No Soldier Forgotten QOV project 2010
As you can tell from the side bar I am again collecting quilts for the Wounded Warriors Unit at Fort Carson in Colorado. Last year we were able to make 3 different deliveries and get every wounded soldier a Quilt of Valor. It was totally awesome. This year we are doing it a little differently, which might make numbers harder to track – but I believe that we can do it.
Because warriors transition in and out of the unit quite regularly we are trying to get quilts to those who need them as we can. So I am working on estimates, and requests. In January, the Specialist that I am working with estimates that we will need 125 quilts, in March he estimates that we will need another 115 quilts. This is based on last year’s turnover rate. That is as far out as he has estimated.
So based on the numbers at the side bar – we should be covered thru until March, but then – I will be low on quilts. Thankfully, many of you have been piecing, I have a couple of sewing groups here that piece quilts, and of course my 5th grade kids have been piecing quilts. I have had some great volunteers offer to long-arm quilt some of them for us, and I have a group of binders. I used to be able to call them all gals, but we have expanded and have a male. I call them the Binding Buddies. It’s awesome! And yes, I have probably used that word a lot – can you help me with more words that convey the awesomeness that is quilters? So we are always working. My own personal goal for January is to Long arm Quilt 15 Quilts of Valor. (because – yes I have that many tops here)
Monday, I made backings for 6 quilts and got those sent out to other long-armers. The numbers will keep growing…. But there is still a need….
So this is my plea.
At this time of year everyone makes resolutions to do things, get more done, lose weight, etc. Won’t you consider putting in your New Years Resolutions to make One Quilt of Valor? If you are already involved in Quilts of Valor, I am not asking you to shift your focus – keep on keeping on! Make as many as you can.
If you are not involved in Quilts of Valor, HERE IS YOUR CHANCE. Or if you are looking for a home for an un-quilted quilt top, here is your chance to fling it off and let it be loved!!
The Quilt of Valor organization has a great set up. So you can get a quilt finished in various ways. Go check out the Quilt of Valor website – and you will find a way to request a Long armer to finish the quilt. All sorts of info is there.
Right now I have a lot of tops to finish. If there is a chance to utilize other volunteer long arm quilters that would be just awesome ( yep, there is that word again) But if you want to send your tops to me, I will be glad to take them, just know that there is a queue ahead of them, and truly soldiers would get quilts faster if we could flood the volunteer long arm system that Catherine has set up on the site.
I am all in to making this easy!
If you have a finished quilt, and you want to get it to a soldier, you can always go back to the QOVF site and request a destination. There are TONS of soldiers out there. If you want yours to go to a wounded warrior here in Colorado, you can send it to me.
We take the quilts in pillowcases (called presentation cases) and have journals and letters in them. Now this is another area that I have been blessed in… I have volunteers that have been making these pillowcases JUST FOR THESE QUILTS. It’s Awesome I tell ya! At first I was very worried, quite a few quilts came in last year without pillowcases – I thought I am going to be sewing forever… but then my Heartstrings Quilt Project quilt group ( stepped up, and then the Middle School CFS class joined in, and then a quilt guild in Pueblo (Thanks Carol) stepped up. But honestly – do you expect anything less from quilters? These are the best people in the WORLD!!
So again – back to my plea. Will you please consider making at least ONE QUILT OF VALOR for 2010? There are numerous stories on my website, on the QOVF blog, ( )
in other blogs about how much these quilts mean to the soldiers. It is the best gift, and the best feeling to be able to provide that gift to them.
The other day we delivered some Quilts of Valor, and a soldier told me this quote. He wasn’t sure who said it.
"HONOR is writing a check to your Country, for the sum of “All or part of your life”" . I believe that providing quilts to these soldiers is another way to Honor what they have done for our country.
Questions? Fire away in the comments and I will try to answer them to the best of my ability.
Above all - HAPPY NEW YEAR
Alycia and the crew
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
School Pictures Part 2
I have been remiss is portraying the other two of my children - who also had to have their school pictures taken - just like little bit.
And Wrangler Man did it. He has a lot of patience. But we all knew that - look who he married......
So this is Middle bit - he is currently in 5th grade. I like this because it is his classes that are working on Quilts of Valor. I get to know the kids a little better, and I get to eat lunch with my son. I like him... he's a great kid.
He is in front of his award winning quilt that he made for the fair last year.
Monday, December 28, 2009
Clue One
Christmas was wonderful, we spent the 24th with the inlaws ( well they are my in laws) Uncle C took all the boys sledding in the pasture... behind the hay truck. They had a blast, and got more snow in their clothing than they realized.
The 25th we headed up to my parents house. We still had one dog left to deliver too. But the conditions were awful. They closed one highway, and I really didn't think much of it, until we were in white out conditions! Good thing we know their road pretty well.
Of course we brought the wind back with us, so the 26th was miserable. My parent in laws came out to the house, and had to park at the road. They had to be picked up in the truck with chains just to get them to the house. All this to say - I made this potato soup in the crockpot and it was wonderful... here is the link. we put a little cheese on it, and had a side of raw vegetables. It was very filling.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Quilts from Jody and Elaine
Along the way she recruited another Nebraska Quilter - Jody - to do a Quilt of Valor. I don't know Jody, but I have decided she is crazy! Did you see the quilt she made. That is Bonnie Hunters Mystery Quilt from a year or 2 ago. And I know she is crazy
Ladies - Thank you so much! I am so grateful to you all to help cover our soldiers.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
From Meredith in Caly
I really enjoy laying all the quilts out in my front room, I get to put the on the sofas and the ground in front of the sofas - it is really better than decorating for Christmas. ( which of course needs to be done before.... Friday ( acck) )
And the last two quilts that Meredith made were quilted by Sharon B in Nevada. See - that girls quilts get around don't they? I love being able to include all this info on the labels of the quilts. Meredith did a great job of doing it on her lables. The soldiers are really amazed to find that people all over the country are thinking of them.

