Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday and stuff

Good Monday Morning!!

Yesterday was our QOV sew day - I'm pretty excited to see how all these quilts turn out . as I get photos - I will share.

But!! K and I got to head to one of my most favorite VFW’s Friday night and award Quilts of Valor !

I had an Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine !! I thought that was pretty cool to represent!!
When we started Quilts of Valor in Colorado (21yrs ago) - 6 months later I got to get 80 5th graders involved in making these quilts . But when you start something from the ground level, you forget you need resources .
When the Adamson Warmuth VFW heard what we were doing they immediately provided funds for those resources.

It’s pretty cool to have the support but then be able to love on them back πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ❤️❤️πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

I have a little bit of Growth on my Buckeye Beauty Blocks - I am thinking I will continue making them until this is a 2 person quilt size. Or at least that is the plan at this moment.

and stuff...
Daisy Turned 3:

She is not a fan of sitting still and thinks taking time for photos is dumb.
She would prefer to chase the ball , herd the cows , and run in the arena ❤️
She almost has us trained to her will πŸ™‚

Baby Bella tried to show her up in the posing :

Just to prove it could be done, but what you don't see - Daisy is glaring at Bella telling her she is a Know it all ... These girls... too funny!!

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