Monday, July 29, 2024

Buckets of Binding and now Piles of Quilts!!!

 Yesterday was our BINDING Day at our Quilts of Valor Sew day..

This is the Pre Pile (above) ☝

Please ignore the messes behind it - I am still sorting my parents things on top of my things, on top of adding labels to more to be bound,  on top of fabric on top of... well - I am just a mess!!!!

Stack #1 NOW BOUND ☝

I get a lot of the credit for all the Amazing Quilt of Valor presentations we make - but that’s just because I talk the loudest ( and maybe the most) and get to be the front woman ….
Today the amazing quilters who are a part of my group - worked their tails off in very warm room to finish off these quilts . This is pile number 1 .
Pile 2 is already being washed for upcoming presentations and ! More quilts went home with these awesome quilters to bind !
A super shout out to these amazing quilters!

Now we also do a little show and tell before we stitch!!
Ms Jeri - she lead one of our Sew Days and had us make these cool friendship stars - she taught us a new way ( to me) to make them - and I think this is the 3rd quilt she has finished from the blocks

in 2022 She led a day and taught us this hatchet block - she made 2 quilts from them and then had some blocks leftover - so!! Whats a quilter to do? She make more and completed another top!!

Ms Lorna Turned in this top!! You may remember it? Long May She Wave? I think it was a mystery last year. She said she had worked on it, then put it away, then realized her Elves weren't getting it done - so she had to take over!!

And she liked making the stars the way Jeri taught us so much.... She made another!!!

Today I am washing quilts, unloading the car and getting everything back in place !!! Oh - And did I mention these quilters bound in a hot room? Instead of Hot Yoga - we did Hot Quilting!!!   

The AC went out - so by the time we left it was 80deg in there... oh boy.....

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Friday, July 26, 2024

A Seafaring Finish... and ! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

A friend of mine handed me a bag of fabrics and said - I want a queen sized quilt made please.

Oh boy!! So I had fun pulling out the fabrics and figuring out a great way to use them all - and how big of a quilt to make.

We finally decided on 84 x 96 and... I dug in

Because these were such cool prints - and I really wanted to show them off  - I went with the Turning Twenty pattern.

and to make it bigger - I added the small inner border and a larger outer border.

She had also given me fleece for the backing - Don't you just love this print?
And I quilted it with a more open design - let the fluffiness shine thru!

The good news - she wanted it before November - I BEAT THE DEADLINE

The bad news - I will miss it - its so pretty!!!

But!! There you go - another finish.... whoo hoo!!! I will need to check my stats - but I think I have finished a few quilts so far this year ;-)

How about you? Hows it going? Are you having fun?  You know that is all the really counts right!!

Link up your Finishes ( or not) from this week!!!

*** **** The end *************************

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Wednesday, July 24, 2024


This summer has just been a great summer of horse activity!!!

My Baby Reno is Growing and he is starting to shed his little yellow. We think he is going to be a Blue Roan/Gruella color - but he looks so awkward right now haha!

We aren't the prettiest when we are working him, but - aren't you impressed with his halter wearing ability? He is a pretty good horse, and we are having fun training him. But its usually after we have worked the other horses, so we are dirty....

( PS see how dry it is? Send rain please - its pretty bad this year)

See his black spots? His Palomino is starting to come off - and its like molting - its kind of humorous looking. 

We also do Cowboy Mounted Shooting - and its quite a blast!! ( haha - pun intended) 

So we have been at practices and competitions a lot this summer. I am not a fan of the super high heats ( like the 100's we have been having) So Poor K has to get up really early with me, or stay up late an night so I can get some cool rides in. 

Each run you have 10 targets - the goal is to hit the 10 targets in the fastest time you can.  I am going to brag a bit... The last two competitions I hit ALL my targets!! (its called Shooting clean)  and man I was stoked - its not as easy as you think it is... Okay - as easy as I thought is should be!

This is my newest Mare - her name is Rowdy. I haven't purchased to many horses as I had a stud and mares so kinda had enough horses. My mine are aging out, so I found her and fell in love. K thought she was alright - but not really what he was looking for.  And then he started riding her  - and now.... I think she has been stolen ha ha!!

I did steal her back though - to do some Ranch Sorting. That!!! Is a lot of fun!! Rojo ( the horse I'm on above) likes this too, but a while ago he injured his hip (like 10 years ago) and I don't want to aggravate it. Sorting and penning require you to turn the horse a bit faster and do a little spinning. I prefer to have Rojo for my running events, so!! I stole my mare back haha!!

Have you ever done sorting? Its pretty cool, there's a lot more than this - but! You have two pens - cattle are in one, and you have to move the cattle to the other pen - IN ORDER!!  The announcer yells a number as you cross the line - Say 9  - then you ride into the pen and sort 9 out and into the other pen..... but!!

