Friday, March 08, 2024

Log Cabins and Finished ( or not!) Friday!!!

 My Awesome Friend Vickie made this Quilt top!! and she Appliqued these amazing Eagles on it - and wow!! I just think it is gorgeous....

My job ( should I chose to accept it?)  Quilt it!!

and so!

I did!!

You will note the picture is Sideways... Well!! my Fences weren't high enough to clip this quilt and keep it off the ground. So I thought I could clip the quilt the long way and rotate the photo.

In my head it looked I'm not so sure. but the quilt!!! it is perfection!!!

Don't you just love that eagle!!

My finish for the week - Quilting this one and getting it back to her for binding! 

And now it it your turn to brag!!
What did you finish ( or not) this week?

Are you making progress?
Are you ready for Spring?

Oh!! and someone ( thanks Kat) told me that the time changes on Saturday night... 

*******Link up here ***** ******The end********

Have a wonderful weekend!!!


Delighted Hands said...

That sure is a beautiful quilt!

Linda said...

That is a beautiful quilt! And your quilting just makes it stunning.

Sara said...

Good job! The eagles were a clever way to add some excitement to a simple Log Cabin. I like that mix of reds and blues in the cabin blocks too.

Cathy said...

Oh, gosh, what a gorgeous quilt!

Kate said...

The eagles are really fun and so is the quilting. Have a wonderful weekend.

Vivian said...

Oh my, oh my, always love a good log cabin quilt! It's funny, I had just thought about that Eleanor Burns Eagle die a few days ago and see that Accuquilt no longer carries it, darn it. It is a wonderful addition to this layout.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Beautifully pieced and great teamwork - your quilting adds just the right touch to finish it. :)

Vicki W said...

Oh, that's cool!

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Your choice of quilt pattern is perfect. Love those stars at the end of the swirls. Someone is going to be delighted with this quilt. said...

That is one gorgeous quilt . . .I do love a string quilt!! Congratulations on a finish!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Thank you so much for the Lightning Streak pattern, I made one this week! The log cabin and eagles is wonderful, and your quilting sets it off beautifully.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

The eagles add a special touch to lovely log cabin blocks. Great finish!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, the quilting looks great and that eagle is stunning! Your sideways picture is fine - it's all about the quilt right?!