I have a strange way of Organizing, but it seems to work for me. I think I approach Goal Setting that same way. I have a bunch of Generic Goals, and as they days go by, the specifics seem to fill in.
But things are changing, and I am starting to notice it now.... For the past 10 years I have been the Primary person my Parents would go to. ( okay really 16 - but 10 with severe health issues) 8 Years ago I had to make the tough decision to make them move closer to me.
I hated to have them sell their mountain home, but I just couldn't maintain two places.... The last 3 years have been WAY more intense care of them.

But since both have passed, I am just now starting to notice the changes. I mean, My Dad and I texted every day - multiple times. I saw him every week, Multiple times, I did all his cooking, etc.
And last night, as I was cooking dinner, I realized I hadn't heard from my Dad, and I hadn't planned a meal large enough to take him some, and it was weird..... It was never a stress, just a thing to do, but not having that thing to do.... is weird
All that to say - I need to make sure I have some focuses so I don't completely fall apart and end up on the couch binging Netflix ( or apple tv) and eating Cheetos ( puffs only please)
*Keep Machine Quilting for Clients.
This is the large goal, the specifics will get there when the client make the appointment ( haha)
*Last Quarter I made 4 Memory Quilts,
*This Quarter I have 3 planned for Clients - I think that will be it for Q2
*I started yoga... I got it in a few days each week, but for this next quarter - I would like to do it every weekday. Wish me luck, My dog likes Yoga, I like to do it in the morning, and in the morning is when everything breaks loose haha... so I need it.... calm before the day
*Keep quilting quilts for Quilts of Valor and Hospice.
*Keep taking Day trips to Hike the State. Specifically more Ghost Towns
*Ride and Chase Cows... that's the best part of SPRING!!!!
Not so fun:
*Keep sorting my Dads house. The good thing about this is when I moved them 8 years ago we did a HUGE sort - and got rid of a lot of things that weren't important.... the bad thing about this - a lot of the things that are left are memorable things - and things my Mom wanted passed down.....
So are you tired of me yet?
And I hope that writing things out will remind me to keep at it... Stick with it, and... Have some fun!