Friday, October 09, 2020

Tutorials, pattern releases and.... Finished ( or not) Friday

 Last week, On Finished ( or not) Friday... there were some great pattern releases and tutorials - and I want to make them all, and I think you should too!

No excuses that you have too many projects, projects make us all live longer, and get up earlier in the morning... Right?  (if its not true, do NOT tell me, cuz I have a lot of new starts!)

the first one - released by Cynthia - of Quilting is more fun than Housework... is called 

Scrap:Mixology - Well Suited  and I LOVE IT!!!  I mean seriously - that girl has a knack for amazing scrap quilts, and well.... you want this!  there are no less that 4 ideas I am ready to try - this is a VALUE!!!!

NEXT - a perfect tutorial for a perfectly timed tabletopper!

Sunshine in the Attic  showed this awesome table topper... AND shared a tutorial on how to make it!

and then.... Quilting Jet Girl - released this cool pattern...Pistils and Pollen.

I tell you she is a master at taking a technique and creating something really really really cool with it!~!

the large printed links will take you to their blog posts all about these patterns... go you!! find a new project!

Alright!! Now for your time to shine!! What did you Finish  ( or not)  BRAG away....

add a backlink so others can gawk too!!




Kate said...

All way too tempting as new starts!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Thanks, Alycia!

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Alycia! No finish for me today . . . and I don't really NEED any temptations . . . but I can't help but look, right?! Happy Friday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

Mrs. Goodneedle said...

Love, love, love that table topper~ yep-- too much temptation out there!

grammajudyb said...

The Halloween table topper is sooooo cute! And Cynthia's modules are going to be so fun!
Yvonne hit this new one out of the park! Pistels and Pollen! Awesome~~~~

The Joyful Quilter said...

Thanks for the link to that Halloween table topper, Alycia! I somehow missed that one.

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful suggestions! the table topper is very cute!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, thanks for sharing those new patterns. It's always great to see these new babies. Good luck with what ever you start :-) Take care!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Thanks for the pattern shout out Alycia. I was late to this week's party. But I am looking forward to seeing what people shared.

Have a great week!