Monday, August 31, 2020

Greek Key Log Cabin Quilt.... a start

 How many of you have an AccuQuilt Cutter?

I have one, I probably don't make the best use of it, mostly because I start cutting a new quilt in the middle of the night, and my cutter is downstairs, and its dark down there.... and you know... dark.....

But!! with lots of people  home, and a son,  who is awesome - we pulled it out and he started cutting up my scraps. I have the Strip dies, and that was it.... until!!

We started checking out the website and we found the Log Cabin Block on Board die, and we started coloring stuff.... and!! We decided we wanted to try the Greek Key Log cabin, and so.... I bought myself a present - and Looky what got  started!!

But here is a funny thing... I bought this block on board and then I thought... let me buy the 5 inch half square die - that might be fun... 

I ALWAYS get confused between finished and unfinished terms, and even after making mistake after mistake about it - I still get them messed up - so when my 5 inch half squares turned out 5 inches... I was all upset with my sewing skills!!

I couldn't believe that after all these years I couldn't master a 1/4 inch seam.... welllllllll.....

I headed back to the website - and guess what! The 5 inch die is meant to make 5 inch half squares.... Hunh!! Funny right??

I have to admit - it did make me feel better about myself , knowing that I was actually doing it right, even though... 

Linking to:

Monday Making at Love Laugh Quilt

Design Wall Monday  at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts

Friday, August 28, 2020

Flash Fiction Mystery and...... Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

 Ohhh Do I have something fun to share with you today!!

First - I LOVE supporting small women owned businesses, and I LOVE supporting quilting businesses - so today - that combines both Loves!!

Check this out! 

its a MYSTERY QUILT - BASED ON A SHORT STORY  and YOU get to SOLVE a Mystery!! This just sounds so fun - you could be a Quilting Sleuth!!!  and you could get a hat and a magnifying glass - and .. oh think of the plaids you could wear!!

 These are some examples from the 2019 quilt and!! It is not too late to sign up for the 2020 Quilt!!!

but don't delay - the 2020 quilt only has a few openings left .. and it starts soon!!

What is Flash Fiction Mystery Quilt 2020?

  • Flash Fiction Mystery Quilt is a super fun, online, group quilting adventure.
  • A mystery quilt is a quilt that is revealed to you one quilt block pattern at a time. Each month, when the new block pattern is released everyone sews their blocks, then shares pictures of it in our private Facebook group.
  • Along with your monthly block pattern, we also give you a new intriguing flash fiction story to read!
  • A “flash fiction” story is one that you can read in a flash.
  • Adding to the excitement, you’ll get a monthly puzzle to solve. Solving these puzzles leads you on a tantalizing adventure to figure out our yearly mystery.
  • Making a quilt was never this fun!

Here, you’ll make new friends from around the world, sew a beautiful quilt, read great stories, and solve a mystery!

Head over to:

and check out how to sign up and the pricing - and get ready for a FUN , MYSTERY filled year!!

Now it is your turn to link up and show us the great finishes you have this week. I ... did not have one.... I got into the organizing, destashing mode - and lawsy mercy - did I get sidetracked!!

I am not sure if Ebay quiltygirl Ebay page   is the way to go - but I keep listing things over there, and it is helping me see the light in my quilt room!!

Alright - Show us what you have!!



Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Happy Half Square Block 10

 I think I am getting close enough to start imagining a quilt out of these blocks!!

First!! I got a few new emails last week about what size are these... and of course - they were no reply commentors....  the answer - ANY SIZE you want!!  you basically need 16 half squares to make each block - so you can determine the size you want them to be.

Me? I am using 5 inch squares - so my half squares are 4 1/2 inches - yes  it is big - BUT!! I have a size 15 shoe box FULL of 5 inch squares that my Little Bit cut for me - so I am excited to be using them!

Alright - onto Block TEN!

This is my final color choice on this one ... 

But!! you could chose to do the colors more like this - half and half....

Or you could make the blues be the inside and make a spinner ....

So for this one - I stitched my half squares in to squares of the way I wanted the geese to look - 
then I put together the 4 squares..... 

And of course, when I was stitching it I had a niggling feeling I have played with this block before.... and so I went digging in my stack of quilts - and Looky what I found!!

I know that I made it years ago - as I can remember home schooling my boys and quilting, and I also remember I was learning about McTavishing... and I thought - Oh ya - I will do that ALL over this quilt... and I did about a 3 inch by 12 inch piece - and quickly moved to feathers... I mean! I did want to get it done..... haha!!   ( and since it was my quilt, I did NOT tear out the McTavishing quilting)

Ms Kat  worked her Mock up magic again!!  my photo was not the best - as I didn't get it square on, so that little bit of blue showing.... that is my cutting board!! ( lesson learned)

I am really starting to like these on point ones!!!

Hope you are having fun!! I have a tab at the top of the blog where I have been linking all of the past blocks, some of you have said you are saving them for later.... so I am to help.

I also created a Quiltygirl HHST pinterest page gives me grief - but here it is just in case you are a Pin type person.