Hope you all are having a great weekend. We were DONE with school yesterday, went to swim practice and swam then ATE. The kid's favorite activity. Today we had a basketball game, and then.... other than practices I think we get to relax for a week. Yay....
Oh and One more customer quilt to finish..... Have a great one....
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Jerry Bear

This is our friend Bear. Jerry has been a constant friend to my Mom and Dad and to my family. He has the biggest heart in the whole wide world, he always helped others. Everything the man did truly was done in love, and with the Love of Jesus behind it.
Sadly, Jerry passed away on Saturday, of course he was doing what he loved, driving a snowcat back in the mountains. Apparently he stepped out of the cat, and into heaven.
Today was Jerrys funeral. They expected 500 people, they set 600 chairs, it was still standing room only. The man knew no stranger, and literally knew everyone from Casper WY to Denver CO.
One man got up and talked about coming to Colorado and he had no food for his family. They were just barely hanging on. He then met Jerry. Jerry brought him a truckload of beef, and a freezer to store it in. I wish I could remember all the words - it was an amazing story.
He was constantly helping people, whether it be physical labor, or fixing tractors, helping with neccessities, or just smiling when you need it!
These pictures are of us at a Bronco game just a month or two ago. We had such a good time. He was always quick to laugh, enjoyed everything, found the best in all situations. There is a large hole to fill in this world without him here.
My favorite thing about Jerry was he always told me it was about time I gained some weight. He always told me he was worried that I was getting too skinny, so I should eat more. Ya know, ya just gotta love a man like that. He will truly be missed, and I am so sad that it was his time.
If you could, say a prayer for his wife, sons and grandkids. It is going to be a rough Christmas with out Bear around.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
From Sue
This Quilt of Valor was made by Evelyn in Oregon, then sent to Sue S in Colorado for quilting. It is really beautiful. and the quilting is wonderful. My friend Mary brought it to me - and she said - this is from "Sister Sue". I have started thinking of Marys sister as my sister. I showed the quilt to my kids and said this is from Sister Sue - and they looked at me rather funny. Like maybe I was off my rocker....
JoAnne wanted to know what kind of dog Mama and Puppy are. They are a Dutch Drahthaar dog. They are hunting dogs, my Dad hunts them all over the place.
Barb asked if my Dad knew she was going to have puppies. And yep he did. The timing was off for them, so we thought that we could babysit them and help out. I am expecting chocolate!
Lori asked for more puppy pictures - I am happy to oblige. May I introduce you to Chubby Puppy? My Dad needs to name her, but alas he is incommunicado for a bit - so we have named her chubby puppy. I think it fits! 
Today she is 10 days old and she moves all over the place. She is snuggly too, and if you rub her tummy she shakes her leg. Its cute. The boys are waiting for her eyes to open.
Hope you all have a good one! I am in need of some couch time tonite. I am all worn out!
Monday, December 14, 2009
Quilted by Beth
Tonite was my oldest sons band performance. He is in the band, and in the Jazz Band. I keep trying to get pictures of him, but am really too far away. This was the best I could do. Their band is wonderful. You can tell they work hard.

