Saturday, March 30, 2024

Purple RSC Top - just under the wire!!!

 I got my Purple RSC blocks into a top!!!  March 30th snuck up on me!!!

I am getting behind on getting them quilted!! I have all of Januarys done. Februarys is pinned and ready to go on the Longarm - and now I need to find a back for this one.... and then its on to Aprils color!! Oh boy!!

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Rainbow Scrap Challenge

Design Wall Monday

Sew n Tell                          Monday Musings

Midweek Makers

See you for Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Friday, March 29, 2024

Bee Sew Blessed - A UFO completion ... and!! Finished (or not) Friday!!

 This is the final quilt that I will be able to make with these Bee Sew Blessed blocks.... 

A little history:

"The year was 2015... I was into my 30's Repro Prints, and 2 1/2 inch strips.....

Many blocks were made...

The year is 2023... I was so proud of my UFO-less status... until I moved a pile.....

I might have jinxed it... as this was the convo I had with myself:

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

I will conquer tho.... and I loaded all three of my RSC15 challenge quilts onto one piece of backing... that's thinking right??? But... alas - you can NOT bind all three at the same time... no matter how much wizardry you try... 

However!!!  "

The year is NOW 2024.... and sigh!!!!

After loading what I thought was my LAST THREE QUILTS - I found these Random blocks!!! Made of the Scraps of the Scraps!!

The Sew Me Blog had this block pattern up back in 2014 - before Missouri Star Quilt came out with there tutorial. and with this one you just used scraps - I think with MSQC you use a jelly roll?  But!
I like the look no matter what!

I used all of my 30's scraps and made quilts in every color, but when I had strips left over - I just randomly made very colorful bocks.... which REALLY needed to be put into somthing - and so!!

It is now!! and it is Quilted, and sit down for this... IT IS BOUND!!  Bound with Mint Green and Cream!)

Whoo hoo - one more finish marked on my list!!! Now!! My Quiltygirl email is STILL down - so I am using my gmail instead - if any of you have sent me an email since Friday of LAST WEEK... they promise it is on the server - I just can't get to it yet... so I apologize... its been rough ;(

So tell me how your week was?

Did you have fun? Get some quilting in?

Link up to your Finished ( or not) Post and let us see!!!

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**************The end**********************

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Quilts of Valor, Stars Like Spaghetti and a Puppy

 First off -  quilted QOV!! Bev H Emailed me and said I will be in Colorado and I have a quilt for you, and then it miraculously showed up in my mailbox!! So!! I quilted it!!

I like how bright and happy it is, and that zig zag down  the center was a great add!

Here is a close up of the stars I used on the quilting!

and the back was pretty cool too!

A few weeks ago ( The First Saturday of the month) I was invited to Sew Downtown to talk about Quilts of Valor, and they presented me with a huge stack of blocks! Well over 100 of them!

I had a really cool eagle Panel so I played around and ended up framing the panel with the blocks - I think it turned out pretty good!

And check out my Puppy - sitting there all following the rules! She actually sat during the whole photo shoot. I was so prout! She will make a good Quiltydog yet!!

Sunday was our QOV sew day - and we had a ton of fun!! First we had show and tell. 

Dianne  made this one with a super cool eagle panel. I love the way it really looks like your looking thru the window!

Lorna Made this one - again - so super cool!
the way the blues made that panel pop!! Lorna has a way with colors

Ms Karen showed off her Stars Like Spaghetti!!
I think she did a fabulous job!!!

And then Ms Cindy showed off hers - with a twist!!!
Isn't that cool!!!

After show and Tell it was time to get to work!

 Ms Jeri taught us this really cool friendship star block using LAYER cakes!! oh my gosh it was so great!

We had to work in pairs , everything was pre cut - we made a bunch of them - maybe 60?  I'll have to ask Jeri. Our group is a lot of fun, each month someone chooses what we will do. I provide the fabrics, they do all the work and I get to sit back and stitch - its awesome!!

March 29th is National Vietnam War Veterans Day - and we will be heading out to do some presentations of Quilts of Valor. 

"March 29, 1973, is the day U.S. Military Assistance Command, Vietnam was disestablished and the day the last U.S. combat troops departed Vietnam. In addition, on and around this same day, the U.S. Vietnam War Commemoration stated that Hanoi released the last of its acknowledged prisoners of war.

March 29 is designated as National Vietnam War Veterans Day. This is a time to pay special tribute to the 9 million Americans who served during the Vietnam War era, to the 58,000 names memorialized on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., and to those who never received the recognition they deserved when they returned to America from war."

