Thursday, June 27, 2019

Patriotic Finished Friday!!!! TGIFF!!!

Whoot Whoot!!! Its a Finished Friday - AND!!! I have a finish!!

Back is 2016 I made a pattern called Brick Cottage Lane from Busy Hands Quilts, and I had leftovers. This summer, I have been organizing ( I can't say cleaning because that sounds like work), and I found the leftovers - and they needed to be finished into something!!

 I mean - you can't let that patriotic goodness go to waste!

Ta da!! I made it into a table runner. And yes - it is not bound, my thumb does not like that motion yet, so my pile of to be bound quilts is growing. However!! I will use this this way!

First I put it on my white table cloths, 

But then I realized that they needed to be washed, so I put it out on the table direct. This table is REALLY really old! My husbands Grandparents moved into a ranch house in Wyoming - back in the early 50's and this table was left there. Grandpa refinished it , and it has been in our family since.

Then I got to looking around the rest of the house, and decided I needed to decorate for the 4th of July! Did you know that it is NEXT WEEK! Holy smokes! How did that happen??

So I pulled out my Remembering George quilt. This was a Quilt a long by Judy and Patchwork Times in 2010.  I renamed it after my Great Uncle who was in WWII

This is him with his Wife 
My Great Aunt ( and my Grandma's sister)

And then I got out my Scrappy Hearts Quilt - It's big enough to go on a bed - but I have it on the couch. I keep hoping the nights will stay cool, and I will need it while watching a movie.... Hint Hint weather man

And then the last Patriotic Quilt out is the mystery by Bonnie Hunter - Called EnProvence - It needed to come out too - I will hang it over my Rocking chair.

So now - I am all prepped and ready for some fireworks!!

Are you ready to link up your Friday Finishes?

Let's check them out - Direct Links please ;-)


Linking to:
Confessions of a Fabric Addict
Busy Hands Quilts

Tuesday, June 25, 2019

14'ers aka Mt Evans

One of my goals has been to get up as many 14'ers as we can. We have started up a few times and been derailed by snow or some other thing - but sure enjoyed the hike.

This time.... I found out you could DRIVE up to the summit, and then hike to the top....
So we did - Up Mt Evans!!

Is that just beautiful???

There were some trails about mid summit that took you through the various terrain, and tundra that existed up there.

Check out all that snow!!
and it was about 48 degrees

The top!!  or one of the tops - who knows - the top is 14256 feet ( i think)  and it is just gorgeous

and this is the best way to climb a 14 er in my mind
You drive up to 14156
and climb the rest and shout

I did it!
and you text photos to your other kids at home 
that think you really climbed 

and you don't tell them any differently!
( since they don't read the blog - I am totally sticking to my story)

Linking to:
Our World Tuesday

Monday, June 24, 2019

Travel Adventures

So  Little Bit and I headed over the mountain to go to his  * College*  ( ackkk) 

We were rolling along and came to a complete halt at LookOut Mountain 

This is what we saw – well as they detoured us over the Offramp/Onramp to avoid the crash. We were probably 20 cars behind this accident.

 See all the emergency crews?

Little Bit took this as I was driving – I didn’t want to be the next accident – but that car was toasted!!!

I think it is time to stay home and Stitch!!

Which is just what we did!
My QOV Sew Day was yesterday - and look at all the blocks that got made!!

I think we counted 50 of them!! Awesome!!

have a Quilty Day!

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Quilt a Long with Busy Hands and the SSSSQ Mystery from Kevin the Quilter

That is such a long title!! But!! I want to make sure I am giving proper credit to those quilters who have just tied me to my sewing machine, and made me dig in my scraps - and made the Boys all Cook for themselves - ha ha ha !

Think that would really work???

Myra - at Busy Hands Quilts is hosting a Jelly Roll Waves Quilt a long. It is her pattern - obviously called Jelly Roll waves - click on her blog name and it will take you to all of the information.

I have made one before, but I got a little sidetracked and mine turned out a little differently... but I loved it - and it lives in my Friend Linda's house now. It's time to make another right?

Here is my original - I made it with a jelly roll. The cool thing about Myra's pattern - she gives you a few different ways to make the quilt so you can use stash fabrics!!

and Kevin - at Kevin the Quilter ... is offering this!!!  Whoot Whoot - another chance to dig in my fabrics... I see a little bit of fun ( read mess) in my future!! Finding what I need!

is this going to be fun or not??  As I was dreaming about what colors I would use, Little Bit said I should do Greens and Pinks..... I really don't have much of those colors in my stash.... But then! I remembered a Plaid fabric I had just put away... it may have some pink - so tomorrow is my day to choose my fabrics....

any of you playing along with these projects? I see some great quilts in the future!

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Changing Quilts

Even though it is summer - I decided it was time to change the quilts on the beds.  I say beds - because I have my bed - and the one that I stole from one of my children.

He left - I claimed the room

It's only fair!

Bed 1:


 Bed 2

Oh!! and guess what????
I am hosting TGIF Friday NEXT Friday
( that is why I am not bragging this week... its ... not.... quite.... done.....)

