Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mays Book report

 I only got a few books read this month - but! you know I picked up one about knitting ....

The Yarn Balls caught my attention:

Lydia owns a Yarn shop and she starts a group called Knit to Quit. This book follows their story, at the same time that Lydia is fostering a young girl.  I really liked it - it was an easy read, but it was a feel good one!

I also liked this one - Its the story of Three cousins who spent summers together at Grandma Lucys house. They have since gone their own ways - but when Grandma Lucy passes - part of the requirements of getting their inheritance is to come back and live in her house for the summer.

Grandma Lucy was a quilter - and it is the Quilting that draws these three cousins back together. 

I liked this one too - 
its a family that creates the Quilting circle - and it draws them all together. They work hard to fix past hurts and past regrets.

These were all easy reads, and easy to get in to.


Monday, May 30, 2022

May RSC - Forest Steppers and my Monthly String Blocks

I'm coming in just under the wire on this one!!!!

The Rainbow Scrap Challenge color of the month was Green - I read that as Forest or Dark greens...

and with all the wonderful challenges that took me out of my studio this month - I was so excited to get this one into TOP stage!!!

( which means you WILL see it again... as a finish!!)

I didn't realized I had that much Forest in my stash... but I did!!!

And then!!! Another under the wire!!!  My plan of making one string block a day almost got away from me. And yes - I take the *string* part pretty liberally ;-)

Here you go!! 31 Blocks for May!!

They make for a bright, crazy, eye straining design wall!!!

Friday, May 27, 2022

More Hospice Quilts ... and finished ( or not) Friday

As you know  Hands 2 Help ( hosted by Academic Quilter this year) has been going on - so my focus was to finish up quilts for this and hand them over to my local Hospice. The Same Hospice that helped us take care of my Mom at home.

So this is another one that I finished up. 

A few years ago Gypsy Quilter sent me a bunch of tops - and in the bunch was String quilts... but!! She did not use the size string block that I was taught to make - and it opened my eye!!!  I mean!! Who knew you could alter the size of blocks?? ( right??)

Then Lois sent me a box of fabrics and and at the bottom was (were?) a bunch of small strips and so!! I decided that I was going to make smaller string blocks.  and! Ta da!! 

it worked!! I think this is a pretty gender neutral quilt - so it would work for various Hospice patients?

I actually took 13 to them - but I wasn't able to remember to take a picture of the whole stack ;-)

Speaking of Hospice - Last year SewPreeti and Needle and Foot hosted a Positivity Quilt a long - for the Benefit of Mercy Quilts. I think it was pretty Successful... I sent one ;-)   

This year Preeti is Doing it again!!! So after you check out all of the finishes here - you should go check her blog - and see what is happening!!

You have seen all of these Hats before - but M was ready to collect so she could make a count of what she had so far... and how many more people she was going to have to beg into helping haha! I had 31 for her, and had already given her 18 - so I am one short of my 50 goal!

She is collecting these for the Operation Christmas Child boxes that our church packs up - she now has 183 of the 517 she needs - I may have to expand my goal and do at least a few more!

Shew I had a lot of words! Maybe because I have lost my voice so I had to get them out somehow!! haha!!  

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Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Our last Vacation day

The hotel that we stayed at was called the Hotel La Rose - and it is a Historic Hotel that was built in 1907. 

The walls are like 18 inches thick so it is SO quiet - which I think would be important when the trains came in.

But!! We started wandering around, we knew we were in the area that Charles Shultz lived (and has a museum) but what we didn't know was..... that there were Peanuts Statues in the area!

Of course, that made us go on a squirrel trail - we wanted to find a lot of them!!

are you ready to see what we found?

I know we didn't find them all - but! We had fun!

We had breakfast at the Omelette Express. And right outside our window was  Woodstock!!!!!! 

Just to prove we were there with him haha!

And Charlie Brown as the conductor

and the all time favorite character ( of mine)

Then one night we were still hungry so we went for Nachos and margaritas
and look who we found!!
I think Woodstock likes to be near restaurants!

And Lucy!!!

I always wanted a Snoopy Dog House!
Puppy lives in my house tho - so does that make my whole house a dog house?

I found the perfect Doctor
I asked him where his $.05 kisses sign was!! 

Aren't those fun?   its a fun way to see the city too!   and then.... we had to go back to real life....

Did I ever mention how much I like Vacations? Even short ones?

