Friday, July 05, 2024

Your a Grand ol Flag - your a High Flyin' Flag..... and !! Finished ( or not) Friday

Hope everyone had a great 4th!!! Ours started out cool - so we got all the horses ridden!! It was awesome!!

And funnily enough - I actually have a Patriotic Finish for today!! That was not intentional - I swear ( I am really not that organized) but I like how it worked!!

I made these blocks Many years ago - I even have a Tutorial for them!

Flag Blocks  ( oh my gosh - it was 2010!!!!)

I am not sure if I had these blocks in the top at that time or not, but one of my goals is to work thru my To Be Quilted pile - and it was this ones turn!!

I sashed them with a Medium blue....
Bordered them with Red

Quilted it with Spiked Stars...

And Voila!! A finish for a Patriotic Holiday!!!

its kind of great to watch my to be quilted pile go down....

Hope you all had a great holiday - but! still remembered to finish something!! 

Link your direct post here!!

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Linda said...

Love these scrappy flags! Hope you had a lovely Fourth.

Jenny K. Lyon said...

Delightful patriotic quilt!!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Perfect timing for a patriotic finish, Alycia!!! Love your quilting, too!!! Happy 4th!!!

Cathy said...

I remember those Flag blocks. I don't think I remember them originally from 2010 but I do remember the Flags for Sue in a later year! Whatever date they are made they make for some awesome quilts!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Fabulous finish for Independence Day or any day.

Delighted Hands said...

It's a great old project turned into what it was meant to be long ago! Great finish! said...

What a great finish! You are wise to celebrate all finishes. Who really cares how long a project took . .getting it out of the bag, closet or where ever it was stored and into a useable item is the best!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Those Flag Blocks are stunning and so special, Alycia!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Planned or not, I do love happy coincidences. Sounds like you had a very happy 4th of July indeed! :)

Sara said...

That is an awesome finish! The medium blue sashing was a really good choice.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Happy 4th! The flag quilt is great, and thanks for the tutorial. Good job quilting down the UFO pile, I should try it!

Kate said...

Congrats on a perfect finish for the season!

Kathleen said...

I love a serendipitous finish! It is a fun pattern; I understand the shock that it was started 2010. It seems like yesterday.