Friday, May 20, 2022

A Crazy Quilt Finish!!! and.......... Finished ( or not) Friday

I am calling this MY finish... but!! Its really not all mine.

A long time ago I thought I wanted to learn how to Crazy quilt. You know all that embroidery and fun stuff?  and I thought it would be cool to have a canvas to try it all on.

Then my Quilt guild had a Rummage sale - and on one of the quilters tables - was a Crazy Quilt top!!

I jumped in and bought it!

I tried two little 5 inch rows of crazy quilting, and! I promptly put it in a bag.... a canvas bag!

One thing you should know about me... Patience is not a quality I possess.

But then!!! I was searching for Forest Fabrics for our RSC this month... and I found that canvas bag.

and of course I had to open it.... and then I decided I was NOT going to put it away!! I got it ready for quilting....

 and I got binding ready!!
And now!!!

It is Quilted, Bound, Washed... and I delivered it to Pathways Hospice yesterday!!

And now there is NO proof that I didn't finish the crazy quilting haha!!

( PS - do you like my green grass? We are trying a new thing.... Artificial grass!!!!)

  • Please add your Direct link only ( not the main link to your blog)
  • Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project 

  • Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment
  • Link Ends Sunday at Noon ( my time)
  • Please - link back to this post so others can join in



Cathy said...

Good for you for moving it out of the bag and on to comfort someone. It does look very comforting. Actually all your crazy quilt embroidery probably would not have shown up very well on a busy quilt. I do love crazy quilting and have made several. That is the "crazy" part of my blog name!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Great finish for a special donation. I took a crazy quilting class from Kathy Seaman Shaw ( ) and the finished project was one large block. If you want to try again, that would be my suggestion. I have not tackled a large crazy quilt.
This link shows my one block.

Bonnie said...

Great finish -- especially since it was a) in your possession for a long time and b) all those fancy hand stitching for the embroidery. I think I agree with you on that particular hand embroidery task. Nice to get it quilted and out into the wild, so to speak. Grass looks good -- it even had a stray leaf on it to add authenticity. 🤣🤣

Vicki in MN said...

Congrats on getting it finished and out into the world where it can be loved openly, not just in a canvass bag, LOL

grammajudyb said...

Wow! It’s a great quilt, embellishments or not! I’m sure it will be loved at your hospice facility! I know from experience that every act of kindness is well received by families with a loved one in Hospice. Well done, Alycia!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely fabulous, Alycia! I’m glad this beautiful quilt is off to make someone’s life a little brighter.

Delighted Hands said...

Done is a beautiful event! The quilt looks great!

Melva said...

What a great finish... and you have every right to claim it as your own finish. Bravo!

Snowcatcher said...

I LOVE crazy quilting, but rarely do I ever have the time. You did a magnificent job on this, and how wonderful to donate it! Oh, and PS, I'm sure you'll be trying out "white" grass with us tomorrow... ha ha!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Beautiful quilt; I am sure it will bring warmth and happiness to one in need.

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

I'm proud of you for taking what you found and making sure it got finished (all the way through binding!!!) AND donated. WOW!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

Better done than left in a canvas bag. Congrats on getting it gone!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Love your crazy quilt! So many great scraps in there. And so kind of you to donate it. Another UFO finished to brighten someone's day.

Paulette said...

Way to go, finishing it up and moving it out into the world! I like looking at the fabrics in a crazy quilt. That one looks like it's paper pieced, maybe? Well done!

Linda said...

I'm so happy for your little quilt! I love crazy quilts but have never made one. Someone will love it.
We have been looking at houses (another long story) and have actually considered turf as an erosion solution to a portion of a backyard of a house we like. It's so much more realistic than it used to be!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

My Crazy Quilt didn't have the stitches, either, just the crazy shapes and fabrics. Nice quilting you did.

Vicki W said...

One empty project bag and one comforted patient. That's a big win!