January was the Month of Pink -
And! I got 10 Placemats done - 5 are bound, the other five will get there.
January was the Month of Pink -
And! I got 10 Placemats done - 5 are bound, the other five will get there.
And!! and OMG ( One monthly goal) and I am sure there are other acronyms I could use for this post - but ... I can't remember them all!!
My Finish today is my SEUFO ( someone elses UFO) and it is also the quilt I chose for my One Monthly Goal ( at Elm Street Quilts)
and!! I even have the Binding made and now half applied - but I knew if I didn't get out side before the sun went down I wasn't going to get a good photo!!! And we know it is all about the photos right?
Yay me!! One more project done!!
I don't know if you noticed - but I put a grab it code over in the side bar of my blog so that if you want to add this link to your side bar - it is hopefully easy.Or maybe.... it is!!! Maybe you quilt some hearts and show your husband and say.... isn't this a cute Valentine themed heart.... and maybe a few hours later he says.... you like Dark chocolate right?
and you just know it was meant to be...
These little place mats are really just so much fun to quilt - I have a small space, I can play, and! I haven't committed to a king size quilt with the design.... and also.... It if don't like it I can change up the design to finish it - because.... you will NEVER see it - BWahh haa haa!!!
linking to:
I am doing the Color Blocks Quilts class with Debbie Brown
( previous post here: Color Blocks Progress )
And now!! it is topped!
Her pattern is called Suitable for Framing and it was a 64 x 64 inch square quilt.
But!! I am going to guess - you know me by now - and I wanted it to be Quilt of Valor Size - and so!!
I added the bottom and top two borders - and voila! it is now 64 x 80! Perfect QOV size!!
I chose a Navy Blue with Stars back - and am now prepping it to quilt... It may be February - but thats okay - It will be ready when I am! I have some cool Client quilts to work on first ( and you can see snippets of them on my Quiltygirl FB page )
Linking with:
I had a little stack of Pink placemats and as I was looking at them I really decided they needed Pink stripe binding.... which I don't have......
So I hopped online to my local quilt shop (Sew Downtown) and they had pink stripe fabric - I knew that the postal service would make it to me faster than I would get to town.... so I got mail!!
I have one more quilted.... but I haven't bound it yet. I had to meet clients to return and pick up quilts.. and you know...I am not good and binding and driving..... yet!
Linking to: Rainbow Scrap Challenge Oh Scrap!
Happy Friday!!
I spent some time looking back at my blog trying to find if this quilt had a name when I started it, and then I was amazed at how long ago it was that I started it... April 2019.... doesn't that just seem like yesterday?
It is called Merry Go Round - a pattern by American Jane Patterns.
The main reason it got pulled out to get finished is - We watched church on tv, and then I started playing on YouTube and I saw the Missouri Star quilt company tutorial called "Seeing Spots".
I kept thinking - gosh I want to make a quilt like that.... and then my family fed me, and I went ! Hey!!! I did!!!
I went and dug in my pile of quilt tops... ( remember - creative, not organized personality) and found it!
and now.... It is quilted. I have pulled out a dark purple solid for the binding... but I did not get it made this week... I had to bind *other* stuff!
You will have to come back tomorrow to see what I bound... haha
PS!! Don't forget to read Wednesdays Announcement of a NEW Mystery.... Dakota Inspired
is in the finishing stages.....
originally I was going to post Fabric requirements in January and start mid February - but since National Sew Day is February 6th....I am making a little progress!!
And the wind died down a bit - so I probably just jinxed it - but the pressure changes from wind storms give me the worst headaches.... I get happy when the wind stops!! Makes it more fun ( and productive) to quilt!
And just because.... we were able to go last October to this really cool museum - and we all want to be astronauts now. I want to be the pilot and make the boys be my backups! Wouldn't that be cool!
Stitch away!!!!
Linking to:
I am having such fun with these. I have to be honest - I am not expecting perfection, so not having that over my head - just makes this fun!!!
I finished with all of the spinning blocks - I got 5 total placemats from them, and then dug back in the bin ( its quite large - the boys had to move it for me, so until it gets lighter... its staying put) and pulled these out - so its my next stack to work on!!
I showed you 3 of the mats quilted last week - here are the other two quilted:
Linking up with
Happy Happy Friday!!!
