Does that sound like the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe? I don't now why that popped into my mind - but - must have to do with the Linen Closet!!
First off - My TRIAD TOP!!!
My son said it looked like Easter Exploded, my Husband said it reminded him of Confetti - so I think its name should be Easter Confetti... But I also Like the TRIAD top - haha
When I first pictured it in my head - I thought I would go - Pink in all the corners, then the Green Blue and yellow - so It would be 5 x 5 blocks. HOWEVER ---I forgot that the blocks are twice and long as the width - and it made a super weird size.... like 40 x 80 ish - Camper cot sized maybe?
Anyways - I had more fabric so I just kept going....which meant I ran out of the same fabrics - but had some in the same colorways. I personally like the pale greens versus the bright green, and I really like that Turquoise shaded lite blue, but it didn't really go with the others...
The sunlight also effects ( affects?) color - so here is in on the design wall in the evening. -- you can see the shades better. I think it was a fun one, and I enjoyed playing with the different colors, and seeing how they all go together.
PS - see the fetching dummy on the Right? Daisy wanted me to know that my photo time was up... time to fetch momma!!
And NOW!!! The Linen Closet!! It was overflowing, children have moved, beds have changed - it was time to see what I had. I had 3 sets of Twin sized sheets - there isn't a twin bed left in the house.... hmmmm - they were in great condition, so off to the Community Outreach Center. and towels - Lawsy mercy - how many towels does one really need?
* the washcloths - yes!! I need Millions - because of allergies each of us uses a minimum of 1 a day, and when then get a little old - I use them on my dogs feet and then they make good rags to apply fly spray for the horses and then they get tossed.... Washcloths have a long life around here*
Somewhere on someone's social media I saw Quilts stored on their side - not Stacked... and a lightbulb went off - If I could Clear out the Linen closet - I could steal a shelf and try it!!
That is what the top row is - my quilts ( okay some of them, I probably have them in every closet oops) My quilts on their sides, don't you think that will make it easier to pull them out to use them for the seasons?
I wish I could remember where I saw that - I would totally give them credit - but as of now!! it works!!
And My Babies... I love them!!!
Reno man is learning SO well - K has him lunging in the round corral, changing leads when asked and turning almost well... he is still working on that .
Hope you come back Friday for Finished ( or not) Friday Link up here on the blog ;-)
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