Friday, March 29, 2024

Bee Sew Blessed - A UFO completion ... and!! Finished (or not) Friday!!

 This is the final quilt that I will be able to make with these Bee Sew Blessed blocks.... 

A little history:

"The year was 2015... I was into my 30's Repro Prints, and 2 1/2 inch strips.....

Many blocks were made...

The year is 2023... I was so proud of my UFO-less status... until I moved a pile.....

I might have jinxed it... as this was the convo I had with myself:

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

I will conquer tho.... and I loaded all three of my RSC15 challenge quilts onto one piece of backing... that's thinking right??? But... alas - you can NOT bind all three at the same time... no matter how much wizardry you try... 

However!!!  "

The year is NOW 2024.... and sigh!!!!

After loading what I thought was my LAST THREE QUILTS - I found these Random blocks!!! Made of the Scraps of the Scraps!!

The Sew Me Blog had this block pattern up back in 2014 - before Missouri Star Quilt came out with there tutorial. and with this one you just used scraps - I think with MSQC you use a jelly roll?  But!
I like the look no matter what!

I used all of my 30's scraps and made quilts in every color, but when I had strips left over - I just randomly made very colorful bocks.... which REALLY needed to be put into somthing - and so!!

It is now!! and it is Quilted, and sit down for this... IT IS BOUND!!  Bound with Mint Green and Cream!)

Whoo hoo - one more finish marked on my list!!! Now!! My Quiltygirl email is STILL down - so I am using my gmail instead - if any of you have sent me an email since Friday of LAST WEEK... they promise it is on the server - I just can't get to it yet... so I apologize... its been rough ;(

So tell me how your week was?

Did you have fun? Get some quilting in?

Link up to your Finished ( or not) Post and let us see!!!

****************Link up here ****************************

**************The end**********************


Kate said...

I remember your 1930 scrap challenge. Congrats on using up the last of those scraps. My UFO dates from 2013. Yours is only 2 years older, so I feel less alone in finally finishing an oldie but goodie.

Linda said...

I still have your post saved from last year when you shared this pretty quilt flimsy! I love all those prints together. Nicely done!

Gretchen Weaver said...

This is a pretty quilt and a good use of scraps. Be careful saying this is the last of the 30's repro fabrics. Fabrics have a way of lurking and hiding then popping out when you least expect it! Happy stitching!

Jenny K. Lyon said...

I hope you and your family enjoy a blessed Easter.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

That is a wonderful pattern for scraps. I made a quilt like that years ago and may just have to make another. Have a great weekend.

Deb said...

Hold my thread!! I feel you!!! The outdoorsy pictures are great and I too, think I am close to knowing my ufo pile but wait .. what's that? Really what is that?
No pattern , just vaguely familiar pieces!! Yours looks great, and congrats on
four of those quilts, even the scraps from the scraps!
Stay safe and sew on!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

What a happy quilt, Alycia! I love the block - thanks for linking to the tutorial. Hooray for getting those UFOs finished up!

Nann said...

LOL! I don't have many WIPS/UFOs......until I open that box or that drawer. This would be a great scrap buster block. Oh, you temptress.

Anne-Marie said...

No UFOs???!!! Wow! Amazing. And such a cute finish too.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Oh dear, I hope the email resolves soon and that hasn't been too stressful for you this week. Hooray for another UFO finish - it looks great!!

Donna T. said...

Nice finish! I almost spit my coffee when the Quiltroom said "Hold My Thread." Thanks for the laugh!

The Joyful Quilter said...

I love this scrappy version even more than the single color versions of the past!! So sorry that your QuiltyGirl email is acting up. Congrats on your cheerful UFO finish, Alycia!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

You can't go wrong with cheerful 30s repros and a good scrappy pattern! And you even bound it! Great job. Good luck with the email, technology is great when it works, and a pain otherwise.

quiltingbydawn said...

What a great scrappy quilt! Congratulations your finish!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another lovely quilt and a beautiful change from the valor quilts I usually see here.

Delighted Hands said...

I do like the white blocks forming an Irish chain on this scrappy quilt!