But you should still go check out all the eye candy that is finished!!
My favorite day of the week!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Scrappy- ness

I keep a tote of scraps right next to my machine, and when I am cutting scraps I feed the tub.... they are all widths - and approximately 10 1/2 inches long....

We had a little sewing retreat this weekend and I finished all my planned projects - so - yay me, I had taken my scrap tote!

and it was awesome - I could stitch away and listen to all the conversations and not have to concentrate.... and ta da!

50 scrappy 9 1/2 inch blocks!! Whoot Whoot - I am so happy - my light pile was completely used up!

The next day was Fathers day - we headed out to the golf course... got 3 holes in an immediately got drenched, hung out in the gazebo for a break in the rain, and got a rain check for another day!!

The best laid plans - right?   Weather wins.

Oh and ps - we didn't mind getting wet - it was the extreme lightening that scared us - and the Very extremely loud thunder!

Monday, June 17, 2019


I am not sure if I bragged on this one or not yet.....

But this happened!

I think that if I don't download the photos, and I don't admit it happened... then I get to keep him right?  Ha ha!! He is very worried already...

about me taking over his room for quilt storage!!!

This is him with one of his basketball idols... Jason Smith - he is a graduate of our school system and went on to play in the NBA - my kid is catching up to his height.... crazy!!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Photo Challenge: NightTime Photography

Night Photography:
I live in the country where oil and gas seems to abound. On our east property line they have been drilling natural gas wells for about 6 months now. Living in the country it is relatively dark.... except for this... Out my bedroom window. 
I didn't know if I could capture the intensity of the lighting, and the way it blares into our house - but I think I might have!

and another one just for good measure!

PS - just in case you were wondering.... this is about 3/4 of  mile away from my house....

Friday, June 14, 2019

Progress, QOV's and more

What a busy crazy week - did you know today is Friday?  I can not tell you what all I did this week - but ... I was surprised to see that it was Friday!!

My latest group of amazing Veterans. I LOVE all of these Quilts of Valor - it was so cool to see these Vets wrapped in some of my favorite. The Vet - Third in from the left - his Quilt had Eagles ALL over it - so we made a deal. I get to make him a steak dinner, and I can visit the quilt- haha!

This one was a few years ago - but the family sent me these photos just recently. Their father is still loving his quilt, and even in the summer uses it. He was so amazing to talk to - Sometimes when I do the home presentations they don't really encourage you to stay a long time - but this gentleman... I remember didn't want us to leave - we enjoyed him

This is the project I am working on now - I have a ton of others in process - but I packed them all up in my to go box... as I am "to- going" to a sew day and needed projects that I could sew, not think to hard , and be able to chit chat!!! Catch up on all my quilty friends' lives!!

This is the block my QOV group is doing for the summer months. I designed it so you could use a jelly roll ( or just 2 1/2 inch strips - but I had a jelly roll)
 I thought I had shared the pattern - but can't seem to find it... so here you go - just in case you want one too - two blocks take 3 2 1/2 x wof strips!

and just because
Every one needs a little mountain time!

Quilt on!!

Sunday, June 09, 2019

Photo Challenge : Joy: and a Flags for Sue

My photo challenge Theme this week was JOY 

This is two fold for me - 1: I have such joy making these Patriotic Quilts ( they are called Quilts of Valor) and this one is a favorite of mine.

2: I was able to award the Quilt to a WWII Veteran as a thank you for his Service in the Military. The look on his face makes my heart so happy - to know that he loved the quilt, and better yet, to know that his service was appreciated.

Thursday, June 06, 2019

Quilting Finishes

Whoot Whoot!!! They are quilted!! and now in the pile for Binding.... gotta love that progress!!

Plus - its starting to get warm here ( you know - over 70) so the basement is my friend!!
I had fun quilting this one - don't you just love to put the music on and quilt away 
without a care in the world??

This quilt was made by Sheree 
She decided the pattern is called a pinwheel!

This one was made by the University of Northern Colorado Softball team
We used the Kevin the quilter pattern to make it

and this one.
well I am a tad embarrassed that it took me so long to get to
but it was made by 
and she sent it to me to quilt for a Quilt of Valor

Isn't it awesome?
And the backing!!
I love it!

and in all of that - 
I even got a book read!

I am not the biggest reader anymore

I used to be - I had swim practices and ball practices
and roping and all that stuff

But now that they don't need me to drive
I find myself occupying my time with activities for me!

and this time
I chose a book!
Its a good one!!!

Linking to:
Can I get a Whoop Whoop

Tuesday, June 04, 2019

More Flags for Sue QOV's

Gina - an awesome QOV quilter... took a few sets of the Flags for Sue Quilt blocks and she worked her magic!!!

Don't you love the extra little red in the border?  This one was quilted by her friend Julie

And you all know how much I love gold!! That just makes these quilts pop!!!
Gina Quilted this one!

Thanks ladies - and all the quilters who submitted blocks!! Can't wait to award These Quilts of Valor!

( 18 have been awarded so far!!)
You can research all the Flags for Sue Posts  if you are interested ;-)