Friday, March 10, 2023

Raspberry Fizz #1 and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

I have a finish.... I have a finish... haha!!

It should have been finished earlier... I had everything prepared.... but hadn't carved out the time - oops!!

Oh well!!! This is one of 3 with these fabrics - and this one is DONE!!!

This is one of the Raspberry Fizz quilts that I made - they just reminded me of that drink!!  The pattern was from Atkinsons Designs Happy Hour book called Triple Treat

Of course, I didn't follow the fabric requirements - because - I wanted to use the pile of fabrics that I had... it all worked out!!!

And then I used Leftovers for the back...
Quilted in in Sunflowers 

Bound it with a mix of strips - and Tada!! It is done!! I will get is washed up and it will be ready to go love someone!!

I delivered 9 Quilts to Hospice. I sort of piled them and snapped a shot as I was getting ready to take them out of the car... 14 quilts total this year.  

Its kind of fun to have a place that doesn't have size requirements, or care about the colors - My local ( pathways) hospice is just so excited to receive something they can use to comfort their patients.

Just a little side note - My Dad was in ICU, and after the second day I was so bored with the white color palette... I mean EVERYTHING is white or cream - so I brought it a Purple Plaid quilt to brighten up the room.

All the nurses had to come see it, and the doctors too. It was kind of sweet... but he was so hot, they ended up putting it on the end of the bed.  

The point of my story - it was a small quilt that brightened up the room, and even though he didn't need it for warmth - it was nice to look at.

Alright - enough about me!!! Lets see what you have been up to!!!

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*Get back to work - haha!! Just kidding!!!
*Link up closes Sunday at noon Colorado Spring forward time.

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Cathy said...

I've never had a Raspberry Fizz but if it's anything like your quilt it must be delicious. Perfect quilt to show off all your fancy quilting and cheer up someone's day.

Mari said...

I love the pink! It looks so cheery. And I know what you mean about hospital rooms, too.

Vicki in MN said...

I don't like being constrained to a certain size or color, that's no fun!! Good job on your hospice quilts.

Momma Llama said...

Love the pattern and quilting design of Raspberry Fizz #1. Sometimes odd pieces of fabric can make the most interesting quilts. This quilt is inspiring.

In the past I have donated colorful quilts to one of the many Ronald McDonald Houses. My thinking is that using bright colors and interesting fabrics are a perfect way to cheer up a child and their family while they have a short or lengthy hospital stay. Some of the donated quilts had Pigma Ink pens or fine tip Sharpie markers attached so that visitors, doctors and nurses could write a message, draw a picture or just sign their name.

Now, I create quilts of various sizes for a local Hospice with the same design idea, create interest for conversation to have family and visitors make the best memories while with Hospice.

Thank you for your inspiration and design ideas.
Sunshine and Smiles,
Donna Weeks (aka Momma Llama)

Snowcatcher said...

I love the quilt, and the quilting is nothing less than sensational. But my heart ached when you talked about your dad. I lost my dad last summer, so I guess there are still moments of grief. I hope you and your family are doing okay, and what a wonderful gift to brighten your dad's room!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Great finish! I love your Raspberry Fizz. Those look like easy large blocks perfect for a quick quilty hug.

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Love that raspberry colour and the sunflower quilting lines too. A similar thing happened to my mom when dad was in hospice. She brought in one of her Attic 24 afghans to brighten up his bed and the room and everyone loved it. She donated it to them when dad died. You are very king and generous to share your quilts like you do. Very sweet.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love the quilting you used to finish tis Raspberry Fizz quilt. And how awesome that everyone wanted to come in and see the quilt in your dad's room. These quilts can brighten things up for everyone, can't they?

Michelle said...

Well done on the hospice quilts, Alycia! Raspberry Fizz is such a cheery color scheme.

Bernie Kringel said...

What a sweet story - I love the idea of that bit of purple color brightening your dad's hospital room.
Also like the pretty quilt - such a simple design and that makes the quilting the star of the show. Very nice!!

Delighted Hands said...

it will be a lovely pop of color at the hospice!!! That's a good idea-I should ask if our local hospice can use some of my lap quilts!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Your dad is in my prayers, Alycia. How sweet to take a quilt to brighten up his room. Raspberry Fizz is spectacular. Love the name and he quilting is amazing.

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Oh my - Those big quilted flowers are amazing. Perfect for that quilt.

Kathleen said...

Such a sweet finish and perfect for hospice. I love giving quilts to hospice - it means a lot to both the patient and the family. Hooray for 14 for that lucky group! Love the story of your father and the quilt. I should have made my husband do it, when I was in for my broken ankle, but he was already overwhelmed!

chrisknits said...

Oh, I love the quilt!!! Where did you get the quilting design, I adore Sunflowers!!