Friday, September 06, 2024

Wedding Quilt and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Remember my Cool Country Wedding I got to go to ? Well, of course I had to make them a quilt ! As soon as we were told of the engagement, I asked the couple what their favorite colors were .  I assumed I would get two - but nope ! They have the same favorite color !! 

So I asked for a second anyways... and this is what I came up with :

Their Favorite color was Maroon, and she also liked sage green - I thought that was a great color combination!! Of course - you just have to incorporate some plaid in there, and maybe even a paisley or two!

I didn't know if the weather was going to like me or not to get an outdoor photo - so I took one inside too. I like the layout that I came up with. There is a Random Pattern to it 😊

I quilted Feathers all over it. Those are just my favorite!!

AND of course - backed it with PLAID!

In my mind I was making this about 80 inches long. But then I remembered that he is a tall one!! so I made it longer - 91 inches! Enough to cover his feet!!

Now here's the best part. I didn't take their gift to the wedding, I thought I'll just meet up with them after. And so I did, but when I pulled it out - she said - He was looking for your gift!! He just knew you had to have made us something, and was sad to not see something in the pile.  His Mom told him not to worry - I was probably just going to deliver it.  Which TOTALLY made me laugh - as I thought I was keeping a secret..... That means they know me too well right?

Anyways - they loved it and it made me happy. All is right in my world!

What is up in your world?
Link your Direct post and let us Ohh and Ahh over it!!

*******************Link up *****************

****************The end***************************

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maggie fellow said...

great layout for the churndashes

Linda said...

That turned out beautifully! I love the churn dash distribution, and the colors/prints are so cozy. Love that he was looking for a quilt - so sweet!

Donna said...

Love the wedding quilt! That’s got to make you feel good when the groom is looking for the quilt!

Momma Llama said...

WOW!! This is a great quilt and one that is sure to be treasured for years.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Wonderful wedding present and great design. I love those feathers also.

Cathy said...

Gorgeous quilt, great story and lucky recipients!

Delighted Hands said...

Wow, what a present for their wedding! Just a beautiful quilt!

Vicki in MN said...

Beautiful, I love the randomness of the churns and that there are big and small churn dashes.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

What a lucky couple. I love the layout. The churndash/monkey wrench block gives a nod to the wedding ring block, so is perfect for the occasion. Like you, I never tire of feathers, particularly meandering ones. The perfect country quilt.

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

I have never met a Churn Dash that I did not like! I love it, Alycia. Beautiful quilting as well. Have a great weekend. Hugs.

Kate said...

What a great wedding gift! And you finished it before the wedding, that's a real accomplishment.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

What a nice quilt, and and wonderful story to go with it! Yes, I guess they know you all right!

Anne-Marie said...

Love it!

Sue Edberg said...

I love this quilt. The colors are fantastic together and your layout is wonderful. I might have to save this for an idea. I love making churn dashes. Great job.

Kathleen said...

They are one lucky couple! It is a beauty and the color scheme is a fun one! I love the story of the groom looking for the gift; they do know you too well.

Vicki W said...

That quilt is beautiful! I always love churn dash quilts.