Friday, July 31, 2020

Mask making for college and!! Finished ( or Not) Friday!!

Happy Happy Friday!!

hope all of you are doing well! I have stayed away from saying to much about the whole * you know* going on... because.... well it makes me annoyed... and you know annoying a quilter, equipped with scissors, rotary cutters and all sorts of other things... Is just not good for the environment - hahaha!


Two of my Three Kids are headed back to college next month. Every day the information changes, as to online vs in person, and what the rules vs. the should happens change....and well!

We just decided that it is going to be in all of our best interests to be prepared one way of the other. and one of those things - each college states they will require Masks/Face protection in the classroom.  

So we decided to have some fun with it - Little Bit  chose his fabrics for his masks.... he already has two, but I figure.... Boys... laundry.... Better have an over abundance right??

Here are his choices:

Aren't those just fun?  I found these little dealies to put on the elastic so you can adjust the fit - and they are pretty cool!!  That way, I can just cut the elastic to the size I like , and they can make it fit!

So now... I am off to make masks for Middle Bit... he starts a week later, so you know... he came second... poor kid - always stuck in the middle!

NOW!!! It is time for:
Please do provide a direct link for me, so that later in the week - I can get right to that post.



Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Happy Half Square Block SIX

Happy Half Square Project
Block SIX

These are kinda addicting..
Just to see how and where you can place Half squares to make  a block!

This is my BLOCK SIX
and I wanted to do all red...
Mostly because my stack of red is large,
and the other reason
I have a few blocks that are just blues....

so I thought this might even it out??

Again - you need 16 Half Squares for this block

And then I was chatting on the phone with my son,
and started playing around with colors

This might be cool as a two colored block too
Gives it a little spinny look?


Kat over at 
Put this in her computer programs - and check this out!

it creates a secondary pattern!!
Love it!!
Thanks Kat!!

Monday, July 27, 2020

Another *Books* post!!

I read some books again!!  I may have to make this a habit!!

Of course - with 4 people vying for the Wifi in the Middle of Nowhere.... Books are much easier to get my hands on than a show to binge watch.... 

The first one I read:
The Country Guesthouse.  
I didn't think I liked it, and was ready to put it down, when there was a twist that kept me reading. But the start was a little Cliche for me... but then there was a little mystery and that made my mind go all over the place - and if I was a writer... Inow have about 15 plotlines this could follow haha!

This one I really liked - it is not a hard read, but the story starts from two different perspectives. and the decisions that the characters make come out as the book goes along, and you sympathize.... and look over your shoulder.... just in case ;-)

This book intrigues me, only because Cleo is a single mom who was pregnant in her senior year of college, she goes to Law school with a young child and is a Senator at 37.... well then her life comes into focus for us.

BUT!! I have a kid who just graduated law school, and he is in the middle of prepping for the Bar ( or maybe he will have taken it by now) and being a mom myself - I just wonder where in the heck she could do all this without boatloads of help --- 

That aside - its actually a good book about Women and realizing we need our other women

Friday, July 24, 2020

String Stars.... and Finished ( or Not) Friday

Once upon a Time... about almost exactly Two years ago - I had a friend... and he came to our Quilt guild and did this most AWESOME presentation - and then the next day - He taught a class.... and I participated - and then.....

I did not follow through... cuz I am a bad quilter ( bwahh ha ha)

But today!! I fixed that - and I followed through!!

My original Post  about this quilt - and now!!!

The Reveal!!

So this one is outside and gives you the true colors, but the sun was so blinding - you can't see the quilting to prove that I Quilted it!!

I took one inside as well - so you can see the quilting... because - come on people - I am a Machine Quilter ( for hire, if your looking haha)  but the colors are a little darker...

I think that I shall bind it in Navy Blue.. but that is a post for a different day - like maybe October... ( I did not say which year tho!)

Now!! BEfore you link your post - click here to open a new song from Estin and the 86'd - a little local ban here - and give their song a listen.. let's see if we can get their listens up about 1500....

now!! Lets see what you are up to!!:
how has the stitching been going for you?

************************************************ *************************************************

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Happy Half Square Block FIVE

Ohhhh Now I really like this one too!!
I may have to revisit it and make A whole quilt soon!!!

Apparently I am drawn to Stars - since the last blocks have all been star like.... But This one with the Starry background.... I am liking it!!

Here is the drawing - I think it would be pretty as a two color block too, but I sure so like having a spinner looking one pop out!

Friday, July 17, 2020

Client Quips ... and !! Finished Friday!!

Happy Friday!!

This week - I have no finishes for myself.... But its all good!!
I have a few finishes to show you from some of my clients!

This is from my dear friend that can find THE BEST antique Quilts areound.. It was REALLY flimsy and fragile, so we tried to not do any stitch in the ditch - We wanted nothing to rip!!

And I loved the fabrics!!
Here is the next one, and!! she asked me to bind it - can you imagine ha haha!  But I did it for her - and it turned out so cute!

