Sunday, March 29, 2020

Monday.... Project filled Monday

What kind of quilter are you if you don't have at least... at LEAST three projects going on at the same time?  

Maybe you have more - which makes you a better quilter... or maybe you have less - which makes you a better quilter - bwahh ha ha!!  No matter... I feel like there is no time like the present to have a lot of projects going all day long... you??

First - My Mystery Quilts for Military is going on. I already made the original... but why not do another one!! Seriously - why not?? So that is not pictured - but we are only on Clue 1... plenty of time for you to start a new project!

And second - I moved my Twirling at the Disco up to being more than a  Leader/Ender project - and decided to put the parts together - this is where I ended up.... So of course!! I have to make more parts!

And then!! Stephanie Jacobson is hosting a Modern HST BOM - and she issued a Bonus block! Heck fire!! I jumped on that right away - I do not want to get behind!!

 And then - I thought I would wait until my Psychedelic was quilted before figuring out what to do with the scraps - but we were all Watching  "Captain America : Civil War" and I thought - well there is NO time like the present... so here I am with those....

are you bored of me yet? Because..... I was organizing some of my quilt cubbies - and I have ALL OF THE PARTS cut out for this quilt!!! Queen of Diamonds from Atkinson Designs.... and I am stitching them up now!!

And then...

Naw Just kidding.... that's all the space I have in my Sew space - I can not start another thing....

Well - except I am taking a new Photography class from Ricky Timms - so will be posting my end result photos for the lesson on my Photo Blog. I LOVE photography and I think this is just a perfect time to learn a little more about it!!

Thanks for reading this far... I usually lose interest in myself after this long!!

I'm linking to:
Design Wall Monday at small quilts and doll quilts
Monday Making  at Love Laugh Quilt
Oh Scrap! at Quilting is more fun than Housework

Friday, March 27, 2020

Modern Churn Dash Finish... and Finished ( or not) Friday!

I expect that we will start seeing more Finished projects in the next couple of weeks... from those of us considered Non - essential ;-) I think you are all essential though - so you all stay healthy okay!

I think we are all adjusting well around here - we have added people, added groceries, and more cooking - but in good news - Little Bit... he never gained the freshman 15 - he lost it... and now... he's almost back up! I am going to say that it is because I am such a great cook - that no one can feed him the way I do - bwahh haa haa!

My finish for this week is a Modern Churn Dash!

Of course - I did it in plaids - and even the Navy Churn is a navy on Navy plaid!!

This is my backyard - that thing in the distance is an oil rig - they are fracking a set of 20 wells..
I assume that is still considered essential...

We were trying to take its photo out in the pasture - and the wind kept coming up - it was not listening to my direction!

and the quilting pattern !

Alright - it is time for you to link up your finishes and give us all things to ohh and ahh about! I love all the quilty inspiration!!

Here we go!!
1. Link up your own Finish ( or almost finished) 

2. Please don't link things that aren't even a project that you are working on.

3. Use the direct link to your blog post or IG photo - generics will start to be removed... sorry about that - but it is hard to search for the correct post later in the week.

4. Play along and visit other pages - I try to visit all of them! its fun to see so much quilty inspiration



Also linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday  at Storied Quilts
Friday Foto Fun at Powered by Quilting
Beauties Pageant at From Bolt to Beauty

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


On one of my last posts I said something about horses, and there was a comment about how this quilter liked horses too. I jokingly replied and said yep... I collect them.....

She sorta meant I collected horse figurines.... and well, I thought I would maybe show you one of my collection of horses....

Although... my collection is not a figurine - it might be real.

And since I need to get all of my family out of the house for our walk time... I have been taking my camera ( yay)

So this is one of my horses. I have owned him for a long time. And when I bought him it was by accident. My family runs a large horse business, and I was at one of their auctions. My husband was working the auction and I was sitting in the front row with two babies sitting on my lap.

(if you know how old my babies are - you will know how old this horse is)

This one came out and I Loved him. and I sorta figured that since no one was watching me ... I could buy him... so I did!  About 30 minutes later my husband stuck his head out of the back barn - and he says ... did we just buy that stud?    and I pretended I couldn't hear him......

So when this horse creates trouble... he is all *mine*  but when we need a horse for work... he becomes my husbands... you know how that is!! haha!

And this is a quilt that I just worked on. I loved it!  I loved the big sweeping flowy lines over it!!

Stay Healthy!!!

Sunday, March 22, 2020

Twirling at the Disco progress

my Scrappy Twirling at the Disco is growing!!  This is a pattern that was made by Samelias Mum ( for free) and I fell in LOVE with it!! And of course.... who doesn't  have a million Patriotic 2 1/2 inch squares laying around??  

These are the 5 complete blocks - and I have pieces of the rest of the blocks made... 

