Friday, September 20, 2024

Raspberry Sherbet Betty D and!! Finished (or not ) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!!  It has been a little crazy week around here ... so! Sit back, and hang on for the ride haha!!

My Quilt guild was SO lucky to have Melva from come and speak on her Storytelling Quilts!! it was so cool to learn how she came up with them, see them in real life, and of course!! Pepper her with Questions. It was such a great time.

I even won one of her books, and of course purchase the WWII one! My husband grabbed it right away when I got home and was entranced!!

But!! Before Melva got to speak - I spent a lot of time in the ER. 

I do have to say - I have my husband and sons trained. Last Friday I got a call - *Mom. I am okay... but....* and I am so grateful he led with that.

Then Tuesday morning I got a call *Lis - I am okay but... * and I said NO I don't want these calls anymore! My poor husband was rear ended pretty badly. He was on the highway behind a line of cars that was stopped as a Silage Truck at the front was making a left turn. So he was pretty much stopped.

A driver in a truck with a trailer carrying a tractor was going about 60 and did not get stopped, as he hit the side of my husbands car, went into the ditch , and was going so fast he came out of the ditch back on to the highway.

Here's the bad part - He was driving an ALLO Fiber truck, but the insurance card he gave the state trooper had a valid date - the insurance company says he was not paid up. I don't understand how that works - a COMPANY vehicle had private insurance out of date? Anyways - we called our insurance company and I hope to heck they pursue this guys insurance. Our car is totaled.....

Of course the car is just a car - my husband , on the other hand , is not replaceable. But he is doing okay ( minor concussion and soreness) so there's that...

Did you think I forgot about Finishing something? HECK NO!!  I am on it!!

I got this pretty little Betty D Quilt finished!!! and Ms Bella made sure it laid FLAT!!

I like the outside photos better, they are true to color. and I found a pretty striped backing to use . I think it compliments the quilt well. 

Today - I am starting to feel caught up from this week. So fingers crossed it sails smoothly for a few days!! WE have our Jelly Roll QOV sew day this weekend - and i Want to have fun!!!

NOW!!! What did you finish ( or not) in the Quilting world this week?

* Give u your direct link!! 

* visit a lot and leave a comment

* Happy Quilting

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have a great week!!

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