Friday, March 15, 2024

Green Lightening #2 and Finished!! ( or not) Friday!!!


Happy Friday!!! There was a bit of a snow event in Colorado and I was starting to feel left out, all we had was rain. Of course, I will take rain, but the rest of the state was measuring the snow in feet!!!  
and then we finally got some!!! Thursday afternoon we got about 2 inches and then by 6 it turned back to rain.. but I saw some snow!!!!!

This is my Green ( January RSC color) Quilt #2  it is finally finished and bound ! Whoot Whoot!!!

I used a fun Crop circle type alien design on it - or at least that is what I think it looks like!

The back is the same Shirting as Green Lightening #1 - it was a large piece.

We went to Riverton for a Family Funeral. and we got to drive in between two storms. It was a perfect drive for us - we skirted between the two snows and it was a beautiful day.

My Sister in Law shot a photo of us as we were all getting ready to head back home. She was in her pickup and we were still chatting.... I always think you should run out of stuff to say - but... words keep coming.

And!! Progress on March RSC ( Purple) blocks - I didn't want to pair it with Green - since I paired Green with Purple in January. I looked for Grey - but the shades I had I didn't like - so I went with pale yellow. Still not sure that's what I really wanted to do... but!! It's cut now haha!

And now it is your turn!!! what happened this week? Fill us in!!!

***************Link up ************ ****8 The End*****


Cathy said...

I think yellow is a great choice! Hopefully you didn't grab hubby's shirt he had on in the photo and cut that up! ;-)

Donna said...

Love the quilt! The backing fabric looks perfect for that quilt!

Linda said...

Dang, every time you make a Lightning quilt I think it is my favorite, but this one really is. The colors and fabrics you chose - masterful!
That is a great photo of you and your husband. Was it a long drive?
Glad you got to see some snow. We were monitoring tornado warnings here, wish we had seen some snow over the winter. :(

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

sounds like my family - the words never stop - a good bye turns into a 30 event of hugs and more talk

Jocelyn said...

I love your green quilt!

Delighted Hands said...

Nice color combo for the new quilt blocks.
I'm glad you got to see snow and that it makes you happy!

Kate said...

Love the crop circles, that's fun. Purple and yellow are one of my favorite color combinations. Looking forward to seeing what develops from all your cut pieces.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Well, I'm glad you got a little bit of snow to keep from feeling left out, but I personally think you got the good end of the bargain as you did not need to dig out after getting feet of snow! Green lightning looks great, and I love the quilting motif you chose. Sending love to your and your family.

Melva said...

May the words and conversation never run out. I love your hubby's tie. :)

Kathleen said...

I love the green streak of lightning with that quilting pattern. Hooray for another finish! Nice photo of the two of you! said...

I too like that "crop circles" quilting pattern. It is perfect to accent those streaks of lightning! Nice photo of the two of you too. Isn't it amazing how some conversations have no end??? While others can be completed if a few minutes. it is a wonderment to me . . .always!

Preeti said...

I love the green and navy combination - definitely masculine vibes but not too overpowering. You two make a handsome couple. The pale yellow is a perfect choice. I am looking forward to it. Hugs.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, congrats on your 2nd Green Lightning quilt. That back fabric is really terrific. That was a great picture that your sister took. Thanks for the party and take care.

Nann said...

What a great quilting design for your lightning-fast finish! Colorado FB friends shared photos of that "event." It's still March, for sure.