Friday, January 21, 2022

Pink Triangles... ( I have no creative name for it!) ...and Finished! ( or not) Friday!

 I can not think of a creative name for this quilt - or even the name that I called it when I started it... I am drawing a big Pink Blank!!

BUT!!! I can tell you that today!!! IT IS FINISHED!!!

That's all that matters right?

My "To finish pile" is actually shrinking ( go me!)

I found these fabrics on sale at Sew Downtown ( in Greeley CO) and bought a yard ish of each, brought them home and put them on the table and decided to make triangles.....
and I made Triangles until I was tired of them

Put them up on the design wall , and arranged and re-arranged, and then one day said - that is it!
and A top them became.....

And then I added some really crazy Quilting.  and then....

Are you sitting down for this part?    I BOUND IT!  ( Quilting and binding in the same 12 months!!! - actually - it was the SAME month!! I KNow!!!)

And now - it will be listed in my Quiltygirl Etsy Store.... and we start the next one to finish!!!

So!!! What have you been up to? Share you Finishes!!!    

Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)

Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project - not announcements .. that's not really in the spirit of the link up

Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment

Please - link back to this post so others can join in

***********Link up *****************

******** The end *******


Rtrittel said...

Congratulations - your quilt is lovely!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

I love pink! This is gorgeous; can't help but smile looking at it. What a great job you did!

Kat Scribner said...

Great finish, Alycia. I love the pink fabrics. Cant help you with a name for it, tho. The block triangle shape might have been a challenge?

Preeti said...

Your pink quilt is gorgeous. Call her whatever you want but I am naming her Lolita!!!

Annmarie said...

Your "Pinkie" is beautiful!!

Unknown said...

Fun fabric, perfect striped binding, and an AWESOME quilting job, Alyci1!! (The Joyful Quilter @ work.)

Nann said...

It's such a cheerful, lively quilt! The skinny strip around the pieced triangles adds great dimension. Great job, Alycia.

Snowcatcher said...

My first thought was sherbet... That's what the colors made me think of! Such pretty fabric, and gorgeous quilting, as usual!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

What a beautiful feature print. You have been doing so well getting your finishes bound!!! :)

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous quilting on the pink triangles. Was that done improv?

Linda Swanekamp said...

Great finish- the quilting is wonderful!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Perfect pattern for those lovely pink fabrics Alycia. And your quilting is lovely too!

Celine said...

Oh wow, this is such a cheerful quilt!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Such a pretty quilt and the quilting is amazing, Alycia. Happy quilting.

Delighted Hands said...

This is such a cheerful quilt--and I am not a fan of pink but I have to admit, this is a beautiful quilt!

Karen's Korner said...

Congratulations on your lovely finish.

Tami C said...

I've never thought about sewing triangles together... probably because I've never had any! lol I love your quilt and the fabrics you picked for it! I've never been in Sew Downtown. I'll have to check it out.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Beautiful pink triangles quilt! The quilting is awe-inspiring!

Kate said...

Congrats on another finish! The quilting looks great. You have been doing well on the finishing front.