Here we all are on the bus heading down the road. Lots of happy faces and dressed up kids!
The kids and teachers put together a little presentation to talk about what it takes to make a quilt. And what a Quilt of Valor is.
Then one of the students sang "I'm Proud to be an American" . She sang it a capella - and boy howdy does she have a set of pipes. I'll admit - I had a tear or two!
I have to tell you that this was a neat trip again. I will tell you that we truly did overwhelm them with the number of quilts, and the quilts were more than the soldiers in attendence.
But I have learned that when one door closes, God can open another one. I want to explain that over the next few days. And hope you all will still love me.
This delivery was a bit different for me because I feel so responsible for all of your quilts. And I wanted to get a photo of each soldier with the quilt that you made. But this wasn't meant to be. There are a lot of things in this world that make me happy - so I expect they will make others happy too, but they don't.
The air was different this time. The morale of the soldiers is not high. There are things happening on base everyday that we civilians aren't quite privy too, or are even able to comprehend. Wounded soldiers die every day. There is an awful lot of PTSD, and it effects everyone in such different ways. Even being afraid of kids, or to be in public, or of flashes of the camera.
I know many of you wanted the press to be there. I didn't, and as time went on in our prepping, the soldiers didn't either. They don't want to be a dog and pony show all the time, they don't want to have their problems and injuries on display all the time. These injuries are not badges that they want seen every day. So the press was not there. We did take photos, and will share them with you. I do have a couple of video clips - that once I figure out how to get them off the camera to the computer ( this is where Wrangler Man excels!!) I will get them to you.
I will probably mix posts of quilts received here, and of the soldiers, as I am still emotional. I learned that someone that I had known had taken his own life due to some complications of injuries, and this just breaks my heart. I am a fixer, and a do-er, and apparently I didn't get that he needed fixing. And if he could do that - how close are these soldiers to that edge? I want to help - not hurt any one of them, so need to present quilts to them on their own terms.
I think that the only thing that matters is that you were able to give a quilt to every soldier that wants one. For that, we are grateful for the time and effort that you have been putting into this project. If you have to change the mission a bit, I trust you to do the best thing. Thank you!
Thank you, it's enough (for me) to just know you were there and they received a quilt. They're so young ..... my heart goes out to each one.
Thank you for your heart and sacrifice for these brave men and women who have given so much for us. Each day, I look forward to your posts. I can tell that today's was a hard one for you. I didn't understand all of what you posted, but as Vicki said, I trust you to do the best thing as the time is right. God bless you!
Thank you, Alycia, for everything you have done. War is hell, and it takes such a toll on all those who have been in the midst of battle, violence and horror. Whatever direction the remaining quilts go in, I know it will fulfill needs that exist. We can't "fix" the wounded, but we can do our best to brighten their journeys just a little. Thank you again for facilitating the process. God Bless.....
Alycia, bless you for taking on this enormous task and for having the wisdom to know the right thing to do. This project isn't about getting fame and glory, it is about bringing comfort to the soldiers. Thank you for allowing us to come along on your journey. We are all here to support you in any way we can.
I'm praying for you and the kids and the soldiers too
Knowing when something needs to NOT be done is a gift all by itself. Hope the day was good for everybody who took part. Thanks for all you and the kids do to support some of our truly battle-weary and their families.
Shari in AZ
Alycia, thank you for all that YOU have done. YOU provided the opportunity and incentive for some of us who would not otherwise have known how to reach out to these soldiers. YOU coordinated a massive effort to help US do that. Whatever decisions you make, or wherever the contributed quilts go, we appreciate and thank you for all the work that YOU have done.
Personally, I'm so glad the press wasn't there. The important thing is that these quilts get to the soldiers who not only need them, but are ready to accept them. I know you will do what's best with each quilt that you have. Hugs to you and I'm honored to have been able to follow along on this journey with you.
God Bless,
You have stayed in task for a whole year!!! And I feel you need to turn the page for a month or so.
The quilts will be in safe keeping with you. No one should expect all to be done in a day or week.
And as far as the press goes, we all like out privacy and so do the wounded.
We all need to respect this and let them heal, both mentally and physically.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. He is in Gods' hands now.
And tell all the kids I said thank you to them as well!!
The soldiers needs are put first, just as it should be. I'm sure many of the soldiers are fighting intensely personal demons as a result of their injuries. I know that Iraqi children were on occasion used to lure US troops to be in harms way. God works in mysterious ways, and the most any of us can do is extend the hand of thanks.
Just seeing all the quilts on your blog is enough for me. I'd rather have the soldiers feel good about themselves than pose for a picture they don't want to be in. You have handled the delivery correctly. I'm sorry about your friend ... you need to grieve for him and keep him close to your heart. One day at a time, Alycia. Take care and bless YOU
Alycia, I am so thankful you were wise and sensitive enough to do the right thing for these soldiers. It IS all about them, after all!
You did EXACTLY the right thing. I am so sorry about the loss of your friend. I don't think any of us question what you are going to do with ANY of the quilts we sent you. We trust you to know the right thing to do with them and will stand behind you the whole way!
I can tell this has been something that has touched you deeply and am sure it touched the students and others involved as well. Thank all of you for doing this!
Bari B - MO
Try not to worry about what others want or think - you're the one on the ground and I'm sure you're doing your best to see that quilts get to those that need them. However that happens is just fine with me. Of course, respecting the wishes of the soldiers and working with the circumstances you have determine how things are done. There's no doubt in my mind the quilts will all find a home.
Thanks for sharing the stories with us. I'm so sorry to read that someone you knew had killed himself. Just this last week I'd been calling back and forth with both of my sons because their father had tried to do the same and was in the hospital. I don't have contact with him and my sons have some limited contact but as you can imagine it was very difficult for them too.
You've done a wonderful job with the QOV this year and have inspired so many people. Thanks!
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