Saturday, August 30, 2008
Quilts of Valor for today
My Birthday
Friday, August 29, 2008
From my Heartstrings Group
Amy in IL
These got a lot of ohhs and ahhs from my guys! I thinkif you click on the picture you can see the quilting a little better.
I have not seen a quilt similar to the khaki/olive quilt yet - and I have to say it is really striking. And it is so soft!! Ahh the priveledge of seeing and holding the quilts in person!
These are from Amy and she has a website .. so you can check out more stuff from her if you wish!
Thanks Amy!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Stars and Bars
I have been working on another Quilt of Valor pattern that can use 3 inch scraps. I have a lot of those and was trying to think of a way to use them... so Here it is!
I did it in EQ and my sweet hubby converted it to a pdf file - so it is 4 pages long and pretty easy to print out. I cut out two of the tops and got them all ready to sew. I took them up to my Moms quilt group sew day to show them how to do the half square triangles. It was great. And one of her sweet friends took the kit home to finish. The second kit is ready for my mom. So.. it works! Yay!!
Here is the link to the pdf file :
if you have questions feel free to email - but make sure you leave a return email. Some comments aren't enabled for me to return the emails and I feel so bad - like maybe you think I am ignoring you.... but I am not.
Our count is growing for the 400 quilts. I am really excited to watch the progress and excited to see the enthusiasm in helping out our soldiers. I am also getting to be better at speaking in public. (scary) I talked with a group Sunday and am talking to another tomorrow.
Have a quilty day!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Two Not So Top Secret Projects
~This one on the right is Ethels. She is from my quilting guild in Greeley. She is also the one who entered her flower basket quilt in the county fair - that I had quilted for her. She one Reserve Grand Champion! We were tickled!!
The one here on the left is really cool colors - I like it too! It was made by Nancy L in Washington. I really enjoyed looking at it as it was hanging up, it kind of gave you different illusions!
Hope you all are liking the variations. I know that a few groups that are sewing Quilts of Valor for their own goals have asked to use the pattern, so I hope they are getting even more inspiration from all the different colors!
Off to feed the kids dinner. Today was a loooooong but fun day for all of us - and we are feeling it!
Monday, August 25, 2008
LCC Quilter Audry
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Its Barbara B Day!
These two beauties came from Barbara B in Ft Lauderdale. I just love log cabin quilts. We ( my kids and I ) read quite a few stories this summer about the quilts myths and lore behind them. It was quite interesting. And how the centers represent the home and hearth.
The next one I named Firecracker. I just loved how the colors exploded - so thats what I came up with
Heres is a link to Barbaras Blog
Have a quilty day!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Pillowcase Progress
Lets See - the Right pillowcases came from California - from Robin M and she sent thos cute blocks too. they are 8 inches and *surprise* I was in the middle of sewing a quilt with 8 inch blocks - so these are going in it!!!
The ones in the center ( or at least it is center on my screen) are From Jan in So Colorado. She doesn't know this - but we may come visit her when she least expects it! We haven't explored much down that way....
The individual picture is because I LOVE cowboy fabrics - and I have not seen this one. So I took a close up of it - for me ( giggle)
These pillowcases on the left came from Laura in Georgia . She is in my heartstrings quilt group
Have a great one!!
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Its Sue and Carol Day
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Grandpas 95th Birthday
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
LCC Day at the Fair
A little bit ago the Larimer Co Fair and the Weld Co Fair were going on. My Moms groups got invited to do a demonstration of Quilts of Valor at the Larimer Co Fair... so we did!

Monday, August 18, 2008
A quilt from Norece
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Its Tracie Day
These two Great Quilts came from Tracie in OH. She is very tied to military - her Husband is Retired Navy and her son is currently in the military.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
My New Quote
But I read this and I thought I need to have it written down and remember it..
"I can't think about that right now. If I do, I'll go crazy. I'll think about that tomorrow." Scarlet O'Hara in Gone with the Wind.
I have decided to apply this new quote to my life...because you see - certain things are getting in the way of my quilting and fun - such as , well, Food, Laundry, Groceries - you know the boring stuff of life. So last night when my husband asked if I had payed the bills... I quoted Scarlett! Unfortuneatly he has a mind like a steel trap - so he asked me again this morning. Bummer!
On the fun side - I am working on another quilt pattern. This is really so fun. I am not perfect at it, and I assume everyone knows more than I do - but its turning out really cool. Of course it is another Quilt of Valor. I am doing mine in Patriotics , but I think it would look good in lots of color ways. My goal is to have it all worked out and unkinked and ready to post to the blog on September first. So if all your munchkins have gone back to the "S" word by then and you are itching to start something new make sure to check back.
Want to gather some fabrics? Well the main body of the quilt ( not including the borders) will take :
Blue: 1 1/4 yards
Red: 1 1/4 yards
White or Cream: 1 1/8 yards
I will also have some scrappy options available - if you like scraps?
Have a great one!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Quilt Tops from Jackie M
I don't know if you've noticed - but sometimes I make up names for quilts. And then of course that name sticks and it just sounds good to me.. Okay I even make up names for people. My husband and I were in Mexico and we met a guy in the group with us. He was so cool. And I am not sure 100% why - but I started calling him strawberry... still do - to this day.
Back to quilts - Isn't this one lovely? The Top Left one we called 9patch and blocks - catchy name right LOL? The one of the right is really pretty and detailed. The last picture here is the backing for one of the quilts. Pretty cool huh!
Yesterday was one of those marathon days where you don't get to see your home. We left early to go to swim practice, School shopping , the library, and then on my way to my guild meeting I stopped at The Quilters Stash in windsor and.... they had the cutting mat I wanted. I have been looking for a June Tailor mat. I don't know specifically why I wanted that one - but I have had a JT mat for 12 years and LOVE it. My new one is Teal Green and looks VERY good in my house! I also got a jelly roll for my mom. It was her birthday. The Boys got her chocolate - so we had to go with the food theme!
Hope you all have a great day!