Ps - my Quiltygirl email is down - so you'll have to use my gmail one if your trying to reach me for a few days... Ugh

Linking to:

Midweek Makers

Needle and Thread Thursday

Friday, March 22, 2024

Green Lightening #3 and Finished!!! ( or not) Friday!!

I have been commissioned to make some Memory Quilts from a loved ones shirts - and you know what's funny?  its taking me a LONG time....I decided to Buckle down this week and really concentrate on getting everything cut and into tops... so my own Quilting slowed down... 

It's interesting to me how that happens. I always think I am really good at organizing my day, until at the end of it I haven't finished what I thought I would. Good things happened though - Nine Quilts were taken to our local hospice, a guild meeting was had, I taught some new quilters their next blocks in the sampler they are making, and we had a birthday 😎😍

I did get a chance to Quilt and Bind my January Green Lightening #3!! 

This one might be my favorite because of all that Dark Purple Plaid. I think I am growing to love Purples even more with their range of hues.

and yes - I did have to stand on it - the wind was blowing and it was blowing from under the deck and lifting my quilt up. I did not appreciate the help the wind was trying to give me.

The back on this one is Two big pieced of Plaid that I found in my stash. I really liked the Purple one on top but didn't have enough , so added the Blue stripe as well.  It is bound in Purple - even though Green was the color of January.

And my Baby!!! She Turned 9 months old. She is getting better at posing, but there is just So much to look at that it is hard to sit down!

She had lots of Birthday Treats, and  a New Pink Harness. She is not sure about the pink, but!! I think its nice to have something to change up a little!

Back to the Memory Quilts for me. Back to keeping the world in order for my Bella girl. 
It is now time for you to link up and show us what's up this week!! I know there was a Blog Hop, so I hope Somebody posts their finishes from that.

Hey!!! If you have had a program come to you guild - either in Person or on Zoom - leave me a comment or email me direct and tell me who it was.  We need a few more programs for our Guild - and I am on the lookout for some new things.

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Monday, March 18, 2024

Designing on the Table

 Because the Design wall is full!!!

But I wanted to lay out my Purple RSC blocks so I could make sure that the colors didn't touch...


I improvised!

I laid out Three rows at a time, pinned two - moved three to the top and laid out two more... so when it is all stitched together - Fingers crossed I didn't turn anything!!!

I am growing to like the pale yellow with Purple . Sort of....

Linking to:

Monday Musings

Sew and Tell

Design Wall Monday

Midweek Makers

Needle and thread Thursday

Friday, March 15, 2024

Green Lightening #2 and Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!!


Happy Friday!!! There was a bit of a snow event in Colorado and I was starting to feel left out, all we had was rain. Of course, I will take rain, but the rest of the state was measuring the snow in feet!!!  
and then we finally got some!!! Thursday afternoon we got about 2 inches and then by 6 it turned back to rain.. but I saw some snow!!!!!

This is my Green ( January RSC color) Quilt #2  it is finally finished and bound ! Whoot Whoot!!!

I used a fun Crop circle type alien design on it - or at least that is what I think it looks like!

The back is the same Shirting as Green Lightening #1 - it was a large piece.

We went to Riverton for a Family Funeral. and we got to drive in between two storms. It was a perfect drive for us - we skirted between the two snows and it was a beautiful day.

My Sister in Law shot a photo of us as we were all getting ready to head back home. She was in her pickup and we were still chatting.... I always think you should run out of stuff to say - but... words keep coming.

And!! Progress on March RSC ( Purple) blocks - I didn't want to pair it with Green - since I paired Green with Purple in January. I looked for Grey - but the shades I had I didn't like - so I went with pale yellow. Still not sure that's what I really wanted to do... but!! It's cut now haha!

And now it is your turn!!! what happened this week? Fill us in!!!

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Monday, March 11, 2024

C'mon Mom ...Let's go!


Stop Sitting around Mom - there is stuff to sniff and places to go, and things to see!!

When we Got Ms. Puppy here I was in Love, but then I got worried that I had taken in more than I could keep up with. I have to say - she is the best thing we have done in a while... there is a lot of Get up and Get going in her ! She is pretty adaptable to whatever we take her to.

And she loves to just move on out - so I practiced some Cell Phone Photography - to see what I could see. This is looking West from our middle pasture. I might trick your eye a bit - because I got low. and there is a LOT of other things between his pasture and the mountain. But I like the illusion.

Cell phones don't get a lot of Detail far away - but I kind of like the Silhouette effect of this one - all except Ty there was itching his back and it gives him a funny look!

Most mornings find us doing chores pretty Early , then Ms Bella and I take a walk - she would love to go miles... I kind of keep it under two..... This is looking East - watching the sun come up. 

