Friday, September 27, 2024

Orange Rainbow Scrap Challenge FINISH!! and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

 Whoo hoo - Got my last RSC Finish in for the year!!!!!

This was August's top - now Septembers finished quilt.

This is still my Lightning Streak quilt - but I was going for a Corn Maze look - sort of.... I mean - you can get lost in here, and probably not get out. but the idea was there

I quilted it in Fall Leaves

and I found a LARGE piece of Orange in my stash for the back

and then the sun was just bright, so I had to photograph it is a few places... I wanted that quilting to show up!

I bound it in the plaid - and it is on the back of our couch right now. Just a funny - we have three couches - Bella has claimed one, Daisy has claimed one - and the third? I have to put a laundry basket on it so they won't bother my quilts.  ( their couches have blankets covering them so I can make sure the hair doesn't go crazy)

I know RSC is still going and September was darks -  but from now until Christmas... my stitching time is limited - so I just QUILT all day ( whoo hoo) but I didn't want to start something I know I can't finish ;-)

Guess what day it is??? FRIDAY!! Link up your Finishes - or not Finishes!!!

*Direct Links Please!!

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Laurie B's QOV

 That rhymes.... it made my day to have that happen!!

I received a Quilt top in the mail from one of our Colorado QOV'ers 

Isn't it great!!

I just love being a part of a team effort!! I got it quilted, and Sunday someone from my group took it to bind,,,, LOVE all the love that goes into these Quilts of Valor...

( I know I'm preaching to to choir with our quilters, but seriously!!)

Probably you know this - But I am not allowed in the garden other that to turn on water when K tells me to.... I scare plants apparently. BUT!! I am responsible for watering the trees - and this year I must have done a good job -the Apple trees just keep producing!!

So!!  Here is my Apple Crisp - from tree to dessert in 2 hours!!! 

Dessert *Its what's for dinner* 

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Finished (or not) Friday at Alyciaquilts

Monday, September 23, 2024

Monday and stuff

Good Monday Morning!!

Yesterday was our QOV sew day - I'm pretty excited to see how all these quilts turn out . as I get photos - I will share.

But!! K and I got to head to one of my most favorite VFW’s Friday night and award Quilts of Valor !

I had an Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine !! I thought that was pretty cool to represent!!
When we started Quilts of Valor in Colorado (21yrs ago) - 6 months later I got to get 80 5th graders involved in making these quilts . But when you start something from the ground level, you forget you need resources .
When the Adamson Warmuth VFW heard what we were doing they immediately provided funds for those resources.

It’s pretty cool to have the support but then be able to love on them back 🇺🇸🇺🇸❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸

I have a little bit of Growth on my Buckeye Beauty Blocks - I am thinking I will continue making them until this is a 2 person quilt size. Or at least that is the plan at this moment.

and stuff...
Daisy Turned 3:

She is not a fan of sitting still and thinks taking time for photos is dumb.
She would prefer to chase the ball , herd the cows , and run in the arena ❤️
She almost has us trained to her will 🙂

Baby Bella tried to show her up in the posing :

Just to prove it could be done, but what you don't see - Daisy is glaring at Bella telling her she is a Know it all ... These girls... too funny!!

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Friday, September 20, 2024

Raspberry Sherbet Betty D and!! Finished (or not ) Friday!!

 Happy Friday!!!  It has been a little crazy week around here ... so! Sit back, and hang on for the ride haha!!

My Quilt guild was SO lucky to have Melva from come and speak on her Storytelling Quilts!! it was so cool to learn how she came up with them, see them in real life, and of course!! Pepper her with Questions. It was such a great time.

I even won one of her books, and of course purchase the WWII one! My husband grabbed it right away when I got home and was entranced!!

But!! Before Melva got to speak - I spent a lot of time in the ER. 

I do have to say - I have my husband and sons trained. Last Friday I got a call - *Mom. I am okay... but....* and I am so grateful he led with that. ( ps - he was okay - minor fender bender)

Then Tuesday morning I got a call *Lis - I am okay but... * and I said NO I don't want these calls anymore! My poor husband was rear ended pretty badly. He was on the highway behind a line of cars that was stopped as a Silage Truck at the front was making a left turn. So he was pretty much stopped.

A driver in a truck with a trailer carrying a tractor was going about 60 and did not get stopped, as he hit the side of my husbands car, went into the ditch , and was going so fast he came out of the ditch back on to the highway.

Here's the bad part - He was driving an ALLO Fiber truck, but the insurance card he gave the state trooper had a valid date - the insurance company says he was not paid up. I don't understand how that works - a COMPANY vehicle had private insurance out of date? Anyways - we called our insurance company and I hope to heck they pursue this guys insurance. Our car is totaled.....

Of course the car is just a car - my husband , on the other hand , is not replaceable. But he is doing okay ( minor concussion and soreness) so there's that...

Did you think I forgot about Finishing something? HECK NO!!  I am on it!!

I got this pretty little Betty D Quilt finished!!! and Ms Bella made sure it laid FLAT!!

I like the outside photos better, they are true to color. and I found a pretty striped backing to use . I think it compliments the quilt well. 

Today - I am starting to feel caught up from this week. So fingers crossed it sails smoothly for a few days!! WE have our Jelly Roll QOV sew day this weekend - and i Want to have fun!!!

NOW!!! What did you finish ( or not) in the Quilting world this week?

* Give u your direct link!! 

