Friday, February 17, 2023

Plaid Stepper finish and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Don't hold me to this - but I really think this is the last stepper quilt... seriously.. but you never know what I may uncover haha!!


There has been so much crazy going on, that I found myself needing a moment ( I may need more tho!)   So I buckled down and got this one done. it seemed like it could be an easy finish, and give me some sort of accomplishment haha

The Airplanes seemed fitting. It seems we have talked about flying a lot over the last couple of weeks.

My Dad was a private pilot, and when he decided to learn to fly - the whole family went a long with him. It has been fun reminiscing about all of our flying adventures this last week,

Everyone has gone back home now, and I am doing all the estate stuff. I am glad to have the memories ;-)

I am also behind in reading my blogs, so if you get a comment on a post a long time ago... sorry - I am catching up - I need my Quilty Inspirations!!!

*Please provide the DIRECT link to your SPECIFIC Blog post 

*Link back to this post in your post - so others can join in

*But BEST yet!! Have Fun and Visit a lot of others - leave encouragement!!!

the link up stays open until noon Sunday Colorado time ;-)

***************link up ***************************

*********************The end******************

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Cathy said...

My condolences on the death of your father. Today I read your last week's post about it since last week I was out of town for my brother-in-law's funeral. From the obit it sounds like you were blessed to have such an amazing man for a father.

Congrats on another Stepper with all that wonderful quilting! And I'll bet that's not your last Stepper!!!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Cute airplane quilt design is perfect.

Kate said...

Congrats on the finish! The airplanes are fun. Good luck with all the estate stuff, that's a lot of work.

Snowcatcher said...

You have such a wonderful attitude. I hope everyone in your family is coping well with this new path. Your quilt is as beautiful as your faith.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

The airplanes are perfect. I have found that time spent remembering those moments while quilting really is sweet. I hope that you can continue to carve out time for yourself; it can be hard work doing all the estate work.

Kat said...

Very nice, simple but effective quilt. It’s good to have quilting to help us work through our grief. Estate work is no fun, so do it when you can and allow yourself breaks from it. 🤗

Delighted Hands said...

this quilt is a beautiful 'distraction' for you. I think you will need many more moments over the months ahead!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Take your time getting back to normal. It's ok.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Fabulous finish, Alycia! Hang on to those memories as you sort out the estate stuff. Challenging times to go through. Sending quilty hugs!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Another lovely finish with all those wonderful plaids. (There cannot be too many!) Memories of those you loved so dearly are such a cherished gift. They can live in your heart and mind forever.

Judy in Michigan said...

You had 34 responses for Finished...Friday!! I think that is a record! Carry on!!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. Having things to quilt, including adding lovely airplanes on them is a good thing. I wish you and your family all the best.