These 10 quilts for the Warrior Games come from the Peninsula Piecemakers Quilt Guild of Newport News VA. Since 2007 this guild has sent out 430 Quilts of Valor to the wounded and families of those killed in action. Currently they are sending quilts to Bagram, Afghanistan, Ft Eustess Warrior Transition unit VA, and to Ft Hood TX.
These quilts were mailed off by Barb H the QOV Chair Person.
I love that she included this information.

I think it is very cool to see how other groups are involved in Quilts of Valor. There are so many needs, and it is awesome to see them getting filled!
Thanks Piecemakers!!!
I have been following your blog for a while so it was really cool to see the quilts that members of the guild I belong to pictured.
The last quilt is probably signature blocks from the Fall Festival. It is always touching to see how people react to being part of the quilt for wounded warriors.
From time to time I find myself waiting for my kids and time on my hands to do binding. One recent occasion was at the dentist's office. A guy waiting there asked me about the quilt, when I explained it was a QOV he told me he was a Vietnam vet. He really was interested in the quilt, the process of making a quilt, and he was obviously moved by the fact that strangers cared enough to make quilts for members of the Armed Forces.
Wow what a lot of quilts, how wonderful.
kathie L.
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