Wednesday, August 31, 2022

Medicine Lodge Petroglyphs

 After our stop at Thermopolis - we headed to Medicine Lodge - to the Petroglyphs.

Just a little aside - I married into a family that has ranched in this area for a Looooonnnnng  time ( like 1895)

We ( LB and I)  headed out and oh man... the ranches and the scenery - it is just gorgeous.

We learned from our previous day that the red layers in this area indicate the Chugwater Formation - so we were pretty excited to recognize that!!

this is pretty remote and you lose cell access - so it was a good thing I had written down all my directions.... 

This was our ticket taker... haha!!
He was staring at us, like maybe a car hadn't gone by in a while ;-)

We got to the Medicine Lodge Archaeological site and started to explore.  

In 1967 Bunnell, a local rancher ( who owned this place) and Veterinarian decided that he would use these amazing rock outcroppings and build some corrals to have a feeding ground for his cattle. When he fired up the bulldozer to move some of the dirt - some artifacts popped up.

Conner - A rock art specialist happened to be there - and saw the artifacts. He tagged some of them and sent them to the University of Wyoming - suggesting that this might be a site worth working on.

Dr George Frison ( name on the tag below) brought 50 students out and between 1969 and 1975 they excavated this site - finding proof of life for at least 10,000 years 

They found many drawings - indicting sheep, bison, warriors, horses and faces with tears.

It is believed that many of them are visionary experiences that were central to their religion. The vision were brought about by fasting and isolations.

Some of them I could see what they meant quickly - others... Ah... the jury is still out on what they represent. The experts know....

This area is just perfect for life to exist - there is shelter, water, access to berries and animals. It makes sense why cultures would continue to exist here.

After that we drove into a little town with 72 residents - and of course... found the church.
My Mother in laws family grew up here - and her Dad and family ranched in the area for years. It was pretty cool to go back and explore. Then we talked with her again - and realized - we missed a LOT!!!

I see another road trip in the future... 

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My Corner of the World

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Monday, August 29, 2022

I *gasp* went to a fabric store.... or two....

 Three of my friends commandeered me and my car - and they *forced* me to go to a fabric shop or two.... there was nothing I could do!!.... I had to go along with them.....

and the First store we stopped at was * The Quilt Store

Its under a new owner - you might know her - Dawna? She is an amazing Pantograph designer and now!!! A quilt Shop Owner!!! So .... it was perfect that we stopped in and made a little dent in her shop and!!! She walked in... ( and I forgot to take a photo!)


Look what I found there: 

Now that pattern - that is going to be made with Patriotics ( YES!! a Quilt of Valor!!! )./... But !! it is pattern designed by Dawna - and I fan girled her - I made her sign it!!!

the pattern I am going to use those yummy flannels with is under it!!! I forgot to spread it out!!

We then loaded up and headed to Lyons - and there was a yummy BBQ joint called Smokin' Daves that called our name.... it was right next to:

and of course I found a little bit of fabric there - which of course - I came home and started stitching... before I took its photo!!

hey! Side note!! Did you know that Sandra at MMM QUilts hosts a link party called DrEAMi!!! 
* that means Drop everything and Make it!!***  

So I am totally blaming her for me starting another project ( sounds about right, right???? haha)

So these are the strips on tis project... aren't these gorgeous Batiks? They Looked wintery to me, and I am so over the 95+ degree days.... so yes, I am one of those that is dreaming of Fall and Winter.....

and here is a shot of the first blocks:

Even though bills, Laundry and catch up house stuff is on my list for today, I am turning the paper over and seeing how far I can get on this one.... before someone catches me ;-)

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday     Monday Making     Midweek makers

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Friday, August 26, 2022

Lifesavers Finish!!!!! National Dog Day and!!! Finished ( OR not) Friday!!

My Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt for 2021 produced Leftovers. 

and you can not Ignore the leftovers... EVER!!

So I got to work and I made Lifesavers with the leftovers:

Lifesavers demanded that I finish it this week!  I found a blue flannel back and decided that it needed to be quilted with the same design that its parent quilt ( Pineapple Blossom) was quilted with:

are you ready????

Gratuitous Sky/trailer shot:

Battling the wind shot..... Note the Flamingos are totally secured!! they won't blow away haha!

Close up of the quilting shot:

And of course the Original Pineapple Blossom quilt - from which Lifesavers began.....

