Friday, March 24, 2023

An Accidental Finish - and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!

 Happy Happy Friday!!!

Hope you had an amazing Stitching week!! Can't wait to see what you all were up to!!

I have an accidental finish today... As I was quilting a quilt I had some backing left over, and I thought - I wonder if there's enough to load a small quilt... and I wonder if I have anything small to load?

I found a little something - loaded it - had some fun playing with stencils and motifs, and when I took it off the frame,.......

I realized it was probably supposed to be a Table Topper type kit - like there was a front , and back and the binding all on one piece... oops!! 

Oh well - It is bound and done, and there you go!!! An accidental finish!!

So the scraps.... They went to Ms Melva  Hopefully She enjoys pink and Cream....

but now!!! I found more - want a *Surprise* bag of fabrics?  I know there is Deep Green, Two Horse Pillow/panels, and who know what could go in the bag before it comes your way....

Interested in it ? Make sure you use the word SURPRISE in your comment so I know you are interested....and a way to contact you if you don't have that set up.....

Now!!! It is your turn - show me what you have been up to this week.. Did you get a Finish????

***********************Link up Here*************************

************************The End********************


Vicki in MN said...

An accidental finish, can't say I have ever had one of those, LOL. But a finish is a finish! I love surprises!!!

dortha said...

I just love surprises. And if those surprises are scraps that is even better. Have a great day.

Darlene said...

SUPRISE finishes are a win win.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Well, a finish is a finish - especially since you got binding on it, too!!!

Cathy said...

SURPRISE! Who knew a table topper kit could make such a nice quilt. I guess you knew, silly girl!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

What a fun and sweet finish. Happy Friday

Kathleen said...

Love an accidental finish! No finish for me but very glad you finished and played a bit on the longarm before you did!

Delighted Hands said...

What a lovely finish on your accidental quilt! Beautiful!

Delighted Hands said...

What a pretty 'accident'!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

If it fits, I stitch! I too look for those small projects to use up backings. But I have never grabbed a panel like this. :)

Melva said...

The scraps arrived yesterday. I love them! Thanks :)