You are not done - now you have to get back in there and get the cattle sorted in order - so your next number is 0, then 1, then 2 all the way to 8 

They have to go in order, and only the cow you are sorting can break the line - its challenging!! and fun - and Oh my Gosh - my legs hurt! 

And this is why... I am slow on my RSC this year - but!! I'm okay with it!! I'm having too much fun... and this is how we look at the end of our days:

The End

See you for Finished ( or not) Friday!

Linking to:

My Corner of the World

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Monday, July 22, 2024

Aqua / Teal Rainbow scrap challenge Lightning Streak Top is DONE

 I buckled down, I ignored these crazy kids.... and I got my RSC Top done!!

I did not have 5 inch squares cut of any Aqua's and Teals - But I did find some 5 inch strips. In the interest of time - I just cut the strips - so more  like a rail fence - but since it fits in the theme with my Lightning Streaks... that is what I am going to refer to it as!!!

I took it walking with me and my Puppies - and tried to find an artsy sport to take its photo...but with dogs. weeds and a little wind - nothing spoke to me .

Here it just looks crumpled!! But!! There you go - an artsy photo haha!

Bella was my hard worker - NO TV allowed Mom!!

Stop it!! Stop looking up - Work harder mom!!!

PS - I thought I would watch the Bachelorette. Bella wasn't having it - she wanted DOG shows!!

Seriously!! she is a drill sergeant!

See that look!!!!  

She means Business!

I made the deadline - the July RSC top is done!! Now to my self imposed deadline - the jury is still out if the JUNE RSC will get quilted and bound in time....

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Friday, July 19, 2024

Goofy Geese - the Finish!!! and!!! Finished (or not) Friday!!

Gosh  you guys!! We are kicking it!!! We are finishing so many things!!! Consistently we have 25 plus link ups each week - you all should feel great about your progress!!

Today - My Brag is ....drumroll please.... my GOOFY GEESE!!!

I really thought about some custom quilting and making the cream/whites different... but when I got down to it - I really didn't want to - so I Went with some Graffiti Quilting....

And I had fun with it....

and now!! 

IT IS DONE!!!! Its a cute little thing.... I have it draped over one of my couches - Lightens up the place ;-)  I think it is fun to see what things can be done using the Leader/Ender idea - so many of you do that .. It just feels like I'm getting two things done at once. 

I took this quilt to my Guild for Show and Tell - and during our presentation our speaker started the discussion of what pens to use to write your labels.  This is the one I use :

The Pilot Laundry Pen   I have cloth labels that I designed for our Quilts of Valor - and there are three places to write names - so this is What I use, and Knock on Wood - they haven't washed out...

What do you use? Do they survive washing?

Now it is your turn!!!

Brag away - Link up those fabulous Finishes ( or not)

Share the link up - maybe we can encourage more people to finish things.

Oh!! A funny - we had a new member at our Guild meeting. Our President said "How are you coming on our UFO challenge?" and the new member asked me what a UFO was... oh the innocence ;-)

I answered - and she says - I don't have those!  in my mind I said - Stick around friend. haha!  

Its so cool to have new members for real - its fun to relive their excitement of learning new things!!

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************************The ENd*****************************

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Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Shopping, Quilting and more

 You know I am always looking for ways to support my QOV group here - we have been rolling for TWENTY YEARS - Oh my stars... But I still feel like a kid!!

One of the ways is commissions on sales... and you MUST know by now that its Amazon Prime days today and tomorrow

So if you are going to buy anything - click thru these links - and send a little Commission $ this way  - we will need Wide Backings soon ;-)

Are you ready? These are some of the things I buy regularly or use often- 

Waterpik Dog Wand - Now - I spoiled myself and I have two - one for the Bathroom and one for outside. Right now in the summer - the outside one is worth its weight in gold!!! ( tos 24% off today and tomorros)

Remember I now have TWO dogs - so that is twice the bathing, and Twice the paw cleaning and this thing... its awesome!

I also use this - Melatonin. I don't take it daily, but I do use it 3-4 times per week. I think it just helps settle my brain and off to dreamland I go....

Now this next one  - I use daily!!

When I wash my Quilts of Valor , I start with 1 TBSP of Dawn dishsoap and mix it in the water. Then I put my Quilt in and if there is a lot of Deep Blue and Red - I will use 2 or 3 sheets  of the SHOUT Color Catchers.

After I use the sheets once for quilts, if they aren't too colored - I put them in our clothing loads - so I usually get 2 washes out of them - that's not recommended I know... but.....

This ones a little more personal - but! We ride a lot, mostly every day - and I love these jeans - They are a high rise, which I didn't know if I would like - but!!! There is no gapping, or pulling, and when I am in the saddle - no pinching.... thats a win.

