Monday, September 09, 2024

Buckeye Beauty, Jewel Box and oh!! look a Squirrel!!!

 I might have told my Husband that Cynthia needed these blocks for her block drive - and that I was the ONLY one that could make them ( in this house) and because he doesn't always hear me.... I got to sew... uninterrupted. It did help that  Broncos football was on TV...

Blocks are winging her way!!

I have growth on my Buckeye Beauty blocks. I decided that had to be their name. My Dad was a Die Hard Michigan College football fan - so what better way to tease his legacy than by having a Buckeye in the house . ( If you don't know - its cuz Ohio and Michigan were bitter rivals during his time, I have no idea if they still are or not, because well - football haha)

And I already have a favorite Block:

My friend called and said she was getting rid of some fabric - did I want it? So she dropped it off, and I looked at it - and immediately pulled out these Crazy fat Quarters. I added white and that hot pink in the center.... and oh boy!!!  

This one was not on my list. Remember the list that I so carefully made and was determined to stick to. Sure, you know me too well..... 

At least its cute , right?

And then - I got to go pick apples! Our apple trees have gone NUTS!! I have about 8 pie fillings already made. There are still more apples on the tree!!! If you need me today, I will probably still be peeling and cutting apples.... And quilting and Walking dogs... I am starting a new walking challenge ...hmmmm

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Gretchen Weaver said...

You'll enjoy the apple filling this winter, so easy to make a pie! Love your buckeye blocks and yes, Michigan and Ohio still have their ongoing rivalry. The churn dash blocks looks great, going to be another awesome quilt. Happy stitching!

Anonymous said...

Yes, the Ohio State - Michigan rivalry is still going strong.

Nann said...

UM vs OSU: still rivals! (DH got his first graduate degree at UM.) If you don't want to call them Buckeyes you can call them Jewel Boxes! I made batches of both recently (autumn colors seem to be more like buckeyes, jewel tones like jewel boxes). Apple season!! Isn't Colorado somewhat arid for apples?

Linda said...

Love all your blocks! You've already started two squirrels just this week in my sewing room, so I'm refusing to think about those cute churn dashes! One is a block you posted about March 06, 2023, and I had saved the info and had to make one this week. The other is the Buckeye/Diamond Chain blocks. I watched Jenni's tutorial on MSQ and am getting ready to make a block.

Sara said...

I'm being tempted again - by doing more churn dashes, but with a fun bright color in the middle like yours. So cute! Love those Buckeye Beauties too, and actually have some planned. But I'm trying not to touch them until I finish that bag this week. said...

Those apple pie fillings will come in handy this winter. . .An apple pie is comfort food to me. Eight pie fillings. . .YUM! Love those blocks and yep. . .I can relate to the squirrel. . .I went down that path too!

sue s said...

I love apple pie season! And I also love my Michigan Wolverines! So silly; I find it impossible to ever root for Ohio State! Maize and Blue runs deep in our family- 3 generations so far. Also, I have just finished what I am calling a Jewel Box quilt top, and it's in the pile to be quilted. It's a nice pattern.

chrisknits said...

Totally understand that squirrel, the fabric is adorable!!! Still bitter rivals.

Kate said...

Both projects are coming along beautifully. I'm making blocks for Cynthia. I was only going to make 8 and then decided that wasn't enough!