Same Mountains - different angle - you can tell there's a few things in between now ;-

and another Sun Rise. With the time change I am not sure if I will see more of them or if we will be back in from our walk.... and have to wait for the days to continue get longer?  I am sure I used to pay attention to that - and now will again.

When you don't have to drive to town for work, sometimes time changes don't really effect you - you just have to get it all done ..Light or Dark!

And Sunset....

Bella says thanks for letting her show you her favorites from her walk... now she is posing so you can give her a treat!!

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Friday, March 08, 2024

Log Cabins and Finished ( or not!) Friday!!!

 My Awesome Friend Vickie made this Quilt top!! and she Appliqued these amazing Eagles on it - and wow!! I just think it is gorgeous....

My job ( should I chose to accept it?)  Quilt it!!

and so!

I did!!

You will note the picture is Sideways... Well!! my Fences weren't high enough to clip this quilt and keep it off the ground. So I thought I could clip the quilt the long way and rotate the photo.

In my head it looked I'm not so sure. but the quilt!!! it is perfection!!!

Don't you just love that eagle!!

My finish for the week - Quilting this one and getting it back to her for binding! 

And now it it your turn to brag!!
What did you finish ( or not) this week?

Are you making progress?
Are you ready for Spring?

Oh!! and someone ( thanks Kat) told me that the time changes on Saturday night... 

*******Link up here ***** ******The end********

Have a wonderful weekend!!!

Tuesday, March 05, 2024

Stars Like Spaghetti Full Quilt Pattern


As you know - when I offer Mysteries I tell you to PRINT the clues as they come out!!!  After the mystery is over I take the clues and combine them into a full pattern, then place it in my ETSY store - and use the funds from the sale of the Pattern to support my QOV group ;-)  

It is WIN WIN!!

So!!! The Clues have been disabled on the blog - but now the full pattern is available ( and two clues have been combined)

Click on the Graphic or Click here to head over to the FULL pattern for Stars Like Spaghetti - remember you will cut and sew on each step - so if you want to get all of your cutting done first - you will need to read thru the WHOLE pattern first 

Linking up to:

Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication

Monday, March 04, 2024

Our Sew Day and MORE QOV's and Ohio Stars!!

 My Sew group meets about every Month and we work on some QOV project. We have so many amazing quilters in our group that someone agrees to teach us a new block or a new idea. It is a lot of fun.

February was my month - so I cut 60 of the QOV Ohio Star blocks for everyone to stitch on. 

And we also had show and Tell. I didn't get photos of all the quilts turned in - but Charlene took a few for me to share.

Liz - She made her a top with Ohio stars  and I think it is pretty cool:

And Deb Finished her Stars Like Spaghetti!!   Her Mom was one of the Original QOV'ers with me, and she passed away a few years ago. Deb inherited her fabrics and she said she made this from all of her moms stash .. Too cool!!

We stitched 35 of the 60 blocks I had cut because WE HAD A PRESENTATION!!
and that is just way cooler than sitting and stitching haha!!

We had Three Marine, 2 Army and 1 Navy.  It was an awesome day!!!

In my mind I was going to keep track of the Numbers of Quilts we have awarded this year - but you all know that I will fail... however this - brings us to 29 and 3 shared,so can I just say 32?  and not have to break it out? 

PS - you will notice that the clues for  STARS LIKE SPAGHETTI are no longer accessible. It is being compiled into one pattern and IS NOW AVAILABLE

Liniked to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at SongBird Desings

Friday, March 01, 2024

Rsc Green Lightening #1 and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 (Go) Go Green Lightnin', you're burning up the quarter-mile

(Green Lightnin', go Green Lightnin')

Ear worm right?? and yes - I changed the words to match my Quilt!!
This is #1 of 3 Green Lightening quilts that I made out of my January RSC blocks..

The dog and I took a walk to see if we could find a good Sunshiney spot - and we did!! 
I quilted Flowers all over it - it was fun!

I had found a piece of Western Shirt fabric in my stash and I thought it would be fun to see what it looked like......

Yay!! One down - Two to go!!!
You can see all of my Lightening Streak Quilts and the little How To if you'd like to make one by clicking this Link:  Lightening Streak Quilts

Last week one of our Veterans who is also a Law Enforcement officer died on his way home from work, This week my Aunt in Law passed away... Its really interesting to me how my Quilting can keep me level and somewhat sane when things like this happen. Its almost a tangible relief, or expression to me to dig in to that fabric. 

Does quilting help you that way too? 

I am excited to see what you all have been up to this week. I know a lot of you went to QuiltCon - we even have a FONF participant who might have won a little something there:

  CONGRATS!!! you will also want to check out her blog for a recap of the show!!

Link up your direct Post - visit away and as always!! Happy Stitching!!!

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**************** The End**********************

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