Monday, February 27, 2023

Cooking Changes

 Sounds like a silly title right? Except.... go with me here...

I made Chili.... 4 days ago, and we just put 2 servings in the freezer for later. THAT NEVER HAPPENS!!!

When Child Number 1 left for college, nothing in the cooking department changed... the other children absorbed his portions.... 

When Child Number 2 left - we started having one serving of leftovers..... 

When child number 3 left - I cooked once a week !!!  Seriously! It was crazy....

Then in 2020 my Dad had a Heart attack - and he needed to eat more like a keto type diet - So I started cooking for us and for my Mom and Dad..... Sundays found me in the kitchen prepping our whole weeks worth of food....

Oh ya! and two of my children had come home because Covid closed their living arrangements....

( you get that I was back to cooking for 6 again right?)

Then as Covid restrictions lifted - the boys left me, and I continued cooking for 4 ( us and Mom and Dad)

My Mom passed away - and my cooking went down to three.... but just to be clear - I was cooking Dad 2 meals a day.. and he would eat out one meal - unless it snowed.

We have just realized we are back down to two, with the occasional addition of a kid (what do you call adult kids?)  and now I have to learn to cook for two again - or have leftovers for a year....

Husband likes Leftovers - I do not.... so there's that balance as well.....

All that to say - 

I learned a new recipe!!!

Its called Sheet Pan Fajitas - and it was good!! ( and okay, I even did eat one day of leftovers for this one)

1. Heat the oven to 400deg

2. Slice up Round steak ( or any beef for that matter, I had extra round steaks and I think this makes them more tender)  I used 2 pounds

3. Slice up 3 Bell Peppers

4. slice up 1 onion

Toss them all in a bowl and drizzle some olive ( or avocado oil) over them

Toss your favorite fajita seasonings.  I used Garlic, salt, a little adobo seasoning)

Spread them out in a layer on a cookie sheet and put in the oven for about 20 Minutes.

When I took them out I drizzled them with a little lime juice, and served them with tortilla shells ( corn for us, I am the gluten free one) and it was yummy!!! 

I just realized I don't have a photo....

But you will have to trust me, they were good. I bet you could use chicken too - but you know, beef ranchers - they prefer BEEF ;-)

Wish me luck in learning to cook for Two again.... or learning to like leftovers....

Friday, February 24, 2023

Hiking / National Parks Quilt and Finished!!! or Not Friday!!!!!

I met a man at the breakfast place, and he saw some of the Quilts that I had made. He Asked if I could help him design one for his wife that included her favorite National Parks on it...

and so the search started for the Fabrics and the Parks and...

Ta da!!!  A perfect sized Lap/Couch quilt (60 x 80) with her favorite parks!!!

I kind of fell in love with these panels - and now I want some!

Her absolute Favorite park was ( of course) Rocky Mountain National Park... I mean - they live in the shadows of it . so that is the back!!!

This week has been interesting for me. I am taking care of Two Ranches near me, as they get a quick chance to go on a vacation. And they are fun, but one of them is pretty far back, and there is nothing but fields around it. 

Wednesday it started to snow, and all of a sudden my SUV didn't have enough clearance to make it back to their house. No worries, I unhooked my Pick up and took it. But by Wednesday night I was using the 4WD on the pick up to get back there - the roads were just fluffy snow on top of ice, and the wind made some huge drifts!!!

Here's to a little bit of snow melt before they get home!!! But they picked a great week to go on vacation!! ( seriously!!)

And now it is your turn!!! Tell us what you have been up - Link back so others can join in - and we can all add to our bucket lists!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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***************The End******************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Linking to: Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts and more

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Pink RSC Blocks - the Spinning Goose

 And a little tutorial!!!

I am still not quite organized - but you know - sometimes you just need to bite the bullet and get back to things. So - while I am not 100% happy with my fabric choices for this month - I am happy I got my block done, and probably - with all of them together - I won't remember this isn't my favorite....

Here is January and February Together....

