Monday, January 31, 2022

String Blocks on the Design Wall

 I got it into my head that it would be fun to make a string block a day.

However - when I make string blocks - I make a HUGE mess on my sewing table.... do you?

I stuck with it, and will continue - I have more strings... but I may have to got to 2 blocks every other day - so I don't make such a mess.... maybe.... I am known to be messy - and take over the whole house....

My January Progress :

There really are 31 blocks - I just forgot to add the two under the needle.... 

Obviously I have a TON of Patriotic Strings - so they will need to be depleted.

And then on the right - the left overs from another quilt that I started out of my friends Fabrics. I am really liking this color palette.... its antiquey!

Oh! and!! I started cleaning out some of my fabric bins - just in case there are some things that I don't see myself using in the next 100 years ( I have a lot of fabric to sew up, I need to stick around)

So I've listed a few things in my  Quiltygirl Etsy Store

check out these Orientals.. 28 FQ's - pretty cool

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday     Monday Making    Midweek makers

Friday, January 28, 2022

OCC Hats, beanies and ..... Finished ( or Not) Friday

 I know its not quite the end of January - but I am ready to make my January Hats report!

Since the Color of the Month ( Rainbow Scrap Challenge) was Red - I headed to Joanns to get some Red yarn...

Check out that yarn - like 1000 Yards of it!! Holee Cow!
I wondered how many hats you could get from it...

I also had a little bit of red in my stash - so added that to this red and!

I got 6 Red hats out of it!!! I know there is a cream on in there - but that is what I was working on when the color was called out... and you know... I had to finish it !

I also got a little creative: 

I made two of these - one was claimed quickly - and the other I put on Etsy. I figured if I could sell a hat or two, I could buy more yarn... always thinking ... I am!!!

And then I thought - what if I go the other way? and ta-da!! This one was made:  

Funny thing - it was claimed too! 

So I got 10 hats done this month - 7 will go to M

I already took her these 18:

Her goal for 2022 is 700 Hats.... That's a huge goal - but! i think she can do it!

So!!! What have you been up to? Share you Finishes!!!    

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Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

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Thursday, January 27, 2022

Chicken Cordon Bleu casserole

 Look at that - I am cooking again!!

My kids have always loved Chicken Cordon Bleu. We used to buy them premade from the Schwans man. And they were covered in a yummy coating ( like flour and corn meal) 

when I had to go Gluten Free - we had to nix those.... and kept searching for a great substitute.

Then my Dad needed to reduce carbs and! Who knew if you search Keto - you get a ton of yummy recipes? And I found on for a Chicken Cordon Bleu Casserole.   and it was yummy:

Link to the Recipe

Here is the first problem - when you make it in the proportions in the recipe and then you have Two college age kids decide to join you, No one gets very much..... and so

We tripled it!

My Neighbor raises Chickens - Did you know you can cook a WHOLE chicken in the insta-pot? Oh ya!! So this is farm fresh Chicken - shredded, and then! My Favorite little 4H kid raised a Hog for me - so that is Farm fresh Ham..... Diced

This is the Cordon Bleu sauce ( blurry - its hard to take a photo while stirring). It calls for a little bit of Wine - if you don't have wine you can use a little extra lemon juice, or a little water. I made the guys go get me a WHOLE bottle of wine!

Then you mix in all up and put in in a pan

Cover it with swiss cheese - don't laugh at my cheese.... I had issues....

And ta da!! it is done.....

And then you wonder why you tripled it.... maybe you should have 4x's it so someone would have leftovers!!!

Gluten Free/ LowCarb Chicken Cordon Bleu

oh!! and if your one of those moms ( hand raised) that tries to hide veggies in the food - you can add broccoli and its just as yummy !!

Wednesday, January 26, 2022

Road to California quilt block?

 I saw this quilt on Instagram ( Cindys Antique quilts)

She called it a Road to California, but when I google that - its not quite the same block as you find when you google....

However!!! I LOVED THE QUILT she showed... and so

I am making it myself!

Maybe I shall rename it... 

  • "Road to my Colorado home"
  • "icy Roads"
  • "Winter Roads"
hmmm the possibilities!!

These blocks are slow going for me, I am actually using small pieces!!!
But I love how they are turning out!

Linking to:
Midweek Makers  at Quilt Fabrication

Tuesday, January 25, 2022

A Colorado Outing

 It snowed here - New Years Eve... and the snow didn't melt

And then it snowed again.... and that snow hasn't melted.

Its unusual for this area of Colorado to have snow on the ground for so long - and the rest of the state is getting sun and 40+ degrees temps. My ranch is stuck in the ice bowl and the highs have been 27F

Not a complaint - that means the snow will melt in nice and deep, and I have no good reason to go anywhere - I can blame it on the roads ( or lack of the sight of the roads).... all that to say...