I sure hope your week was spectacular!!! I am sure mine was... It just went kinda fast on me! The wind has been howling and I am not a fan of that - so it makes us want to stay inside a bit more, which should be good for getting quilting done right?
This is my finish for this week! It is called
Queen of Diamonds -
the pattern is by Atkinson Designs and its awesomely fun to make!!
and of course, this is a Quilt of Valor!
(pieced Quilted and going to a friend to bind! yay!)
We were going to go outside and take a really pretty Ranch shot - but I am pretty sure our Ranch has blown south - to New Mexico! That wind - its been gusting at up to 75mph!!!
This is Puppy - he would like you to know - that he is not an outside dog when the wind blows - he kinda flies like a kite!
So now!!I learned about a Color Blocks Quilt along - offered by Debby Brown Quilts. and I thought! I could do this and use my 5 inch squares and! make more Quilts of Valor easily....
So here are my 25 blocks for this months quilt - now I just need to start the setting of them, but first!
I had to work with the Horse Shoer, and ! I had to get groceries and! my mouth decided to have a crown come off, and of course - nothing in my dentistry life is an easy fix.... the 25 minute appointment to put it back on turned into 2 1/2 hours ( plus the hour of driving) and! I get to go back.... sigh.... Dentists are necessary - but truly... not my favorite!!
But my blocks are made and this evening... I am choosing a setting fabric and reading the next step!
Academic Quilter sent me a quilt to quilt - and soon she will be able to show it finished... but!
in the meantime - I get to share a photo of the quilting, because.... it was a truly fun quilt to quilt.
Isn't this such a pretty quilt? The solid fabrics are just so yummy and set with that pretty cream - I just love it!!!
Have a quilty day!!
Linking to
Our guild had a zoom presenttion with the *stash bandit!!* and it was really fun. If we couldn't have an in person meeting - why not an online one. She was so inspirational and talked a lot about using scraps - it was quite fun....
So the next day - I realized I had a batik honeybun sitting right next to my cutting table - and I thought - Heck Fire!! I am going to start making this little windy windmill blocks that she showed us!
And I did... and I promptly remembered her saying - you can turn them the wrong way - be careful.....
Their Number is slowly growing - but they are kinda fun to work on.....
Linking up to
Aha! My plans are coming together - I love it when things work!
I'll be linking up to:
A lot of you wanted to see my little 30's repro quilt... so.. I will oblige!
These were my 2015 Rainbow Scrap challenge Blocks - and I finally got them put into a top, and now it is all quilted!!
(of course - still needs to be bound... but that is the story of my quilting life......)
And now!! let's see what you have been up to!! Thanks so much for linking your direct post last week! I don't always get to each link on Friday - so it makes it nice to go to the Exact post when I get there Sunday!
*Link Up - show your stuff off!
*Visit the links - leave some Love!
* have fun!!
This is what I was working on Yesterday... I even posted a photo on my QuiltyGirl FB page !! I am impressed with me! ( just that I remembered to post a photo - haha)
These fun 30's Reproduction prints are so cute to look at.... and - maybe I will have a Finished Friday post to show you the whole thing some day....
Do you participate in the One Monthly Goal? or a UFO challenge of some sort?
This year - I am trying for the One Monthly Goal program... its over at Elm Street Quilts!
and this is my OMG for January - its also a SEUFO!!!
Don't know what a SEUFO is - well... I was telling my husband that this isn't really MY ufo - it was sent to me from another quilter, and it was a UFO for her.... so he said.... It should be called a SEUFO -
Someone Elses UFO - and I totally Agree!! ha ha - its just funny!
Anyways - the pattern is dated 2002, I was not quilting then... but this will be fun!
Then - there is this!! I had such fun with my last Greek Key Quilt that I decided to cut another one, and just sorta work on it in between other stitching.
Also - Linking up with:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt
The Rainbow Scrap Challenge is in full swing for 2021
over at superscrappy.blogspot.com/
The color of this month is Pink - and so....
I dug in my orphan block box for some pink blocks. and I found a few .
And don't laugh - but I have a plan.... a plan that may have been inspired by a project Quilt Diva Julie did, and a post about Table Scraps from Joyful......
These blocks were given to me by an older quilter, she said she was using up her scraps, and she just kept making these blocks - so one thing I have learned in prepping them.... none of them are the same size !
So my first step is trimming them all down to the same size... and then...
we shall see if my Plan comes to fruition!