Monday, May 23, 2022

Another one done... and another one done.....

 Middle Bit Graduated!!!!!

Whoop Whoop - We are so happy and excited for him ! He is allowing me to share a photo. ( maybe under duress but still!!!!)

This is us!!! We ( Colorado State University) grads now outnumber the other undergrads!!! Maybe short term - but still!!! We must assert our power!!!

me and my babies!!! 

And what would a celebration be without a family ( -2) photo!!!!  

He graduated with a degree in Computer Science and is an Awesome code maker and breaker..

What's next? Finding a job that pays him millions so he can take care of his mommy haha!!

(Know of a job like that - shoot me an email?)

Friday, May 20, 2022

A Crazy Quilt Finish!!! and.......... Finished ( or not) Friday

I am calling this MY finish... but!! Its really not all mine.

A long time ago I thought I wanted to learn how to Crazy quilt. You know all that embroidery and fun stuff?  and I thought it would be cool to have a canvas to try it all on.

Then my Quilt guild had a Rummage sale - and on one of the quilters tables - was a Crazy Quilt top!!

I jumped in and bought it!

I tried two little 5 inch rows of crazy quilting, and! I promptly put it in a bag.... a canvas bag!

One thing you should know about me... Patience is not a quality I possess.

But then!!! I was searching for Forest Fabrics for our RSC this month... and I found that canvas bag.

and of course I had to open it.... and then I decided I was NOT going to put it away!! I got it ready for quilting....

 and I got binding ready!!
And now!!!

It is Quilted, Bound, Washed... and I delivered it to Pathways Hospice yesterday!!

And now there is NO proof that I didn't finish the crazy quilting haha!!

( PS - do you like my green grass? We are trying a new thing.... Artificial grass!!!!)

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Wednesday, May 18, 2022

And now... The Ocean!!!

 If you've been reading my vacation posts - you know that we had a few destinations in mind. But everything else was kinda suggested by locals.

We are now at one of the destinations that we really wanted to get to... that was one of our goals....that was on the vacation schedule..., and it was TOTALLY worth it!!

Is that not TOTALLY gorgeous!!!
and the area is so untouched ( so don't ask , cuz you know I won't tell where ha ha!!)

Oh PS - its going to be photo laden again!

One day my friend asked me... mountains of beach?  and I said both. He said - that doesn't exist... and so!!
The photo to prove it is SO!

The coast is just so rocky and I think it is so beautiful!

Can't you just imagine Pirates here too?

Every so often - we send our kids *Proof of Life* photos. and try to make them jealous that they have to work and go to school.   Its payback!

There was a crab shack that I really wanted to go to. WM loves fresh seafood, and I really thought he Would love it... Check out the view from the crab shack.

Want to know how the crabs get to us?   Crab Traps!!!

There was a Barrier to slow the ocean water down - and on it there were a bunch of Crab Trappers - so we took a walk. and check out this seagull - I caught it in the photo!!!!

Now I know why I don't swim there tho!!!


It was so awesome - and we ended the day with another little Wine tasting.

We still haven't mastered the selfie and filters - so love us as we are ;-)

Monday, May 16, 2022

Plaid Steppers

 I blame Angela for this one..... 

( Not really , but I had to start somewhere!)

Usually she gives a hint, or a clue about what the new color will be. And I really didn't need to know right away - but Lois had send me this bag of plaids..... oh maybe I should blame Lois too!!!!

In my minds eye - I was going to grab the plaids that matched the RSC color for May and Bam!!! Start in....

But then - I pulled plaids out and I just started cutting - because. what is a girl to do when she is surrounded by plaids. I think the plaid dust went to my head.

I am not sure how big this one will be, but I cut enough strips for 15 quilts ( right???)

Here is where I am at the moment:

Its really prettier in person - but with a lot of these prints -Its kind of muddy in color. and guess what?

I like it!!!

linking to:

Design Wall Monday

Monday Making  Midweek Makers

Friday, May 13, 2022

A 4 patch finish and ..... Finished ( or not) Friday

 Oh la la ... this week just flew by fast.... probably because of the wind....if blew me places!!!

This week I am showing you a cute little scrap quilt finish.... I have a pile of some small tops that I have worked on , on and off over the years, and it is time that they get finished..... oh!! 

The purpose of Finished ( of not) Friday - get these things moving on and out into the world to love!

and now... it is your turn to brag!!!
Brag away!!!
