Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A new block to use up my 5 inch squares

I had sorta, kinda, maybe , thought that doing my Lightning Streak quilts for 2024 RSC would help clean up my 5 inch square bin. But! I am also sabotaging that progress by cutting more squares from my scraps.

I started looking for another fast and quick little block that I could use as a Leader/Ender - and use my 5 inch squares. I found the Diamond Chain block on MSQC. I know I have made this before, but! In my search - that is one that appealed to me.

I started playing with my pieces and then I started reading blogs. ( remember I told you I was a little behind?)  

So I was Reading "Quilting is more Fun than Housework" - and she is starting another compassion quilt block drive - and GUESS WHAT?  Its ALMOST the same block! And I know HOW TO DO IT!!!

She's calling it a Jewel Box Block

Stolen from Cynthias page so you will make some for her

Isn't that a cool colorway/design? Love the use of the Black and white - so I will dig around in my squares to make a few for her. I think she said they are making quilts for teens - so bright colors! ✔

but then!!! you have to go to Nanns With Strings Attached and see her Buckeye Beauty - another way to show off this block.!

its TOO much fun to see that there are so many ways to do this one!! I LOVE it!! 

Oh!!! and would you like to see my Baby Reno? He is 3 1/2 months old now and I still love him.

He says - Good Morning!!!  His mane - it just CRACKS me up!!!

and here is is with momma - eating and goofing around!


Vicki in MN said...

I like your pretty colors, this will be a gorgeous quilt.

Momma Llama said...

The 'Buckeye Block' is a good quick ''go to'' for scraps and creates a great quilt. The block has a variety of names. When I first saw your blocks, I said, they looked just like the ones that I am doing ''Quilting is more fun than Housework''. I always enjoy reading what you share on your blog. Thanks for inspiration.
Sunshine and Smiles, Donna

Linda said...

What pretty blocks! It's always dangerous for me to look at your blog - you are always doing blocks I want to make! Yesterday I started playing with a block you showed on your blog on March 6, 2023! Sheesh Alycia - you are one of my worst squirrel inducers - LOL!
Baby Reno is so adorable!

Quiltdivajulie said...

Reno is such a character! And I agree about your squirrel inspiring ideas!

Sara said...

Baby Reno is very cute. That crazy mane gives him such personality. I love your new block plans - and I just might have to give those a try too since I've been clearing up other blocks sets lately.

Rebecca Grace said...

Those new blocks are looking great with your scraps! And isn't that always the way -- the more you try to use up scraps, the more scraps you inadvertently create! :-) said...

MSQC has a great technique for this pattern! I like where your project is going! Reno is as handsome as ever!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

Those are great blocks! I love the design they're making. It's so interesting how you can just change the orientation of the HSTs and get a completely different design, like in Cynthia's blocks. Little Reno is adorable!

Delighted Hands said...

I like the new blocks you are making! Reno is a beauty!

Kate said...

Both your version and Cynthia's are great for using up odd and ends. I've used up some 4.5" strips and some left over yardage from a couple of quilts.

Kathleen said...

Both blocks are great and you are so good at using up your scraps. I only aspire to it...and usually pass them on as I get overwhelmed by them. Love that baby, Reno, so beautiful.