I am still working on processing wedding photos from my friends wedding - I think I went Camera Crazy - and you should just guess how many Raw photos I took... I don't think anyone can get close!!

Now it is your turn to brag... Link up!!



Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Happy Half Square Project Block 4

I hope you are having fun with these  - either seeing them, or stitching along! 

When I find my  most favorite block - who knows - I may just stitch a whole 'nother quilt of them!!

Here is
 Happy Half Square Project Block Number 4

On this one I really like the idea of making a center star, and Full Confession - I have made this block before. And when I was making it - I sorta remembered that I really did like it three colored.

I am going to make a QOV out of all of these - so I am keeping them Patriotic

Here are all 4 blocks so far up on the design wall.  I am pretty sure that I won't set them in the order that I make them - but who knows - I may???

Oh Look!!
See this was one of my Favorite blocks
I made a Whole quilt last year out of them!!

Are you following along? Is anyone else stitching a few of them? Come back on Friday and Link to finished ( or not) friday - so I can check them all out. Or leave a comment below, so I can check out your blog!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Finished Quilts of Valor

I have a ton of Cool Quilts of Valor to show you!! and

Yesterday we had a pretty cool QOV presentation... we did masks, and social Distancing, and hand sanitizer and you know... It worked out pretty well..

I was even saluted from a really cool Service Dog of one of the Marines that attended.
Now... I am trying to teach my dog to do that!!!  He just keeps looking at me strangely!

This one was made by Debbe and Ethel
i think Debbe Quilted it and Ethel Bound it

I made this one - 
It was our Winter Mystery QAL
and quitled it - Ethel Bound it!

Nettie made this one, Connie Quilted it - and I think Kathy Bound it

This cool rail fence was made and quilted by Deonna!

This one ( below)
was a collboration of Colorado quilters - 
we all made the blocks 
Crystal quilted it - 
I think it still needs to be bound... but you are not holding me to that right?

THis one below is the Lone Rider Mystery Quilt
It was made by Cindy
and quilted by Crystal

ad here is another one - 
Crystal did the quilting on it too

I think color choices made quilts look so different
Same pattern - Two different outcomes
LOVE it!

A Little Close up of the quilting


Our Presentation!!

We were so lucky to be able to do it at our Church - Our Church building is brand new.... Sunday was the 2nd Sunday that we had services in it - so I joked that the building has been open 8 days... God made the World in the first 7 days... and on the 8th Day... we were supposed to make Quilts of Valor...


The building was perfect - people were able to sit in their family groups, and keep space, we all wore masks... Well I took mine off to talk but I was a good 12 foot away from anyone, and then put it back on... What a great day!!!

Friday, July 10, 2020

Simply Dashing with Dinosaurs... and Finished Friday

Happy Friday!!!
I hope your week has been amazing!!!

I had a great one... I got things done, I went paddle-boarding with my son, I got to take a scenic drive with my dad.... and today... I am shooting a wedding... This way! I never get bored!! Right?

Here is my Finish for this week... and! I would like to add - It is FINISHED... as in Bound too!!

The Pattern is called Simply Dashing
It is by Highway 10 Designs
and was super great to put together!

I would just like to brag on the refinish of my deck.
We are working on that too!

Can you see what is quilted on it??


Isn't that fun?
I made this quilt for my son.
His High School basketball team colors were this Carolina Blue and White
and he loves dinosaurs
so now.... he can take it to college with him
( ya... no picking on me about the time it takes to get to some things!)

Oh! And the back... It is elephants
Don't laugh - but I just loved this fabric and the colors matched....

My little labels!!

Alright - enough about me talking about me... What do you like about me?
Ha ha ha!! Just kidding - Show off your finishes this week - Link up and lets
brag away!!



Also Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop  at Confessions of a Fabric Addict
TGIF Friday at Tish;s Adventures in Wonderland
Free Motion Mavericks  at Quilting and Learning
Peacock Party at Wendys Quilts and More

Wednesday, July 08, 2020

Happy Half Square Project Block 3

Oh my gosh - 
I am really having fun on this - and maybe - getting a little bit better and Half Square blocks!!

So this is
 Block Three of the Happy Half Square Project
I decided to choose the color theme this time - to accent the inner star.

Because I made half squares using the 5 inch squares - I get 2 HST from each set.

So I used 4 Red/Cream Sets ( for 8HST)
and 4 Blue/Cream ( for another 8 HST)

TA DA!!!

Block Number Three!!

Hope you are enjoying seeing my Happy Half Square blocks.  I am having fun finding them and playing around with the colors!!

Edited to add!!

Check out what Kat at  did!!

Now I want to make more like this one!!!
Thanks Kat!!!

Tuesday, July 07, 2020

Books.... as in I read one or two

At the end of every month a few of the bloggers I follow post the books that they have read - and I LOVE THIS!!!   But I don't read as much as I used to... when I hauled kids around to all the million of sporting events.... I always had a book.... 

and I like Books - I didn't think I would like a kindle or a reader... cuz I am old fashioned... Until!!