Now - Quite a few of you asked about my block - about the sizes and how I made it. I love that - but it also panicked me, I didn't know - I just put it together.... so now!! I know!!

Here is what I Pulled - I needed 
4 Colored 5 inch squares
4 Background 5 inch squares

2 1/2 inch strips of Background and 
2 1/2 inch strips of the color

On the Background - I used my EZ Angle to cut the wings
( You need 16 pairs)

and on the Colors - I used the Companion Angle to cut the geese
(You Need 16 Geese)

Colors:  16 Geese
4   5 inch squares

Bacgkround 16 pairs of Wings
4   - 5 inch squares

Construct your 16 Flying Geese - and then sew then into pairs - Each goose should be 2 1/2 x 4 1/2 inches - each pair of geese should be 4 1/2 inches square

Use your 5 inch squares to make 8 half squares - trim them to 4 1/2 inches

Lay them out like sew - and start stitching the rows together

And Ta da!!! You have a spinning Goose Block!!!

The end ;-)

Linking to: Midweek Makers

Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Patchwork Party

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Friday, February 17, 2023

Plaid Stepper finish and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Don't hold me to this - but I really think this is the last stepper quilt... seriously.. but you never know what I may uncover haha!!


There has been so much crazy going on, that I found myself needing a moment ( I may need more tho!)   So I buckled down and got this one done. it seemed like it could be an easy finish, and give me some sort of accomplishment haha

The Airplanes seemed fitting. It seems we have talked about flying a lot over the last couple of weeks.

My Dad was a private pilot, and when he decided to learn to fly - the whole family went a long with him. It has been fun reminiscing about all of our flying adventures this last week,

Everyone has gone back home now, and I am doing all the estate stuff. I am glad to have the memories ;-)

I am also behind in reading my blogs, so if you get a comment on a post a long time ago... sorry - I am catching up - I need my Quilty Inspirations!!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

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*********************The end******************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Friday, February 10, 2023

Finished Friday!!!

 Welcome to Friday you all!!!

It has been quite a whirlwind around here - so I don't have a thing finished to brag about.

Remember I told you my Dad had Fallen... well...

He also passed away .... so that has been my priority

Dad's Obituary  If your interested - that's him ;-)

So today!! Brag away and show us your amazing creations!!!

*****************Link Up *************************** ******************The End*************************

Monday, February 06, 2023

Another Churn Dash... But ! With Eagles!!

 Remember how I have been trying to work through my piles?  Well, I also have a few cubbies full of piles... I think I am creating a new Acronym PPP  ( I am a Pile Project Person)  ....

Anyways I was looking for a specific block I had made, I knew it was in the cubby and Voila!!! I found even more!!!

I found 20 Churn-dashes ( which I am sure were made during my Churn dash RSC year) and a  piece of eagle fabric... they Have to go together right???

So Its up there., I am playing around and staring at it while I am cutting up Shirts for some Memory quilts...... and something is going to jump out at me. But!! I am promising myself to put it in a top rather than back in the cubbie!!

Have a great Monday!!

Friday, February 03, 2023

Another QOV Finish ... and!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 You might Recognize this one:

Under the Starry Sky - It was a Quiltygirl© ( hey that's me!!) Mystery (done in 2020)

And oh my - The tops were phenomenal!!! The colors, the stars, I loved seeing them all!!

Well, Laura made this awesomely Super scrappy one - and!! I got to quilt it!! - 

I love seeing how scrappy they can be! Won't it be fun for a Veteran to be looking at all those different fabrics?   

A close up of the quilting, I knew you all wanted to see that part right?
I am off to a good QOV start this year!!!  My goal is always 1 a month, sometimes I get there, sometimes I don't!  But I chose a word for 2023 - JOY - so I will find JOY in adding a little extra love to this quilt before it goes to it's binder.

and now it is your turn to spread some Joy - Show us what you are working on, what you finished, and be sure to link back to this post to spread even more joy!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

****************Link Up *******************

***************************The End**********************

Have a great day!!!