We decided to go hiking. See I did need an out - but not a grocery shopping/chores kinda outing.

and off we went.  But! I kind of forgot to check the weather in detail where we were going, and got out my thermal lined pants, my long john shirt, t shirt, sweatshirt and hiking jacket.... and we got there . It was cold.

See the ice? 
and it was Bright Blue

20 minutes in the jacket went into the backpack

40  minutes in the sweatshirt went in to the backpack
and it was gorgeous!!! it was about 35 degrees, and sunny and there was still ice in spots. The trail we took was along a river. So I was super careful on that ice - I did not want to swim - even though I was finally warm!

and then the trail ended into this:

I said - I bet we can cross that , we just have to not step on the wrong piece of wood.
You go first!!! My poor husband -  but he laughed and went across.... I patiently waited... I mean - if he was going in there was no sense in both of us getting wet!

And then I made it across

A mile or so later we hit this bridge...

It looks more like a bridge - but if you note.... It ends before you get to the other shore!!! and the ice on the rocks was a little slippery - So I brushed the ice off, and said - you go first!!! I am thinking that my husband may never hike with me again.... but he did it!

We think it was two years ago that this area burned .. can you see all the burnt trees?  I think it will come back but it was a devastated area....

We hiked about 3 miles out and turned back around - I thought I would show you the wood bridge from the other side.... I still think it was pretty sketchy.

And see - he went first again!!! To make sure there was a clear path.

We also had to do a little photo shoot. Our kids got him a Duff Beer Cooler - he was a big fan of the Simpsons when it first came out ( the later seasons.... not so much) but 

We packed our drinks and snacks in it!!! It kept everything nice and cool for us when we got back to the car!

And then we went back to our house, had another ice storm, and I have no excuses to travel again haha!

Monday, January 24, 2022

Red ( for RSC) Buffalo Plaid aka Gingham

 With my Friends bag of Red Scraps at my feet I made a snap Decision!

In the bag - was a stack of Red and Cream 6 1/2 inch squares.... and I thought - I bet!!

I could make one of those little buffalo plaid/gingham style quilts....and away I went to my design wall!

I laid them all out, did a few repositioning of squares - and Look at that!!
her pieces made a full layout.

It will be about 30 x 42 when it is done....Isn't that just cute?

And then.... I started playing in the rest of the reds - well - these aren't really a bright red , they are a muted red - what is that color called?   I called it antique red?

Linking with:\

Friday, January 21, 2022

Pink Triangles... ( I have no creative name for it!) ...and Finished! ( or not) Friday!

 I can not think of a creative name for this quilt - or even the name that I called it when I started it... I am drawing a big Pink Blank!!

BUT!!! I can tell you that today!!! IT IS FINISHED!!!

That's all that matters right?

My "To finish pile" is actually shrinking ( go me!)

I found these fabrics on sale at Sew Downtown ( in Greeley CO) and bought a yard ish of each, brought them home and put them on the table and decided to make triangles.....
and I made Triangles until I was tired of them

Put them up on the design wall , and arranged and re-arranged, and then one day said - that is it!
and A top them became.....

And then I added some really crazy Quilting.  and then....

Are you sitting down for this part?    I BOUND IT!  ( Quilting and binding in the same 12 months!!! - actually - it was the SAME month!! I KNow!!!)

And now - it will be listed in my Quiltygirl Etsy Store.... and we start the next one to finish!!!

So!!! What have you been up to? Share you Finishes!!!    

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Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

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Thursday, January 20, 2022

T Rex Tacos

Only cuz I like to prove that I do cook....

I introduce you to 


Isn't that the coolest Taco holder ever?

I saw it and knew - I had to have it!!

One of my sons is so interested in Paleontology - I knew he would get a kick out of it!

So!! I made tacos and T Rex helped out!!!

Just wait - I might even learn a special recipe to share with you sometime ( although - please - do not hold your breath!!!)

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

The Bags of Scraps

 Remember I told you about my Friend and her bag of scraps?

That is what the trunk of my car looked like!

I hit the jackpot!!!

When you get a windfall like this , what is the first thing you do?

So far the first thing I did was play in the browns.

See the design wall post from Monday

Then I remembered that RED was the RSC color for January - so I grabbed the Red bag.

and then!! I sorted thru and found the Patriotic colors

Those all went with my to my sew day - My Quilters HAD a BLAST playing with them!!

What would you do next?

PS - My Main Man - My main Squeeze says Hi!!!

Linking to:

Midweek makers at Quilt Fabrication

Tuesday, January 18, 2022

My Quilt ladder started something

 In May of last year - we had our wood floors refinished

In June I found a ladder and painted it teal for the kitchen/living room 

and then! 

