Friday, March 01, 2024

Rsc Green Lightening #1 and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 (Go) Go Green Lightnin', you're burning up the quarter-mile

(Green Lightnin', go Green Lightnin')

Ear worm right?? and yes - I changed the words to match my Quilt!!
This is #1 of 3 Green Lightening quilts that I made out of my January RSC blocks..

The dog and I took a walk to see if we could find a good Sunshiney spot - and we did!! 
I quilted Flowers all over it - it was fun!

I had found a piece of Western Shirt fabric in my stash and I thought it would be fun to see what it looked like......

Yay!! One down - Two to go!!!
You can see all of my Lightening Streak Quilts and the little How To if you'd like to make one by clicking this Link:  Lightening Streak Quilts

Last week one of our Veterans who is also a Law Enforcement officer died on his way home from work, This week my Aunt in Law passed away... Its really interesting to me how my Quilting can keep me level and somewhat sane when things like this happen. Its almost a tangible relief, or expression to me to dig in to that fabric. 

Does quilting help you that way too? 

I am excited to see what you all have been up to this week. I know a lot of you went to QuiltCon - we even have a FONF participant who might have won a little something there:

  CONGRATS!!! you will also want to check out her blog for a recap of the show!!

Link up your direct Post - visit away and as always!! Happy Stitching!!!

*****************Link up **********************

**************** The End**********************

Find me at all these places:

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Donna said...

Love your quilt and the colors used! The backing is fabulous! Sorry to hear about the loss of the friend and your aunt. Quilting helps me to deal with life in a positive way too!

Linda said...

I love all your lightening streak quilts!!

Cathy said...

Hooray for another fabulous finish!
No ear worm here...don't know that song! said...

You made a two sided quilt! I love pieced backs. The shirt fabric was a great choice.As for your question about quilting and keeping oneself somewhat sane. . . Yes! When life hands out sticky icky bits, fabric flowing under the needle provides a respite of calm. Sorry to read of your recent losses.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Aww, thank you so much for the congratulations. I love this Green Lightning finish! You found the perfect sunny spot to photograph the beautiful quilting. :)

Sara said...

The back is almost as much fun as the front with that shirt fabric. Great choice!!

Allison said...

Sorry you are coping with the loss of two people in your life. I think quilting (or any form of creativity) is good for processing thoughts and emotions.

Delighted Hands said...

I've actually seen green lightning! Great quilt!

Melva said...

Absolutely quilting keeps me grounded and sane. So sorry about your losses. Thanks for the chance to party with you. Blessings, M

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

I'm so sorry you've had such awful news this week. Quilting always helps me work through sorrow and keep on track. I joke that it's like therapy, but it's not far off! Thanks for the pattern for your Lightning quilts, they're so nice, and it's just what I needed. Your quilting is so beautiful.

Kate said...

So sorry you had such a rough week, and so sorry for your loses. Love the flowers on your lightening quilt, very fun. The backing is really fun too.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Yes, I often process grief by hunkering down in the studio and quilting. It allows me the time to reminisce in private. Sometimes I even create a piece inspired by the loss. So sorry to hear about your losses.

The lightening pattern is very striking done in greens.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what a great quilt and quilt back! The quilting really shows up beautifully. So, did doggy not make it into the photo this time? Take care and thanks for the party!

Nann said...

The floral quilting shows up so wonderfully on this great design!