Friday, March 31, 2023

A Center Medallion and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Happy Last day of March!!  It felt very weird to put the first quarter blog calendar away.... it has so much written on it and the next quarter.... is blank!!! Oh boy!!! How exciting!!

Quilts of Valor is hosting a 20 Stars for 20 Years Quilt a long, and it looks like a pretty cool quilt. You had to sign up, I did, and this time I read the emails to find the pattern in my QOV log in page... I tell you what.

I am turning over a WHOLE new leaf!! I am going to learn to follow instructions someday!!

So - I started on the First step - I am half way thru step Number 1

I think this is going to look pretty cool!!! Can't wait to keep going...

I have also gotten in the Spring cleaning mode... cleaned out the Hay shed, vacuumed up the feed barn... The Surprise Scraps are going to Vicki in MN... Its awesome!!!  I hope I stick with it for a few more weeks...

So now!!! It is your turn - Brag away!! Show us what you have finished or Not Finished....

I'm excited to check it out!!

**** The end*****

Be sure to visit as many as possible... Link back to the Finished (or not) Friday so more people will join in....See you soon!!

Find me at all these places:

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Mari said...

That is a great block. Why follow instructions when you can come up with something better yourself anyway? :)

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That's a pretty block! I love the dark blue with fireworks on it. Are you going to be making 20 different stars? That will be fun to see

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice block. It's fun to change up patterns.

Delighted Hands said...

The new design is stunnning--nice work on your new start!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the start of the new QOV. Great block.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It is crazy to me that we are already at the last day of March. Time is flying this year, but the weather hasn't caught on to the fact that it is spring yet, haha. Maybe that's why it feels so strange to me. You are doing great on all your spring cleaning and the block looks fantastic!

LA Paylor said...

your block is dynamic! thank you for having us to your party!

Michelle at said...

Love the block design. Very pretty! No spring cleaning here - although it is needed. Just gardening. And taxes.

Kathleen said...

That is a beautiful block. Following directions is hard when we "know" so much. Sometimes I do and sometimes I don't...always looking for quick ways to make something...that is my favorite!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful quilt star! Your spring cleaning is inspiring. Maybe I'll manage to clean off a surface or two in the sewing room today!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, good luck with your block, spring cleaning and planning :-) Take care.

Kate said...

Really like that first block for your 20 stars project. Good luck with the spring cleaning. I'm still in decluttering mode, I'm beginning to wonder if that will ever end?

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Love your first block, Alycia!!! It's about to explode!!!

Nann said...

Great star block! I wonder if the diamond units could be made more easily if each diamond was made out of two isosceles triangles.

Nancy said...

This is a beautiful block, Alycia. I especially like it for a Quilt of Valor.
Reading one of your previous posts.... I'm so sorry about your dad and having to sort his home. It's a hard thing to do, with so many emotions involved. Take good care.