Friday, February 03, 2023

Another QOV Finish ... and!!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 You might Recognize this one:

Under the Starry Sky - It was a Quiltygirl© ( hey that's me!!) Mystery (done in 2020)

And oh my - The tops were phenomenal!!! The colors, the stars, I loved seeing them all!!

Well, Laura made this awesomely Super scrappy one - and!! I got to quilt it!! - 

I love seeing how scrappy they can be! Won't it be fun for a Veteran to be looking at all those different fabrics?   

A close up of the quilting, I knew you all wanted to see that part right?
I am off to a good QOV start this year!!!  My goal is always 1 a month, sometimes I get there, sometimes I don't!  But I chose a word for 2023 - JOY - so I will find JOY in adding a little extra love to this quilt before it goes to it's binder.

and now it is your turn to spread some Joy - Show us what you are working on, what you finished, and be sure to link back to this post to spread even more joy!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

****************Link Up *******************

***************************The End**********************

Have a great day!!!


Ivani said...

Love the scrap look of this one. It is a beautiful patriotic quilt.

Cathy said...

Oh joy! I do like that scrappy version. Such character! And wonderful quilting.

Kat Scribner said...

That is a lovely QOV. I love all the scrappiness and the quilting design is perfect too.

Kate said...

Lots of scrappy fun in that finish!

Vicki in MN said...

Nice work Alycia and Laura!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Nice QoV quilt. I'll be making Friendship Stars blocks later this year.

Delighted Hands said...

Just beautiful--and a very good goal!

Michelle said...


Melva said...

Beautiful quilt! I always quilt joy, love and prayers into my quilts. It just happens naturally. Blessings of joy to you!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

It's really lovely, Alycia, and I love that it's your 2020 mystery made as a QOV that you got to quilt. Perfectly full circle!

Gypsy Quilter Designs said...

Such a bright and fun quilt. Another great finish. Thanks for sharing.

San / Gypsy Quilter Designs / Very chilly N.C.

loulee said...

Beautiful. Someone will be very happy to receive that.

Snowcatcher said...

That really is gorgeous! I remember the mystery! Fun trip down memory lane! Love the quilting!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, it must be great to see all of the quilts that were made using your pattern and as part of your mystery quilt - and to be able to quilt it, even better. That's a great quilt and will surely be greatly used and appreciated. Thanks so much for your linking party! Take care and stay warm :-)

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such a beautiful fun quilt.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful quilt of valor! And as always such nice quilting. I'm sure the veterans can feel the joy you put into it.

Marti said...

I really like those colors and the vintage look the off white gives it. Yes, someone will love that quilt!