Quiltygirl Ebay      Quiltygirl Etsy    

Monday, August 24, 2020

Family Reunion Time

This summer - The Ayres Bridge in Wyoming had its 100th Anniversary Celebration - and so! my mother in law planned a great Family Reunion for all of us to go!!

Why is this important? The Ayres Bridge was donated to Converse County in 1920, and AC Ayres (who donated it) is My husbands Great Grandfather.... My Father in Law actually grew up there ... so it was a fun, memory filled time.

Every time we travel in Wyoming - we always make a stop there...

I am sure that things change - but it sure looks the same to me - it is one of only Three Natural bridges in the United States - and it is just south of the Oregon Trail - so A lot of people have visited this place.

So! One of my goals this visit, was to recreate a photo from when the boys were kids. 
nailed it!!
the funniest thing to me -  - check out mine and my husbands shirt colors
and the change in the superhero shirts - too funny!!

We climbed up to the top of the bridge - 

and of course - 
Struck a pose!

and we all had to get in to the photo!!

it was such a fun family time - most of the cousins were there, and the aunts and uncles. One uncle couldn't come due to health issues - so we all tried to enjoy the time extra for him. He was missed.

My Mother in law planned a great lunch and dinner at the park - which was a lot of work for as many of us as there were. The park also hosted some fun events - my favorite was the History of the Park.  During that time the Mans aunt got to talk about growing up there, and the one room schoolhouse they attended.

It was a great time - and a fun way to be outdoors - and thank goodness it was only in the 80's that day... I was a bit concerned about that! 

Friday, August 21, 2020

Finally Finished Twirling at the Disco - and Finished ( or not) Friday

 Happy Friday to you all!!

My Twirling at the Disco is at the Finished Finished stage for me!! It is going on to G in Co Springs to bind and award to a Veteran.  The block pattern was designed by Samelias Mum - and I love it!!

I arranged them a little different - just to see what would happen... I kinda like it!

But I really like Samelias layout better - so maybe for quilt number two - I will do it that way.

This is my 13th Quilt of Valor for the year...not keeping up with last year - but!! I am thinking this is a good number so far!!

Now it is your turn - what project did you finish this week?  Again - please provide your direct link - the best way to do this - click on your post title - then the link should be the direct one to use in the link up.

Hope you had a great week and got a lot accomplished!!




Linking to:

Wednesday, August 19, 2020

Happy Half Square Project Block NINE


Happy Half Square Project
Block NINE

When I sketched this one - I was thinking three colors would be awesome!
But then I stumbled on what I would want in the center...all the same print?
different ones? So i decided to try it with the same fabric....

Then!! Kat ( ScrapBox Quilts)  has been sending me photos of the blocks worked into quilts, so I asked if maybe she wanted to do it ahead of the blog post - and you know what? that girl outdid herself!!

Check all these awesome versions out!! As a Visual person - I LOVE LOVE LOVE these!!

And with sashing.

And then one on point!
I like this!!

and last... on point with sashings

I think she outdid herself!!  

have you found a block you like best yet?  There are more to come!

check out my ebay might really need something!

Monday, August 17, 2020

The horses... and the babies

 After our hike up to the high country - we headed down to see the babies!!

My Family has a cool Horse program and they breed, train and sell some amazing horses. I have showed you some photos in the past of my Nephews working them, or us , roping on them or something... 

Usually this time of year they are preparing for the Come to the Source Horse sale, but of course, the You Know, changed all that.  So this year they are offering private sales, but I still needed to see all the babies!!

Are you ready? 

I mean - the cute overload might just get you....

or maybe even put a smile on your face.... are you prepared ??

This little baby thinks he can escape and open gates, which is kinda funny - cuz My mare has figured it out, so I see this one escaping in the future!

We headed out to one of the pastures with a few mares and babies.
you can tell they were really concerned with us right?

These babies are so friendly... they followed us around, and they weren't to sure what to make of the sound of my camera!!

I told him a joke.....

My Little bit - animals just love him... isn't this sweet?  I think she was wondering if maybe, just maybe he had a little grain behind his ear?

And the Man.... he always knows how to get the babes ( ha ha) to come to him!!

I just Love seeing the babies, and watching how they grow. They are just so cute and because they work so hard with them to train them ... they are super friendly!  

This year - they even created a Website so you can see more of the horses-

Friday, August 14, 2020

Sweet Caroline .... and !! Finished (or not) Friday

 Good Morning!!  

I hope your week has been spectacular!! I am almost caught up on Laundry - so you know it is good right?  

My Finish to share this week is called


It is a pattern written by Myra at Busy Hands Quilts - I got to be one of her pattern testers for this one - and what fun that is!!! I had a great time working on it - and! I think it turned out really cool. I can see doing this one in Patriotics as well!!

This pattern is very well written and comes in 4 sizes ( I think!)  You can use yardage or precuts - and it is really easy to follow her instructions!

Head over to her site and check it out!!!