* visit a lot and leave a comment

* Happy Quilting

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have a great week!!

Friday, September 13, 2024

Jelly Roll Finishes!! and Finished ( or not) Friday!

 I finished the Quilt of Valor Jelly Roll Race Prototype that my Sew group will be stitching this month!

National Jelly Roll day is the 21st and we should be stitching away!!!! 


My Sweet Daisy does not pose as well as my Sweet Bella - she is more drawn to the ball in my hand!!!

This is the back!

And then... just cuz I was on a Jelly Roll kick = I quilted the one that Vickie made at least years Jelly Roll sew day. She Embellished it with an EAGLE!!

I LOVE that Eagle on there!!!

And then - since we are on a Quilt of Valor Kick - I awarded Some Quilts of Valor to these amazing Veterans:

One gentleman, a Marine, served in the Korean War at Chosin reservoir.

If that’s not a battle you are familiar with I suggest you research it , it’s incredible .
When we were at Quantico we were able to go to the Marine Corp museum. One of the rooms was set up to replicate Chosin Reservoir, and the temperature was freezing .

Now it is your turn!!
What amazing things did you finish (or not) this week??

Remember to link up your direct post
The link up stay open until Sunday at noon Colorado time
Share away!!

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Monday, September 09, 2024

Buckeye Beauty, Jewel Box and oh!! look a Squirrel!!!

 I might have told my Husband that Cynthia needed these blocks for her block drive - and that I was the ONLY one that could make them ( in this house) and because he doesn't always hear me.... I got to sew... uninterrupted. It did help that  Broncos football was on TV...

Blocks are winging her way!!

I have growth on my Buckeye Beauty blocks. I decided that had to be their name. My Dad was a Die Hard Michigan College football fan - so what better way to tease his legacy than by having a Buckeye in the house . ( If you don't know - its cuz Ohio and Michigan were bitter rivals during his time, I have no idea if they still are or not, because well - football haha)

And I already have a favorite Block:

My friend called and said she was getting rid of some fabric - did I want it? So she dropped it off, and I looked at it - and immediately pulled out these Crazy fat Quarters. I added white and that hot pink in the center.... and oh boy!!!  

This one was not on my list. Remember the list that I so carefully made and was determined to stick to. Sure, you know me too well..... 

At least its cute , right?

And then - I got to go pick apples! Our apple trees have gone NUTS!! I have about 8 pie fillings already made. There are still more apples on the tree!!! If you need me today, I will probably still be peeling and cutting apples.... And quilting and Walking dogs... I am starting a new walking challenge ...hmmmm

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Friday, September 06, 2024

Wedding Quilt and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!

Remember my Cool Country Wedding I got to go to ? Well, of course I had to make them a quilt ! As soon as we were told of the engagement, I asked the couple what their favorite colors were .  I assumed I would get two - but nope ! They have the same favorite color !! 

So I asked for a second anyways... and this is what I came up with :

Their Favorite color was Maroon, and she also liked sage green - I thought that was a great color combination!! Of course - you just have to incorporate some plaid in there, and maybe even a paisley or two!

I didn't know if the weather was going to like me or not to get an outdoor photo - so I took one inside too. I like the layout that I came up with. There is a Random Pattern to it 😊

I quilted Feathers all over it. Those are just my favorite!!

AND of course - backed it with PLAID!

In my mind I was making this about 80 inches long. But then I remembered that he is a tall one!! so I made it longer - 91 inches! Enough to cover his feet!!

Now here's the best part. I didn't take their gift to the wedding, I thought I'll just meet up with them after. And so I did, but when I pulled it out - she said - He was looking for your gift!! He just knew you had to have made us something, and was sad to not see something in the pile.  His Mom told him not to worry - I was probably just going to deliver it.  Which TOTALLY made me laugh - as I thought I was keeping a secret..... That means they know me too well right?

Anyways - they loved it and it made me happy. All is right in my world!

What is up in your world?
Link your Direct post and let us Ohh and Ahh over it!!

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Wednesday, September 04, 2024

A new block to use up my 5 inch squares

I had sorta, kinda, maybe , thought that doing my Lightning Streak quilts for 2024 RSC would help clean up my 5 inch square bin. But! I am also sabotaging that progress by cutting more squares from my scraps.

I started looking for another fast and quick little block that I could use as a Leader/Ender - and use my 5 inch squares. I found the Diamond Chain block on MSQC. I know I have made this before, but! In my search - that is one that appealed to me.

I started playing with my pieces and then I started reading blogs. ( remember I told you I was a little behind?)  

So I was Reading "Quilting is more Fun than Housework" - and she is starting another compassion quilt block drive - and GUESS WHAT?  Its ALMOST the same block! And I know HOW TO DO IT!!!

She's calling it a Jewel Box Block

Stolen from Cynthias page so you will make some for her

Isn't that a cool colorway/design? Love the use of the Black and white - so I will dig around in my squares to make a few for her. I think she said they are making quilts for teens - so bright colors! ✔

but then!!! you have to go to Nanns With Strings Attached and see her Buckeye Beauty - another way to show off this block.!

its TOO much fun to see that there are so many ways to do this one!! I LOVE it!! 

Oh!!! and would you like to see my Baby Reno? He is 3 1/2 months old now and I still love him.

He says - Good Morning!!!  His mane - it just CRACKS me up!!!

and here is is with momma - eating and goofing around!