My son set me up on a Kindle I pad thing and now - I love it. It is even on my phone..... I feel so technological.... ( Or unlogical? depends on the day!)

Now I can share some of the books that I have read - and just so you know - I did read some hard cover books as well as kindle books... you can't make me change that fast!

My First hard Cover book was:

I am a huge Sandra Dallas Fan.. and this one did not dissappoint!  It is set in 1852 - in Chicago - and there is a wagon train looking to take Women ( and women only ) west to help tame the west.... as in marry these women off to men already living there.   

A side note - My husbands Great Great GrandFather Arranged a very similar trip to sail women around the horn from the east coast to the west coast in 1864 - ( google the Mercer Girls)  so this book held a lot of interest to me.

I Told you about this one - I had seen it on another blog. At the time the libraries were closed and I had no patience - so I just bought it.... Hard Cover - which is good, because  I passed it to my mom, and my dad, and as soon as I get it back it is going to a friend!

This is about the Red Cross girls During World War II - It is historical Fiction - but there is a list in the back of the stories she used to compile this book. And Being able to be around Veterans from this era - wow - this book really was one I couldn't put tdown 


I also read this one... I give it 2 1/2 stars of 5.... It was not my favorite - but it was a good look at the lives of Immigrant Women in America in the early 1900's - 1908 I think.  I am a fan of having a goal to get to, and this was more like a meandering conversation... ( to me)

Now this one... it is not my usual type of book! But I really liked it - Bea is sort of homeless after some unfortunate events ( and she is elder) ... she starts in on some crazy capers and along the way - Allie jumps in with her ( she can't drive yet)  

It was a heartwarming story to me of two opposite lives and how we should value the people in our lives

That is my Book Report for June ... I have new books downloaded and purchased for July. You can't get me to go all 100% electronic - haha!!

Now if you do a book post too - leave me a comment so I can go check your post out and get even more books to add to my list!!

Monday, July 06, 2020

I'm Blocking it!!

I did not realize how far I had gotten behind in my Block of the Month projects... 

I mean, they aren't all that hard... my list just got long!

I needed the Bonus Block for June ☑✅

and then since I am there - Why not do the July Block as well ✅

and of course - my new Leader/Ender project - the New Quarterly Block for my QOV groups
One done and a 10 prepped: ✔✅

And the Big One - my Rainbow Scrap challenge blocks
June was Pink - I used the closest to pink I had✅
July is Blue - I have used the blue in my Pile of Hand Dyed fabrics from Colorways by Vicki - so I grabbed the closest thing - Purple -✅

I am starting to feel caught up.... at least until August rolls around - haha!!

Friday, July 03, 2020

Twirling at the Disco.... and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

Can you all believe it is already July?? I tell you, it's hot - so I know it is summer, but JULY!! That came up quick!!!

My Finish to brag on today was actually pieced by Verna in CO. Samelia's Mom designed this cool block she called Twirling at the Disco - and a bunch of us Colorado Quilters went to town using it.

Verna made this top and sent it to me.  I made the backing and did the Quilting on it.   My yearly goal was to be a part of 12 Quilts of Valor - and 


This is Number 12!!!

QOV Number 12
QOV Number 12

Here is a close up of the quilting - I like it!! It gives it some fun texture!!

I will send it on to one of our QOV'ers in Colorado Springs, she will bind it and award it!! YAY Teamwork!!

Now!! It is your turn - link up you finish ( or not) for us to brag on and check out. And Have a Great 4th of July!!



Linking to:

Thursday, July 02, 2020

Colorado QOV Double 4 patch block...and our new Quarterly block

For April. May and June - Our Colorado Quilts of Valor made Double 4 patch blocks:

I always love having a Patriotic Scrappy Block that I can use as leader Enders... and A couple of you all decided to join in .. AND I LOVE IT!!

But! Here is my confession... I started a list of the blocks that arrived, and then I am not sure where I put it. In my defense... I cleaned my sewing table... so it is probably in the most logical place- that I can't think of.... so I hope I am not missing a single person..

Here is the List:
Verna B (walden CO)  9
Laura R (california)   62
Jan S ( eaton CO)     4
Karen K  ( Colorado) 8
Alycia ( me)       16
Joyful       6
Holly M     50
Dianne M (washington)    8
Sheree C ( Eaton Co)    12
Amanda R ( Baton Rouge LA)   6   ( and strips to make more!!)
Barbara L  ( Thornton CO)              38
Sue from Athens TX with 108 !!

For a total of 399 Blocks!!

That is so awesome and will make great quilts. These blocks are all going to our Buena Vista QOV chapter to make quilts - so I will pester her to share their creations ;-)

Oh!! And here is our Next Quarterly Block:

it is the Missouri Star Quilt Co Disappearing Shoo Fly Block!!

The version they show is even in Patriotics - like the one hanging behind Jenny.
That is what we want to do - patriotics!!

Have a good day!!