Friday, August 26, 2022

Lifesavers Finish!!!!! National Dog Day and!!! Finished ( OR not) Friday!!

My Rainbow Scrap Challenge quilt for 2021 produced Leftovers. 

and you can not Ignore the leftovers... EVER!!

So I got to work and I made Lifesavers with the leftovers:

Lifesavers demanded that I finish it this week!  I found a blue flannel back and decided that it needed to be quilted with the same design that its parent quilt ( Pineapple Blossom) was quilted with:

are you ready????

Gratuitous Sky/trailer shot:

Battling the wind shot..... Note the Flamingos are totally secured!! they won't blow away haha!

Close up of the quilting shot:

And of course the Original Pineapple Blossom quilt - from which Lifesavers began.....

I also heard it was National Dog Day - and Puppy got excited!!!! He said - Lets go get something cool, to which I said, jump in the truck... we have fence to fix little Puppy.... and he jumped in!!! he is a sucker like that!

Alright!!! It is FRIDAY!!! you know what that means right???? you had better had something finished ( or not) to show away!!! Let us see your projects!!!

***The end***

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Cathy said...

Who knew Pineapple Blossoms could yield Lifesavers! Oh, such yummy leftovers! What a rainbow of color today!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Those colors make me smile! What? Leftovers demand to be finished? No one told me, lol!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous Lifesavers quilt. Love all the bright colors. Wish I could use up leftovers as fast. I hope to make progress but sure I'm way far behind in using my leftovers.

Linda said...

Haha I have nothing finished but I love your Lifesavers! Love the colors and the pattern, and the quilting is beautiful.

Nann said...

Both rainbow projects are wonderful! Good for you to tackle the scraps right away.

Pat at Bell Creek Quilts said...

life savers looks great and I like car rides, too!

Vicki in MN said...

Oh that happy puppy face would melt any ones heart! I love me a good lying geese quilt so I love Lifesavers.

Deb said...

Love those rainbow projects, and your lifesavers flamingos!! And the adventure of picture taking is always a delight. Happy Puppy Day. My morning walk is basically, dog therapy to check out all the neighborhood canines!
Have a great sewing week!

chrisknits said...

LOL, well I have little finishes, but yes ma'am I am linking my finishes, I can't resist that adorable face! Love the bright colors in your quilt, so vibrant.

Mari said...

What a beautiful, happy quilt! I love the colors, and the picture with the trailer and the sky is perfect!

Frédérique - Quilting Patchwork Appliqué said...

I love both quilts, and the pineapple quilting design is very beautiful! Well done!

Snowcatcher said...

Both of those are so happy, cheerful, joyous, exhilarating and energizing!!! I definitely want to make my own pineapple quilt one day, when I finish a few more WIPs. The quilting is just awesome!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I love that both quilts are quilted with the same motif. What a fun and fantastic finish!

Rebecca Grace said...

Oh, dear -- I was not aware of the rule that "you can't ignore the leftovers ever" and I'm afraid I have NOT been in compliance! By the time I get a quilt finished I have had ENOUGH of those fabrics and I have to shove the scraps away in a drawer where I don't have to look at them anymore! :-). Your Lifesavers and Pineapple quilts are both beautiful. Congrats on the double finish!

Michelle said...

Lifesavers is a gorgeous quilt!

Carla said...

Rainbow is the best and both of these quilts are gorgeous. Your quilting really makes them sing. I love when two beauties come from one.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Lifesavers is fun and vibrant. You photos always are so pretty, Alycia. I love seeing the ranch in the background.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what a great left-over quilt! Love the pineapple quilting design! Have a great weekend.

grammajudyb said...

Lifesavers! What an awesome name for this bright colorful quilt!

Sandra Walker said...

Both quilts are absolutely fabulous Alycia! Just so darn happy and bright. I love that you used the cutoffs immediately and that they were a DrEAMi--Drop Everything And Make it! A true one because you did it from start to finished quilt, yay! I hope you'll link this up tomorrow on my blog where we celebrate these unplanned 'squirrel' projects!

Celine said...

Wow your quilt is beautiful, well done!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Wow! What a great quilt! There should be an award for "Best Use of Leftover Quilt Fabric". Your fabulous quilting takes it over the top!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another beautiful quilt all done and dusted! And what a great RSC quilting project it is too. Love the outdoors shots!

The Joyful Quilter said...

Super cute quilt finish, Alycia!! LOVE the rainbow of colors!

Vicki W said...

Lifesavers is such a cool quilt!