bed.

My 2 kids that helped us move things around got all excited and said!! Mom!! Make a new one.

Um, ya... Definitely!!! I am on it!! ( Ps I love them)

But then I pulled this Churn dash out and learned if I lay the long way of the quilt across the width of the bed.... It fits width wise!! ( Just barely but it does)  Its not quite long enough to pull over your shoulders... but Spring is almost here - so its good.... But what fun!!

Now this couch quilt has been repurposed for a short time on my new bed!!! 

as I plan a new quilt, 

with a size in mind

 with a person in mind...

with a purpose in mind

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Linking to:

Wednesday, March 22, 2023

The Mishawaka

 There is a really cool little restaurant/dance hall/concert venue that is almost a 100 years old... and there is a lot of hiking around it...

So what is a girl to do?

Bribe her family to take a hike, and at the end.... take them to the Mish!!!

The snow hasn't quite melted in the High Country. Some of it has, but it refroze again into ice, so we had a very interesting hike~!

We always have to have a few Black and Whites.... in B&W I thought this looked like a howling wolf have to use your imagination.... but I have a good one!!!

Contrails  ( I love catching those!)  

Just the Vastness of the mountains
I feel so lucky to be close enough to get out into them!
if you haven't figured out by now - I am a wide Open Spaces kinda girl...

You do see the man in the mountain on this one right?  I think he looked like Jabba the Hut!!

This is the mountain we were going up! it was pretty steep, but man it was gorgeous. Its when we started slipping every other step that we got concerned - going up, not so bad.... but we knew we had to come down!!

And the best part!
The Mishawaka!!

We sat out on the deck that is over the river. They individual tents that are clear, so they turn the heater on, and you can sit out there and watch the world go by.... or a deer....

Not a bad way to spend a day!!!

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, March 20, 2023

March's Spinning Goose ( RSC Block)

  • Its March Madness!!!
  • It was St. Patricks Day!!!
  • It is GREEN for RSC.... 

and so.... My Spinning Goose needed some really cool Plaid Greens to stand out from all of the other Green things!!!

And here it is!!!

March's Spinning Goose Block!!!

Here is the Quick Little Tutorial on how to make the block:   Spinning Goose Tutorial!

And here you go - All three in one spot!!!  

I like where it is going ( in circles !! Like me!!)

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts

Monday Musings at Songbird designs

Midweek Makers at QuiltFabrication

Needle and Thread Thursday at My Quilt infatuation

Rainbow Scrap challenge at So Scrapps

Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun that Housework

Sew and Tell At Melva Loves SCraps

Friday, March 17, 2023

Raspberry Fizz #2 and!! Finished (or not) Friday!!

 Raspberry Fizz #2 is now a Finish!!! 

its the opposite of Raspberry #1 - and I don't know if I like it better, or just like the difference between the two.... Anyways - it is done!!! Bound and ready to go with #1 and spread some love!!

I always thought I liked bright colors better, but this one I might like better? - I like how the bright pops...

and I quilted Flowers on it. It was fun to do. One of the things with making so many Quilts of Valor, I didn't use a lot of florally type quilting designs, so this was a fun one for me!

And I found a piece of one of the prints to make the back!! 

 The pattern was from Atkinsons Designs Happy Hour book - pattern is called Triple Treat

All of these fabrics were in one of my piles, and there is quite a bit left over... I keep thinking I will strip the scraps up and make something else, but reality is setting in and I am thinking... I may not get to it this year.... so that being said.... anyone interested in a bag of Pink and Cream florals?

If you are - Say FABRICS PLEASE - in your comment - and I will draw a name and get them out. 

I hope that is a fair way to do it ...

( also - I read Quilting JetGirls post about goal planning for the 2nd qtr - so I am actually thinking of ...planning!!!    Go me!!) 

and now!!!

On to your Finished (or not) Friday!!!

  • What is going on in your world?
  • Link up your direct post
  • Spread the word....

*******************Link up here ***********************

************************** The end!!********************************

Find me at all these places:

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Thursday, March 16, 2023

Thursdays Thoughts.... the Scrappy Trip

Happy Thursday!!!

Did you know that sometimes, when I am quilting - I have thoughts?  And sometimes - I even remember them for later!!

My thoughts this week were about the Scrappy Trip blocks (pattern by Bonnie Hunter/Quiltville)

I was browsing Instagram looking at photos, and it seemed there were a lot of them popping up in my feed, and I thought... I have done those.... heck fire - I even think we did a block drive of them ( With Bonnies permission) 

Of course, I went and searched my Trusty Photos ( notice I did not say MEMORY!!) and found that we did the block drive back in 2012!!

How cool is that?

And I really liked that I asked them to have the white strip at the center, it made a lot of fun designs,

So here are my thoughts.

Quilting is cool - I think it is so cool how a block can be *re-done* in so many colorways, and so many sizes that even though its the same - its not!!

