Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Laurie B's QOV

 That rhymes.... it made my day to have that happen!!

I received a Quilt top in the mail from one of our Colorado QOV'ers 

Isn't it great!!

I just love being a part of a team effort!! I got it quilted, and Sunday someone from my group took it to bind,,,, LOVE all the love that goes into these Quilts of Valor...

( I know I'm preaching to to choir with our quilters, but seriously!!)

Probably you know this - But I am not allowed in the garden other that to turn on water when K tells me to.... I scare plants apparently. BUT!! I am responsible for watering the trees - and this year I must have done a good job -the Apple trees just keep producing!!

So!!  Here is my Apple Crisp - from tree to dessert in 2 hours!!! 

Dessert *Its what's for dinner* 

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