Friday, August 23, 2024

QOV Chain and Stars and!! Finished ( or not) friday

In June my friend Deb and I led our Quilts of Valor sew day experience ! Deb had embroidered all these amazing squares. I designed the Quilt around them, and cut the blocks for our group to stitch.

Blocks were made  - and I came home and threw them on the design wall.

This is Number 1 of the Two Quilts we made blocks for.

Hunh - I didn't realize how washed out this first photo is until I just uploaded it - whoa!! Must have been a little sunny. 

Anyways - each embroidery block is different, and we used them in the center of the stars. Then did a chain block - and Ta - Da!!

Notice how green my grass is ?  That's our artificial Turf - everything is BROWN around here right now! We had a big rain, and I can see some little shoots of grass coming up. Praying for another good soak!

I did the quilting on it - I used Sparklers from Dawnas Design Threads . and now!! It is As Finished as I will get it!! it will go on to a binder, and come back to me to wash and get ready for its Veteran.

I have one more to do, but! It is not as high on my list as Indigo way - and I am trying ( oh so hard) to stick with my To do list. Do you know HOW many DISTRACTIONS there are in my fabric room?

* Now it is YOUR turn!!
Link up your Finished ( or not) Project from this week!
Show us WHATS happening in your world!!

*****************Link up ***************************

*************************The end*****************************

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Gretchen Weaver said...

Very pretty quilts!

Cathy said...

What a lot of beautiful embroidery and quilting and stars. What a lovely design. What a gorgeous team quilt. Go, team, go!

Michelle Suzanne said...

Your friend did an amazing job with the embroidery. And you set those blocks in so they really pop. What a beautiful collaboration!

Linda said...

That is one gorgeous quilt with those embroidered blocks! Your quilting looks amazing.

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

your quilt turned out great!

Delighted Hands said...

It's gorgeous! What a beauty with the embroidered centers!

Mary Johnson said...

That looks great!

Sara said...

That is a beauty! Even more special because of the embroidered blocks. Wow!

Bonnie said...

That's a great quilt design with those embroideries. Great job.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Terrific quilt, congratulations on a wonderful group project for such a good cause.

Kate said...

Your Chain and Stars turned out beautifully. You've done so well this month on moving your own projects along. One more week to hold strong on your to do list. I had really hoped to post on Friday, but still haven't gotten photos of my Indigo quilt top.