Ariat Bessie Jeans

There are a lot more things that I use - but if you click on one of those links, and then purchase something different - I have been told I should still get the commission.

Come on Wide Backs haha!!!

Happy Shopping!!

Monday, July 15, 2024

Aqua / Teal Rainbow Scrap Challenge

 oops - did you know the month was half over?

I just pulled some Aqua and Teal out.... can I have an extension please? (pretty please)?

I am not behind - its just there are SO many fun things to do and to see and to do and..... I need an extension please.

I have two blocks left over from my Joshua Tree quilt, I have a scrappy goose from Geese Migration (Pattern found here)   and a pile of strings.

I don't have any 5 inch squares in this color... so I am going to have to come up with a quick plan!!!

NOW!!! as a Whoo Hoo!!!

My June Blue RSC top is done!! Off to pick a backing and see if I can get it quilted before the end of July....

Ohhhh i remember seeing a blue and white stripe somewhere in my stash - like a chambray color... that might be cool for a back.... if I can find it again!!!

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Friday, July 12, 2024

My first Just One Thing Churn dash quilt and .......Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Remember my April *Just one Thing* Churn dash? You don't ? Heck fire - I thought you remembered everything about me haha!!  Just kidding - I can't remember what I am doing half the time.

But this quilt is needed now - so I have it all quilted up and Bound and washed and I LOVE it. 

The backing is a super cool Yellow paisley - the wind was trying to help me take photos!!

You might notice my panels are in a different place? We made a *fenced in * yard off of my back patio for my dog. We are testing it to see if we like where we think we want the fence to be ( makes sense right? )

There was no rhyme or reason to the Churns - I just used 5 - 5 inch squares from my scrap bag to see what I could come up with - and I really like how colorful it is. Funny thing - as I was making it I started to think of a particular family, and each time I worked on it I thought of them (I prayed over them)

So now it is all washed and will be going to them. Turns out - they are going thru a little struggle in life and I thought this might cheer them up. Cross your fingers. 

A close up of the quilting - Kinda Funky!!

I like how it seems certain quilts sort of tell you where they need to go. 

And now!!

It is your turn!!
Whats been happening this week?
Get anything Finished? Moved ahead? 

Show us your progress!!!

PS Thanks for all the great advice on what a Kind size quilt should be - I have some measuring and then Designing to do!!

**********************Link up ********************

*******************************The end *************************

Shes says - Quit working and come play with me.....

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

King Sized Quilts

 Talk to me Goose.... How big does a King size quilt REALLY need to be?

Serape Weave Made and Quilted by me - just cuz you need a nice photo ;-)

I have been quilting some amazing King Sized Quilts for Clients recently ( seriously - it has been a run on King Sized - I think I am on my 18th one this year!! LOVE it!)    - but they all range in size -

  •  96 x 100
  • 100 x 100
  • 115 x 115
  • 120 x 120
  • 100 x 120
When I ask google the size of a King Mattress I get 76 x 80 and so I measured my bed - because!!! I got a King sized bed last year, and now it needs its own quilt.... mine is 76 x 80 in

Do I really need a 100 x 100 sized quilt for it? If you have one that is that big - how do you like it on your King? Does it fall to the floor?

I am kind of thinking 86 x 90 would be a good size - but then - am I right??  

Talk to me Goose!!! Explain to me!!

Linking to:

Mid Week Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Tuesday, July 09, 2024

Birthdays, golfing and wine

 My husband always likes to thank everyone for the gorgeous Firework displays to usher in his birthday on the 5th of July ;-)

And we always like to spoil him - he very rarely gets a day all about him... so we try!!! ( of course, I still make him do chores ha ha)

We started his day riding horses, and then... headed off to the Golf Course!!

He Skunked us... but we had a blast. Well actually I won - but that's because I cheat and play best ball... I kind of pretend I am a pro that way.  Really K won ;-)

I had been doing some searching online and I accidentally came across a Winery in Eastern Colorado - so you KNOW we had to try it out. After our golf game we headed over here!

They had this great mural in front - and a QUILT block on their barn!! ( and I forgot a pic of it - bad quilter!!)

it was their anniversary party - so you pre -bought  tickets and included in the ticket was a bottle of wine, this is the one we chose to have while we had our dinner. It had a coconut taste to it - it was AWESOME!!  Kind of what you think Summer should taste like


Its a family run business. The husband is the Vintner, the wife the business manager, the Daughter the Tasting room manager and Son in law is the chef.  This is what he made for dinner - Pulled Pork and Street corn and oh my - it was awesome

Even helped me make mine Gluten free!!!

it is a beautiful little place, you sit outside ( or in) and you are among the alfalfa, the grapes and the corn - Totally loved it... came home and sat on our deck.....

Not a bad day - and I think K thought it really was all about him ;-)

The end.

Linking to:

My Corner of the World