I also heard it was National Dog Day - and Puppy got excited!!!! He said - Lets go get something cool, to which I said, jump in the truck... we have fence to fix little Puppy.... and he jumped in!!! he is a sucker like that!

Alright!!! It is FRIDAY!!! you know what that means right???? you had better had something finished ( or not) to show away!!! Let us see your projects!!!

***The end***

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Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Digging for Dinosaurs

 We were able to go to a Dinosaur dig - our dig site was called DF... as in DON"T FALL!!!

and I thought I'd give you some perspective - so you could see why it was called that... it was a steep drop off!

Proof I was there too!!!! Don't you love my Adventure hat? It is so cool, it breathes, and when you are me, and it is 101deg  That is important.  And it has a pony tail hole - so my hair stayed put!

But!!!! you notice my son? he is WAY tougher than I am... Long sleeves!!! oh my!

( enough on clothes!)

This is the rock that we were digging in. I just knew that we would find a whole dinosaur - and we would get to call it a Carmin o saurus!!!!

We did find bones!! Not a whole dinosaur - but check it out!!! A bone!!!

and Bone Pieces.  So when you find bones - you are supposed to be real careful and pick them out. Anything larger that a Quarter gets mapped and listed in the book, so they can figure out how they all go together.

This was the view from our Dig Site.  The dig was super amazing to do, but super hot - and of course, you had to sit in the dirt. Every once in a while I just needed to get up and stare out into the wild... just in case a WHOLE dinosaur came roaming up!

We also went to the Wyoming Dinosaur Center....IT WAS FABULOUS!!!! There were so many dinosaurs that were found in Wyoming, Colorado and North Dakota ( I am sure there were more)

Check out these skeletons!!
they are COMPLETE!!!

I think the one above is Jimbo to Supersaurus. he was found in Douglas Wyoming and is 107 feet long.

We were told there have only been 4 complete skeletons found, and at this time - they found another bone that they think belongs to the 5th supersaurus.  We got to see the bones they are working on and they are removing it from the matrix.

This museum had so many skeletons, and SO MUCH information on each species, it was truly overwhelming.  I tried to take pictures of them and the info plaques next to them .

When I got free time I read the again, and still was SO impressed by the info on them!!

Of course, if you know us - we have to play with our cameras to see what we can do.....
No one else was there at the time - so we felt we weren't interrupting anyone's experience ;-)

can you see the difference in size of these two dinosaurs... it was CRAZY!

Thanks for joining us on this segment of our trip!!  we really had fun and our brains hurt and we were hot... so we headed to the One Eyed Buffalo for burgers and fries..

I do have to tell you - if you are in Thermopolis - that restaurant is worth a stop ( or two) the Burgers are out of this world, and the fries and amazing.... and they brew their own beer... made my son happy!!


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Monday, August 22, 2022

16 Patches and Antique Inspirations

 Over this last year I have been sewing my scraps into 16 patches.  Well, first you get that I cut the scraps into 2 1/2 inch squares. then I stitched them!  But I have accumulated quite a pile of 16 patches... and I started looking for inspirations for them..

Lo and behold - I was browsing blogs and I saw this one!

Isn't that just fancy???? I saw it on QuiltDivaJulies blog... and I thought what a great way to use the 16 patches!!!

and so I counted the patriotic ones I had - and came up with....

I  kinda liked where this one was going - but you know me... if its going to be Patriotic - why not make it Quilt of Valor Sized.... and so:

I added top and Bottom Borders... and Bam... 60 x 80 inches!!!

I think I will quilt something really patriotic in the whites... any suggetsions?

I also saw this book with 9 patches and now am thinking I may start making 9 patches for something like theses....

Don't forget... Long May She Wave starts on Sept 7th... This is NOT the same as the Mystery being offered my QOVF, so if you are planning to do both - know that My clues take about 2 hours per week or less... hopefully that will help you plan.

Linking to
Design Wall Monday    and Monday Making    Sew and Tell   Midweek Makers

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Thursday, August 18, 2022

Cowboy Shirts and !! FONF!!! and TGIFF!!!!

 I got a finish.... I got a finish.... 

One of my Sons is a Wyoming Cowboy.... and we found this really cool fabric at a Quilt shop in Laramie. So he bought enough for a shirt - and asked me to make him one..... and at the rate that it took me to make it..... its a good thing there are clothing stores!!