Quilting is Timeless - When I talked with Bonnie about using this block - we talked about using up scraps, and how to make the best use of the fabrics, - AKA a SCRAPPY block.....Today - this pattern is called MODERN as well.  

Quilting calls to both the Math and the Creative sides of our brains - the Math - to figure out *HOW* that block was made ( regardless that there are instructions haha) and the Creative - to use our colors, or our take on the design.

Quilting has a cool history - The tutorial first appeared in 1999, I used  her instructions from 2005, for our block drive was 2012 - and 2023.... The pattern is still making its appearance!!!

(and yes, I am aware that there are more patterns that this has probably occurred with. but for todays thoughts - it was all about the Scrappy Trip pattern)

And now!!

I want to make another!!! Could you see it in Cowboy fabrics with a Black center? hmmmm

I may have to go in search and start something new!!

Find me at all these places:

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**Disclaimer - not an influencer, not a big deal - just me and my thoughts**

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

QOV awards

 At our last Quilt of Valor Sew Day - we were honored to have these amazing Veterans come and let us Present Quilts to them

So the gentleman on the far Left is a Vietnam Veteran - and he was awesome!!!  He was so excited to be here, and so encouraged everyone!!

The 4 on the right - are Two couples!! All four of them served together!! isn't that cool!!

I love every group that we award Quilts to, but I also love to see the way the Veterans in each presentation react. Everyone is just a little different, and has a little bit of a different feeling. We had a lot of Attendees at this one, so it was even better - a lot of clapping, and a lot of happiness!

For more info about Quilts of Valor head over to: Quilts of Valor Foundation

Monday, March 13, 2023

Big Star Country.... by Donna!!!

 A while back I designed this Mystery quilt called BIG STAR COUNTRY

and just a little bit ago I got an email from Donna - she said - Look what I finished - and I screamed !!

Its so awesome!!!

Didn't that turn out great!!    I just love it when people send me photos of quilts!! totally makes my day!!

It is a fast and fun pattern and !! it is still in my Etsy STore QuiltyGirl Etsy Store   )

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Musings   Midweek Makers    Needle & Thread Thursday

Beauty Pageant    Peacock Party    Patch work Party

Friday, March 10, 2023

Raspberry Fizz #1 and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

I have a finish.... I have a finish... haha!!

It should have been finished earlier... I had everything prepared.... but hadn't carved out the time - oops!!

Oh well!!! This is one of 3 with these fabrics - and this one is DONE!!!

This is one of the Raspberry Fizz quilts that I made - they just reminded me of that drink!!  The pattern was from Atkinsons Designs Happy Hour book called Triple Treat

Of course, I didn't follow the fabric requirements - because - I wanted to use the pile of fabrics that I had... it all worked out!!!

And then I used Leftovers for the back...
Quilted in in Sunflowers 

Bound it with a mix of strips - and Tada!! It is done!! I will get is washed up and it will be ready to go love someone!!

I delivered 9 Quilts to Hospice. I sort of piled them and snapped a shot as I was getting ready to take them out of the car... 14 quilts total this year.  

Its kind of fun to have a place that doesn't have size requirements, or care about the colors - My local ( pathways) hospice is just so excited to receive something they can use to comfort their patients.

Just a little side note - My Dad was in ICU, and after the second day I was so bored with the white color palette... I mean EVERYTHING is white or cream - so I brought it a Purple Plaid quilt to brighten up the room.

All the nurses had to come see it, and the doctors too. It was kind of sweet... but he was so hot, they ended up putting it on the end of the bed.  

The point of my story - it was a small quilt that brightened up the room, and even though he didn't need it for warmth - it was nice to look at.

Alright - enough about me!!! Lets see what you have been up to!!!

*Link up your direct post
*Visit a lot of fun pages
*Get back to work - haha!! Just kidding!!!
*Link up closes Sunday at noon Colorado Spring forward time.

*************Link up Here********************

******************the end******************************

Find me at all these places:

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Wednesday, March 08, 2023

Snowshoeing at Rocky Mountain

 Colorado seems to have a lot of snow this year. I am not a trend forecaster or predictor so I don't know if its more than normal or not, but it seems to me the snow has been on the ground for a LONG period of time this season...

Best thing to do?


and so we did!

it was cold.... I usually like cold, but the wind kept blowing and blowing snow down my jacket - so I may have been a little colder than normal...

This is where we wanted to go ( above)

and this is what the trail looked like.
( Oh by the way - we had already snowshoed in 3 miles to this part)

We figured we were there - might as well see what we could see, and go until we felt that if there was an avalanche we wouldn't be found....

And I have to say - the Views were breathtaking....
The wind was biting

The trees and the sun put on a show

More wind..... 

I am thinking it was worth the hike!!

Just in case you were wondering - I had on ear muffs and a HAT!!!!  that wind was crazy!!!

it was all worth it tho - we made it back, and headed to a BBQ joint where we warmed up and enjoyed some great BBQ

Linking to:

My Corner of the world