hope all of you are doing well! I have stayed away from saying to much about the whole * you know* going on... because.... well it makes me annoyed... and you know annoying a quilter, equipped with scissors, rotary cutters and all sorts of other things... Is just not good for the environment - hahaha!
Two of my Three Kids are headed back to college next month. Every day the information changes, as to online vs in person, and what the rules vs. the should happens change....and well!
We just decided that it is going to be in all of our best interests to be prepared one way of the other. and one of those things - each college states they will require Masks/Face protection in the classroom.
So we decided to have some fun with it - Little Bit chose his fabrics for his masks.... he already has two, but I figure.... Boys... laundry.... Better have an over abundance right??
Here are his choices:
Aren't those just fun? I found these little dealies to put on the elastic so you can adjust the fit - and they are pretty cool!! That way, I can just cut the elastic to the size I like , and they can make it fit!
So now... I am off to make masks for Middle Bit... he starts a week later, so you know... he came second... poor kid - always stuck in the middle!
NOW!!! It is time for:
Please do provide a direct link for me, so that later in the week - I can get right to that post.