I was ready to refinish the chairs at our 100 Year old dining room table.....


I couldn't find what  I wanted .... all I knew is that old yellow fabric was really outdated now - my Kitchen is Teal/Navy and white...

And quite frankly , yellow ( gold to be more realistic)

just didn't match.

and then I found it!! the color I wanted on my chairs. I got the fabric, got my staple gun out, and we realized my staple gun was not as industrial as it should have been.

The men ran to town and got an industrialized staple gun and

We got to work. And by We - I mean my husband and son. I am a great director!! ( dictator anyone?)

When they were taking the old stuff off, we actually found the original fabric. Seems like when they put that on there it was staying FOREVER!! and whoever had refinished these next just fabriced over it....

Ohhh Progress - doesn't that teal just look so much better than the yellow?

Ta da!!

and now the kitchen/dining room is done!!

( pray for our older appliances - that they at least make it to Christmas 2022!)

just so you know.... when we started the kitchen, someone flooded the bathroom ( her name shall not be mentioned here) . Now that the kitchen is entirely finished - its time to head back to the bathroom and finish it!

Monday, January 17, 2022

A brown Design wall


A friend of mine said - hey I have some fabric scraps for you - and I met her in the parking lot and she handed me A LOT of fabric scraps!!

The first bag I took into the house was filled with browns - so I immediately grabbed 9 Fat Quarters and got to work!

And ta da - I made 9 Turning Twenty blocks and soon... it will be a lap quilt!!

Just so you know - there were more bags.... stay tuned....

Linked to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making

Friday, January 14, 2022

A Marvelous Quilt Finish.... and Finished ( or not ) Friday

 I have a finish.... I have a finish... you can see me happy dancing and singing that right?

This is the Marvelous Mystery ( L1) that I ran but the pattern was written by Linda (   and I LOVE it!!

We did the mystery in 2019 and I did not get mine completely finished - but this works for me, because now it is complete - and! I have a home for it. 

So this makes it a new quilt!! ( right??)

I won't tell you yet who it goes to - but as I was binding it - their faces came to me!!! and now I will make it happen. 

and the Quilting - I love these photos - where you can see the detail.....

it makes me happy - and!! it proves I quilted it haha!

PS - Interested in an easy peasy lemon squeezy  mystery?
Stop Tossing info here

And now!!! it is your turn to link up your finishes:

Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)

Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

Please - link back to this post so others can join in

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****************************the end*************

Also linking to
TGIF Friday at the Quilting Patch

Thursday, January 13, 2022

Lobster Mac n Cheese vs Crab Fettucine

 When we traveled to Boston - you may remember my husband had Lobster Mac n Cheese?

it was photo worthy

he kept raving at how good it was, and how he would like it again....

and so - I decided to try - 

except - i didn't have Lobster, it had to be gluten free, and I didn't have Macaroni Noodles...


I had Crab, I know how to make alfredo sauce - and ! I had gf rotini noodles and so!

I cooked!!! My Crab did not come with a shell, and I couldn't really think of a good replacement - so!! It just got put on a plate - sprinkled with parmesan and mozzerella and broiled to perfection

Just for a comparison:

it may not have been as photo worthy - but it sure was yummy!!!

Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Stop Tossing - a NEW Mystery Quilt 4 Military (a Quilt of Valor)

 My dear Mystery Quilts 4 Military group has been SO patient with me....

However - I am now proud to announce!!!

A NEW Mystery is going to start!!

This will be a super easy, beginner friendly Mystery Quilt

It will finish at 61 x 81 inches

There will be NO half squares ( there's a few of you that will get that joke)

The Fabric Requirements and a few cutting Instructions will be announced on February 2nd

the First Clue will come out February 16th

I won't tell you how many clues - but its a fast , quick, fun mystery that will jump start your quilting mojo!!

I will post the clues here on my blog - but! the come faster for my Mystery Quilts 4 Military group - so if you want the jump = or to be in on the conversations - go join there.

Hope you join in

and if you don't - it it totally okay - I will still be your friend - promise!

Tuesday, January 11, 2022


 We finally got snow!!!

It came on News Years Eve - and we were so excited .... of course, the roads were dangerous, there were accidents, and road closures - so We had to rough it at home.   ( which is not roughing it for me, I am a homebody and prefer to stay here!)

But we all had fun - we ate too much, watched goofy movies and the next morning....

We had to check out how deep the snow was!!  We thought about taking the snow shoes but then thought  nah - there wasn't that much. and then in a few places - it was a foot deep!! oh Ya!!!!

We got another snow storm a few days later - and I tell you - it makes a heart happy when she can see the moisture staying on the ground. Now for a nice slow melt and MORE snow!!!!