Don't forget - I have fabrics for sale on my Ebay site - I even added a few more last night! Be sure to click on the shipping - for some reason it is only showing 1 option - but there are usually 2-3 so we can try to get it to you as cheap as possible!

Quiltygirl Ebay


It is your turn to brag!! What did you get to this week?  Let us ohh and ahh over your quilty things!!

Please provide the direct link to your post... some of us take a bit to get to all the links.

An be sure to Check out everyone's posts - inspiration abounds!



Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Happy Half Square Project Block EIGHT

Happy Half Square Block number EIGHT

My pile of blocks is growing!
And I feel I am getting closer to a real quilt top....

So - has anyone seen this block before?
Its another one where I envisioned a Pinwheel type thing in the middle - 
and I used all the same background so maybe the pinwheel would pop.

What do you think?

This is another one I think I could like a Whole Quilt out of!!

I love checking my mail on Wednesday mornings...
Ms Kat - of Scrapbox Quilts did another 16 block mock up of this one!!

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Hiking in the High Country

 I love a good hike!! Our parks and trails are starting to open, and we are starting to venture out!  it is a whole new system - reservations are required for the places I like to go. Which , to be honest, was pretty cool.... except I had to plan ahead to where I wanted to go.

But! it kept the traffic low, and less people in the parking lots!

So are you ready?  This was a fun hike - three of us headed up the mountain - and left the others to work... poor souls 😀

A family selfie. The rule is - masks can be off when you are in your group, but if you encounter other hikers - masks on... so I made all of us Gaiters to wear - I think we looked cool
( well as cool as you can look with your face covered 
and your trying not to steam your sunglasses haha)

Climbing to the top!!
The views were amazing - and you can tell - we finally hit a cool temperature.
I hadn't planned on carrying a sweatshirt - but my men know me well.

I bought them a milkshake to thank them

Not quite a 14'er - but it worked for me!

Not a bad view right?

I mean - I could enjoy that every  morning!

This little Butterfly followed us along the trail for a long time.
he ( or she) finally stopped long enough for me to get a photo

I just love the flowers and the rocks
and heck fire!
Look how high we are!!

My dad used to take us hiking, hunting and fishing.
He always told us - first one to see wildlife gets an ice cream
Needless to say I am a bit competitive when it comes to spotting wildlife
and now that I have a camera

I want to prove it!!

last photo 

We thought this was so cool - how the clouds hung down by the mountain.

Proves my head is in the clouds??


Don't forget to check out my

  Stash Reduction Sales

Monday, August 10, 2020

Studio Clean up and Stash Reduction

 I don't know why this always happens to me - but... when I am away from my studio for any period of time,  I come back, and all I can think about is cleaning up!   I really should just want to sew, but noooooo , my brain says - lets reorganize!!

A stack of Yellows

and So - with all of my strong men home ( see there is a benefit to covid)  I started reorganizing!!

I have my own bathroom in the studio - and since it is just me, I might have batting stored in there ( and then I run upstairs to use the other bathroom - weird right?)  I decided it was time to move it all, and behind it! I found fabric!!  Which led to other fabric, which led to....

Leftover Minkee from the backs of quilts

Finding Denim Fabrics left from My Maternity Clothing company!! I was one of the first clothing companies on the internet in 1995... mostly then people were just using it as an ad campaign... I had a REAL store - with an order form an everything... and lawsy mercy was that catalog long.... but!   I sold the company a few years ago, and I had used most everything I saved.. but denim!.... well   I digress....

I used to order fabric wholesale, and I have noticed, that is a hard habit to break.. you know - buying in quantity!!

Purples and pretties

and so!!

I am sorting through tons of fabrics  - Literal Tons - and am starting to list them on Ebay!!  I figured this would be a great way to reduce some stash, spread the fabric love, and maybe..... be able to empty a shelf... I mean - lets not get carried away over here alright??

Quiltygirl Quilts on Ebay

This is where I will be listing my fabrics - Some auctions have already started... some are starting a little later today - and new ones will post each day.... I mean - I can only do so much in a day without getting to distracted.... my bucket list of quilts to make has significantly grown as well!

PS - I might have had a chance to get out in the real world - the world without people and I might have some photos to share ....

Friday, August 07, 2020

Queen of Diamonds Progress.... and ! Finished ( or NOT!) Friday

I thought I had been making faster progress on this quilt top - but after looking back at my blog posts.... I have not... *sigh*   

Oh well!! at least I still like it right?

This is called Queen of Diamonds - and the pattern is by Atkinson designs. It is in her Dealers Choice Pattern book....  I add this because the few emails I get asking for measurements... the answer is... It is in her book ....- right?  

We have to support our awesome designers... and make them keep designing!

I actually have two rows sewn together now, so..... you know... I am getting there!!

and just for fun - One of my sons had to stay in Denver for a week and he was on the 30th floor. I went to visit him and this pencil caught my eye.... of course the tingling in my feet and the weakness in my knees did not like that height!

The 30th floor people.... oh my!!!

Now it is your turn!!! Show us those great finishes you have been working on!!
