Friday, January 15, 2021

Queen of Diamonds.... and! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Happy Happy Friday!!!

I sure hope your week was spectacular!!! I am sure mine was... It just went kinda fast on me! The wind has been howling and I am not a fan of that - so it makes us want to stay inside a bit more, which should be good for getting quilting done right?

This is my finish for this week!  It is called

Queen of Diamonds

the pattern is by Atkinson Designs and its awesomely fun to make!! 

and of course, this is a Quilt of Valor!

(pieced Quilted and going to a friend to bind! yay!)

We were going to go outside and take a really pretty Ranch shot - but I am pretty sure our Ranch has blown south - to New Mexico!  That wind - its been gusting at up to 75mph!!!

This is Puppy - he would like you to know - that he is not an outside dog when the wind blows - he kinda flies like a kite!

So now!!
it is your turn - Show me your Finishes!! ( or your not finishes)

* please directly link to the Finished Friday post
* visit some others
* share the link
* Make me Brownies
* and Have fun!!!


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Linking to:


Karen's Korner said...

Congratulations on your finish.

Gretchen Weaver said...

Queen of diamonds is a lovely quilt, the recipient will love it! Happy stitching!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love your Queen of Diamonds quilt. Great QOV

Delighted Hands said...

Oh, what a good use of scraps--this one really turned out great! Son way up in Tacoma, Wa , has had the same winds--a first for them!

Vicki in MN said...

That is a beautiful finish!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely finish, Alycia! I’ll be pinning this one. Your puppy is adorable!


Anja @ Anja Quilts said...

Great finish. Don't blow away LOL

chrisknits said...

Love it! What a great quilt.

Joanne said...

What a beautiful quilt!

Preeti said...

Awesomely Fun is a good description and a catchy one :-) Have a great quilty weekend!

Susan said...

Another beautiful finish, Alycia. You made me laugh about your ranch blowing south to NM. There are places I've lived out west like that. I don't miss that, but I do miss the desert and high plains and mountains and cactus. And warm winters.

Donna said...

Love this quilt!

Rebecca Grace said...

Your Queen of Diamonds QOV looks amazing, Alycia! I love that the colors are subtly patriotic, but it doesn't scream "Flag Day" at you. I'm sure it will be cherished by the recipient. I love the quilting design you chose for it, too!

Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Hope the wind had dyed down, Alycia. Your Queen of Diamonds is gorgeous and love the border. Thank you so much for hosting a wonderful link party and for sharing . You have such a lovely blog.