When I picked my son up from school today he says - Mom Mr T. says we need a black shirt for tonite..... we had 20 mintues to eat and then get child 3 to Basketball practice, then had to get home to change, do chores and be back to school. I could not figure how we were going to run to town to get a shirt. ( Our town has NO clothing stores!)
So we stopped at Kersey Pizza and in walks Mrs W. She thought her son might have a black shirt we could borrow. She gets home and realizes it is too small... so bless her heart - she called around, found a black shirt, basted it to size, and brought it to the performance. I can not thank her enough. Who knew she was going to have to dress my son tonite!!
Sunday, December 13, 2009
Mom Call Home
Excuse me folks for the interruption... but Mom and Dad.... please call me at home.
Have a great day Ya;all - I'll be back tomorrow with quilts - I promise!! We had a swim weekend like no other and are finally home... I am excited to get to open the boxes that have arrived.
Have a great day Ya;all - I'll be back tomorrow with quilts - I promise!! We had a swim weekend like no other and are finally home... I am excited to get to open the boxes that have arrived.
Wednesday, December 09, 2009
Puppy and Programs

Tonite was Pipsqueak 3's school program. The music teacher works with all of the students in the grade at different times and this was the big night where they put it all together. They did a wonderful job!
We have a new addition at our house. I am babysitting my dad's dogs again ( they
are someplace warm - I am jealous) and one of them had a puppy! She is a cute puppy, but did you know that a puppy is almost as much work as a human child?
I know there are colder places right now.. but this morning when we went to do chores and walk dogs in was -20 ... that is 20 below for those of you in St Croix!! I don't think I have defrosted as of yet!
Tuesday, December 08, 2009
School Pictures Part 1

Every year School Picture time rolls around and we miss it. A few years ago the pictures were pretty bad, so I felt like they were a total waste. Since then - I have become the photographer. Of course, sometimes I forget. Like this year. Then Wrangler Man decided to be the photographer in the family.
This occurred on Thanksgiving, as we were getting ready to carve the turkey. He thought we could squeeze in a little photo session. I tried to warn him, that with little bit - nothing is easy.....
How easily he forgets.
Monday, December 07, 2009
You know it is cold when...
The truck just gives you a funny look when you try to start it. And then it makes wheezing noises.
The dogs DO NOT want to stay outside and play.
The Dogs water bucket freezes almost as fast as you can put water in it.
The horses have turned white on their coats. They are mostly Redheads (don't tell anyone I called them that)
And the true test of cold.... the horse shoer calls and reschedules. He is the toughest man I know and can handle all sorts of freezing temperatures. Imagine my surprise when HE asked to reschedule. I had already been praying for that about Saturday!
Stay Warm!!
The dogs DO NOT want to stay outside and play.
The Dogs water bucket freezes almost as fast as you can put water in it.
The horses have turned white on their coats. They are mostly Redheads (don't tell anyone I called them that)
And the true test of cold.... the horse shoer calls and reschedules. He is the toughest man I know and can handle all sorts of freezing temperatures. Imagine my surprise when HE asked to reschedule. I had already been praying for that about Saturday!
Stay Warm!!
Friday, December 04, 2009
Forward Progress
Wrangler Man made it home from Texas and left snow in his wake - sorry folks. Maybe it will help you get in the mood for Christmas? But he also brought deep freezing temperatures to our area, and when the high for the day is 18, you are breaking a LOT of ice. (Even with Tank heaters!)
So my week has been a busy one, but truthfully I wouldn't trade it. I am almost a pro at dressing to stay just warm enough when doing chores, and I can get ready in less than 5 minutes!
Yesterday and Today we spent sewing at school. We are trying to get these tops finished up so we can move on. We got a lot done, and I forgot my camera one of the days. And because it has been so cold I left a stack of string blocks with signatures on them for the kids to design a quilt top during their recess.
Cool huh?
Hope you all have a good evening. The oldest boy is at a basketball game, the other two are pouring over Christmas catalogs ( they think I want to buy them toys), I will be taking my Dad's dogs out for bit, then sitting down at my sewing machine - I AM EXCITED to see my machine. I think it misses me!
5th grade QOV project,
QOV 2010,
Quilts of Valor
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Quilts from the Heartstrings Quilters
Saturday Wrangler Man's Sister invited us all over for chili and to play cards. There were 20 of us attacking their new house. It was great! The kids played cards, and the adults played cards and oh my - were they competitive!
I am not sure where the rest of the days have gone, only that Wrangler Man is in Dallas, which makes perfect sense because it is supposed to snow tonite. It is truly a given - when that man is gone and I am 100%
These Quilts of Valor came from the folks in my Heartstrings group. Just a great group that works so well together. I so Appreicate them! The first three were pieced by San and the Murphy NC Volunteers. There were quilted by the famous Mary! at
Thanks all for the beautiful quilts. You guys are awesome. Soldiers will love these!
Have a great evening!
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