First off - the winner of the states game:
Congrats to Liz A. The # 1 State for quilts was Colorado at 225
Second was Illinois at 93
Third was Washington at 62
So Liz email me your addy and I will get a little something in the mail to you!! For some of the other states: TX was 18, MN was 9, NE was 9, OH was 14, AZ was 14, and WI was 41...Not too bad huh? You all amaze me - and I am so tickled to be able to get these quilts in the hands of the soldiers.....

Which leads me to the
Best Memorial day!
Deployment Number 2 : 166 quilts were handed out! It was wet and rainy and yet they still showed up for Morning Formation. The first picture is them starting to break from formation...and head over to see me ;-)
We kept the quilts inside the van, so they didn't get wet... it was just misty and a little rainy at times.

Remember when I told you that sometimes one door closes but another is opened? Well this was the first door. And I am learning to follow where the doors lead. A lot of the soldiers have a hard time making it to a "formal" presentation, either because of injuries, or doctor appts, or other things going on. This delivery allowed us to come to the soldiers - it made it very easy on them and was way cool.

The soldiers were very surprised. They had no clue anyone would want to do this for them, and they were so grateful for all of your hard work! There were some very serious smiles going on!
I have pictures pinned on the pillowcases, of the quilts, and as the soldier took the quilt I was able to tell them where most of them came from. And sometimes a little bit about the quilter. They were really excited to learn who made the quilt for them.
So again - let me thank you!! Thank you Thank you Thank you - there are 166 more happy soldiers in the world today. Soldiers that are feeling the love!!
Ya'all have done a good thing!!