But!! I love this one - that Fabric is actually a batik type fabric, and it is really pretty!!

In the other news.... who is up for some Mystery Fabric?   I have been sorting through my fabrics and there are quite a few that I just won't use - some florals, some kids, some solids, some Repro's, and some scraps - Most of my scraps are large - the little ones go to dog beds....

so I thought I would stuff those USPS LARGE Flat rate boxes - they measure 12 x 12 x 5 1/2 and offer them to you - for $30 total.  If your interested - either email me direct or leave me a comment with your email and we can do paypal or venmo and I will send out fabric so you can stitch your heart away!!!

And now it is your turn :

  • Link up your lastest Finish ( or not) post - please use the direct link
  • The link up last till Sunday noon ( my time)
  • and go visit everyone..... Has anyone ( besides me) visited ALL the links?  You totally should - there is a lot of great inspiration and great projects out there!!!

***LINK UP***

***** The End******

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Wednesday, August 17, 2022


 How many of you have been to Thermopolis?

My Son and I got to make a quick trip - and it was awesome!!

We arrived in the late afternoon and immediately went hiking behind the Hot Springs... neither one of us sit in cars well - and it was a long drive. 

On our drive we saw hay.... but it was Loafed - Not baled - and I thought it was cool !
Sit back and relax - I may have taken a few photos....

Oh maybe go get a cup of coffee!

We know this - but with the amount of people getting into trouble around them -
 we always smile to see signs like this......

and the Buffalo!!!!
We stayed far away.

I need a longer lens... 

I love them anyways

And a Momma with her baby calf - she was so sweet... from a LONG distance!

I am one of those people who love to see forever 
I think this is just the prettiest terrain

A lot of Dinosaurs have been found in this area
The Red indicates the Chugwater Formation
Most of the Dinosaurs come from the Morrison Layer but it is right next to the Chugwater layer.

I took this photo - I wanted to show it to K and convince him to build me fences like this. I think they are pretty!

Remember - I like Cemeteries. Still not sure why - but the older the better. This is Smoky Row Cemetery. Although there are some names here - not much is known about those people. But in the 1800's , even with difficult travel - people came to the Hot Springs, and set up camp.

From the Independent Record ( the Local newspaper ) you can find a little about the people:

• Mollie Koshear, who slipped over the falls into the river below the hot springs while placing articles under the falls to be coated;
• Augernose Jane, a Smoky Row character;
• Jack Berry, old soldier and mail carrier from Embar to Torrey, who dived into the first swimming pool and was killed;
• A strange woman, name unknown, described as being very large.

We decided to go hike behind the cemetery - far away from the buffalo herd that was relaxing along the other ridge.

But you could still see where they were: 

We hiked up and up and up - and that little white dot is my SUV!!! It was awesome!!

it was then time to head to the Hot Springs
This is a photo of how the Hot Spring occur

and just a hint
It smells like Sulfur

The effects are really cool tho!

We got brave and walked over the swing bridge that goes across the Big Horn River.
I pulled my phone out to take a photo and got the heebie Jeebies!!!

The Hot Springs bubble up, go over the canyon wall and fall into the river.
The sediment builds up and its really interesting to look at.

The water used to fall over this wall edge, but has since stopped - and look at all the birds who created their nests!!

The structure of the cliffs and the way they go around the river is really intriguing.
some of them look a little sketchy.....

Another Heebie Jeebie shot - he is on a ledge!!! and it made my legs shake!!

Proof we were there ;-)

I am not sure how these edges were created - but there are little pools of the water, and the water is still flowing over - but the structure is just so cool!

The Big Horn Hot Springs State Reserve became a State park in 1897.

it became a popular place for people seeking healing. It was originally owned by the Eastern Shoshone and Northern Arapahoe tribes - they sold it to the Government, and in the agreement the access to the mineral springs would remain free.

We headed down to the river. I wanted to see how hot the river water was from the Hot Springs rolling off in it. The Temp of the water at the Hot Springs is 128Degrees - but the river should be cold water,

Not far out from the canyon walls the water was surprisingly warm , and the closer you got to the walls the hotter it got. We didn't go far - I am not sure that this was State Park approved... 

It is a unique little town!
Some restaurants you would want to check out:

One Eyed Buffalo and Brewery
The Safari Club
P6 Station

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My Corner of the World

Travel Photo Blog Hop     Thru my Lens