Friday, January 10, 2025

QOV Chain and Stars Quilt 2 and!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!!!

 Back in June my friend Deb and I led our Sew day to make these blocks. Deb did ALL the embroidery - I did all the cutting and prepping the blocks for our stitchers,

August saw me putting together Quilt 1 

and January Saw me Putting together Top 2!!!

I used darker Blues for this one than the first one. I really Like both blues, but it is fun to see how color can change the look of a pattern.

After I got the top together - I just couldn't stop - so I loaded it on my Longarm....
and away we went!!!

And then!!!
I had to sweep the concrete to get a dry spot!! we FINALLY got some snow.!! So I swept and hoped the sun would come out for a photo... 

all I needed was 2 minutes....

It sort of happened.... Came out Super bright for 90 seconds then the clouds took it back over...
I snapped!!!

Now I am finished with it!! It will go back to one of the stitchers in my group for Binding!!!

Whoo Hoo!!! A second Finish for this year !!

Just because... Check out my funny girls!!!!

Kate ( over at Life in Pieces) hosts a 15 minutes to stitch . I have to admit - I am never that organized to make sure that happens, but I am trying to turn over a new leaf. 

So far this year, after chores each evening, I have sat down and gotten 15 minutes in. Of course, I bribe the dogs with a Woof Pupsicle  

 - It takes them approximately 20 minutes... 

So Win Win!!!

oh!! that means I have 1 whole week of making it 15 minutes per day!!!

Alright!!! It is your turn to BRAG away!! we had 32 link ups last week - that is SO awesome - and I did make it to all of them!! What amazing projects everyone has going on!!!!

*************************Link up here ************************

****************The end**********************

Linking to 

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(ps - a commission is earned on purchases from amazon thru my link)


Cathy said...

Oh, that quilt is beautiful!!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That quilt is a beauty, Alycia! The embroidered blocks are so neat, and I love the dark print you used with them, too. Sounds like a pupcicle is the perfect treat for a quilter's dogs!

Nancy @ Grace and Peace Quilting said...

Fast work!!! Cool QOV!!!

Linda said...

So, so pretty! said...

Beautiful finish! Those dark blocks really accentuate the embroidered ones!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Ooohh, thanks for linking back to the first quilt. It really is fun to see how color and fabric choices can change the look and feel of the same design. Congratulations on not only getting the quilt top pieced but quilted. Hooray!

Kristi said...

One of my favorite quilt designs! The addition of the embroidery really elevates it. Beautiful job!

PaintedThread said...

Such a pretty quilt! Having herded guinea pigs for a photo shoot, I can understand the challenges of getting a good photo! :-)

Sara said...

Oh my - that quilt is gorgeous! Wow! Loved the funny pictures of the pups.

Anonymous said...

Chain and Stars is a great basic pattern that looks lovely in various colors. Fabulous QOV finish.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

Great team work combining the embroidered USA themed motifs with the piecing and quilting. Another stunning QOV.

Nann said...

Oh, the centers of the blocks AND the lively chains make this a stellar quilt! And thanks for hosting the link up every week.

Chantal said...

Isn't it great when the weather cooperate? Wonderful quilt. Bravo to both of you. Maybe you did get the photo you wanted with the dogs but at least, both of them are behaving. Enjoy the snow! ;^)

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

I love how you've set these stars! And what a good idea to add embroidery to the centers. Everything is set off by your lovely quilting. Another amazing finish!

Bonnie said...

Great finish! I'm laughing at the dogs looking straight, right, left, and left and right. How did you do that!?

scraphappy said...

Two quilts already this year. Those 15 minutes a day are really adding up! Glad the pups will let you get some sewing time in.

Kate said...

The chain and stars turned out beautifully! Yeah! for 15 minutes a day so far this year. I missed my first day in over a year this week. I wasn't feeling well and had other commitments, bed won out over sewing.

chrisknits said...

A wonderufl finish!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, what an amazing quilt! You got lucky with the sun. Your two girls are adorable - thanks for sharing them too!