I might!! (  might) have moved this one up a bit. I have been using it as my Leader/Ender... but! I finished a T Shirt quilt , and finished writing the A10 Mystery - and thought that it was time to focus on this one a bit. 

I might have to name it my Sanity Quilt or something like that .. Ha ha!! It has been fun having this extra project to work on. On Saturday and Sunday I made a few of those Masks for my Nursing Friends here. They posted a pattern they were going to try - so I thought I would help a tad.

No Laughing... I think it took me longer to choose the Fat Quarters to use than it did to make the masks.... sigh.... I wanted them to be pretty ;-)

And just because you should be in your house - here is a mountain view ( that I took in February when all was considered safe) to make you happy....

And here is another funny for you - I have worked from home since forever! I started one of the first online clothing companies ( in 1994)  and hired people to work in my house... so working from home is not new to me. BUT! My family has had a few days of break while things are transitioning over to online for them... and they are stealing my bandwidth - Bwahh haa haa

They are not used to me being the one working and them being the ones doing chores! And I figured since I had work - they should cook!! Only fair right??

hope you all are doing good!! Read a lot of blogs, leave comments, and enjoy!

Linking to:
Love Laugh Quilt for Monday Making
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Friday, March 20, 2020

Flannel Plaid Log Cabin and Finished (or Not) Friday!

I am Happy Dancing this week over this finish!
it is soft and cuddly and oh so soft!!

And!! I got some photos before the Snow Storm Moved in
yay me!!

It is 54 x 72 inches 
and I quilted Feathers all over it

and I love it
( it is also going to be in my Etsy Store!)

Hope you all are doing well!
We have started a new Mystery over at

I have enough groceries to feed this family for at least a week.
I almost have them convinced that the Dishwasher will NOT attack them,
should they decide to load it!!! 

and now I get to Ohh and ahh at all the Quilty Goodness you have created!
Link Up!
Direct Links please !


Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Mystery A10 and Puppy

Happy Wednesday Morning!

Life sure changes quick doesn't it! 
I have designed another Mystery Quilt - for our Mystery Quilts for Military.
This time I am running it only in the email group

We all need to have a chat and have a sense of community - and by hosting it there we have a chance to talk a bit more ( okay Email) but still have a conversation - 
so go over and join us

Its simple, its easy and - we aren't bad people

and because you need to see Puppy

Here is Trail Dog

and Scrabble Dog

and my latest quilting....

That I love because 
1: Plaid.... I mean *sigh* Plaid
2: Feathers
3: Soft Flannel ( that is plaid)

Sorry if you have seen these before - I might have posted them on my IG account last night because , quite frankly I am getting tired of a specific word! Its depressing me!!

Monday, March 16, 2020

Right On Target - the Top

I am whooping it up!!!

I finished my Right On Target top... maybe I should rename it to Psychedelic.....  Its a little bright!

BUT!! I like it!!

And I have some scraps left - I am going to quilt it, and Bind it in that green that I used for the border. Then I am thinking of using the scraps to see if I can make some kinda of pillow cover or something - they are all pretty small...

and I am also happy - My Quilt Holders are home! It is Spring break for Two of them - and guess what? They will be home for a while!! As I am sure you are aware.... many colleges/universities are going online for a while.

So YAY for me - I get 24/7 access to Quilt holders... Better get things finished right?

On the other hand - my dog... who has gotten very used to it being just the two of us - is a little overwhelmed... we now have 4 permanent people in the house....

eating 3 times or more a day, and walking through the house - that DOG owns, and patrols, and keeps the bad guys out... he is barking a lot more than usual!

The oldest - he is online too - but he lives on his own - not in campus housing... so he doesn't have to come home.  ( bummer for me!)

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making  at Love Laugh Quilt

Friday, March 13, 2020

Rainbow Scrap Challenge - TEAL - and Finished ( or not) Friday!

Happy Finished ( or not) Friday!!
and to my Teal RSC blocks

I know RSC is supposed to be scraps - but peeps - don't rain on my parade - my scraps are truly almost all red white and blue... so I got a little scrap pack ( a stash pack) from Colorways by Vicki - and I am having a great time using it!!

Here is my March offering!!!

And well - we all know what is going on in the news right? here is a little funny.

My husband travels quite a bit, so he literally has two sets of Undergarments - a set for traveling, and a set that I wash while he is traveling... and now that he has been grounded... I did the wash - and Lawsy Mercy you all... the amount of undergarments!!  He might need another drawer, or we will store some in his suitcase - Ha ha ha!!

Alright - On to your Finishes!!

Sorry about the time thing last week, I claim insanity - but you have till Sunday Night to link up this time - still not enough time? - email me.. I am open to learning!


Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Rainbow Scrap Challenge at Super Scrappy

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

A few More Mens' Quilts

Here are a few more Quilts from the Rocky Mountain Quilt Musesum
Mesn Quilts display

I really liked this one, and was so surprised to find it was all denim

And look at these stitches  - they added so much to the whole composition of the quilt

But his card made me laugh the most
I am trying to own the idea....

This bright one really caught my eye - and as you got closer....

Holeeee Buckets
Check out that quilting!!!!

Back to the T Shirt Quilts
see you for Finished (or not )Friday!!

Monday, March 09, 2020

Right On Target

it is T Shirt Quilt Season around here... all sorts of kids have decided to graduate - and their parents are letting them - Ha ha!!

So I spent a lot of time making T shirt quilts this week - and then... I did a little pieceing of my own!!

I'm so excited to get this top to this stage... and have a few seams left - and then some cool borders!!

I am pretty sure that these bright fabrics are helping to bring on spring!! Right??

PS- how many of you changed times? I personally love it - lighter in the evening means more hiking, riding and ranching time... but Saturday Night I set my alarm for 2:45 am ... I needed to help someone get up and on the road....

Sunday morning my alarm did not go off . I sat bolt upright at 3 am , panicked and woke my person up.  It NEVER dawned on me that the whole hour would just disappear and that my smart phone would not adjust!! Who knew>????

My person made it out and on the road and all was good, but it took a while for my heart rate to get back to normal .

Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilts
What I Made Monday at PRetty Piney

Friday, March 06, 2020

Raring Horse Quilt ... and Finished ( or not ) Friday

Ohhh I am raring to go today - Bwahh haa haa....

I have a finish - and I am so glad!! I like having finishes!!

I had fun with this one - I was hoping that the blue border and binding would bring out the sky colors - and I think it did.

I have this one listed in my Etsy Store ( Alycia Quiltygirl ) for sale. I am pretty sure that none of you are interested in purchasing it - but you know... the more it gets looked at the higher it gets in the rankings.

and this is the backing I used .

Alright!! now it is your turn to link up your Finishes ( or not)

PLEASE use a direct link - not just a generic link to your blog.

Enjoy browsing around and leave lots of comments  ;-)



Also Linking to:
Can I get whoop Whoop at confessions of a fabric addict
TGIF Friday  at
Beauty Pageant  at Bolt to Beauty

Wednesday, March 04, 2020

Kids make Quilts of Valor too

If you know me, you know I have been a champion of kids making Quilts of Valor since forever!

My first groups of kids making QOVs was in 2004/2005 - and some of those kids now have kids - whoa  ( Mind blown!!)

recently we had the chance to work with the Local FFA ( Future Farmers of America) 
With the University of Northern Colorado Softball team

I probably wouldn't have called those college students kids.. but you know... someday they will be old and appreciate it right? haha!!

These are the three Combat Veterans that received the most recent Quilts of Valor created by these groups - the two on the Left were made by the Platte Valley FFA, and the one on the right was made by the UNC Softball team.

I did the quilting on them, and was so honored to be able to award them

Tuesday, March 03, 2020

David Taylor at the Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum

A few of you asked for some photos of the David Taylor Exhibit.

I didn't take a photo of every quilt - but his display was amazing - these are the three that were my favorites...

Maynard - I mean really - do I need to explain why I like this one??  Remember I brought my husband ( my rancher husband) - and he was so impressed with the barb wire fencing and the detail of the posts. 

Most of our fences are a combination of old wood and real posts - so this one spoke to him too.

I am ALWAYS a fan of bright colors - and how this one caught your eye... WOW

And then seriously... a Log Cabin face?  I LOVED it and was so amazed and how it made a photo

The exhibit runs until April - so get there soon!!

Sunday, March 01, 2020

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum and a little bit of the mountains

We are pretty lucky that we live just over an hour away from a really cool Museum - called the

Rocky Mountain Quilt Museum.... Its in Golden Colorado - 

and was started by Eugenia Mitchell. I think its patron saint now is Sandra Dallas. ( go read her books - they are AWESOME)

Last weekend I went to a Gun Show with my Husband - so this weekend, I decided it was only fair for him to go to a Quilt Museum with me! 

it was Quilts Made by Men Exhibit.  
If you have known me for a while - you might remember that Little Bit, at 6 years old was in the Quilts by the Hands of Men exhibit.... 
so I am partial to this one.

and this one did not disappoint!!  There was also a special exhibit by David Taylor...

Just because I know you want to see my baby from 2007...

I took a lot of Photos
But thought I would share this one today
Its a Boxer shorts quilt
and I loved it!!

At first glance I thought - wow  - those are some amazing Feedsacks!!

H aha!

I think this Oscar Meyer might have made me choke on a laugh
 Here is the amazing Quilt maker and his story!!

and  I found one more I fell in love with!!

my design wall is a little stagnant lately - I might have started working on some T Shirt Quilts for Graduation - so.... hopefully you will enjoy this manly boxer quilt!