Sunday, October 29, 2023

Playing in the Plaids .... again

A while back I was browsing my blogs, and it led me down a quilt hole .. and I ended up here:

It got me thinking, and planning, and you know.... I am always looking for fun, fast, easy quilts to try....So I thought - hey that 4 inch measurement sounds like it could make a fast quick quilt.

So I dug into my plaid box and started playing , and then it snowed, and then my dog wanted to play, and then my dog wanted to play again, and then my dog wanted to run in the snow, and then it was too cold so I took her into the barn to play , until I wore her out -she took a 30 min nap in the mudroom... and what???  

What happened to the quick quilt?

I got 8 of the 12 blocks I wanted to get done... done...

The others are in some stage of getting done, Did you know that Puppies think that Foot pedals are toys? and that binding is just a long fun piece of string to play with? 

These blocks finish at 14 inches and If I did my math right... I will have a 40 x 54 ish sized top. or I may make it 16 blocks - and have is 54 ish squared... 

This is the first snow since we have had Bella - and Oh My Gosh - she loved it once she figured out she didn't need to eat it, and if she licked it  - it disappeared.... what a goof ball she is ;-)  She is also fun to throw snowballs to  - she tried to catch them.

and DON'T FORGET ... here on Fridays is a Link up - Finished (or not) Friday!!

Thursday, October 26, 2023

Spread a Little Sunshine... and!!! Finished ( or not ) Friday!!!

This may be the last of my RSC15 quilt tops... maybe - I reserve the right to be wrong on this... but!!

Have you ever googled the definition of the color yellow? Oh My it is a controversial color - 

"Yellow, the lightest hue of the spectrum, signifies joy, happiness, betrayal, optimism, caution, idealism, imagination, hope, sunshine, summer, gold, philosophy, dishonesty, cowardice, jealousy, covetousness, deceit, illness, hazard and friendship."

Who Knew a color could have so many things about it?

I am going to choose Happy and Sunshine for this one!!

I am kind of happy to have this one finished!

And I am really glad we got photos in the sun - before our fog moved in!! I think Fall/Winter is here!!

That is about what I have to show for this week ;-) I helped a kid move... Ugh and Yay - Happy for him, but he's farther away. I have been quilting on some of the most amazing Client Quilts, and.... chasing my dog haha!! Well - we also had a QOV sew day ( photos coming soon) and we had a Lions Club Game Night Fundraiser AND a 70th anniversary dinner . ( The Lions club turned 70)

PS- I am way behind on my blog reading... so don't be scared if I show up in a really old post haha

Now it is your turn!!

Whats been going on in your world?

Inspire us all - or entertain us - or just show us whats up!!!

*********************Link up here******************

**********************The End*********************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Pink Attitude.... and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 "Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!"

I will admit - I googled.... I needed help with a title so I wasn't boring  ( again) and then I went down a rabbit hole about the color pink....

I wondered how Pink was an attitude - and this is the definition I got... I kind of like it!!

"The state of mind represented by the color pink encourages individuals to cultivate a positive attitude, find joy in the small things, and radiate positivity to those around them."

So hopefully my Pink Quilt brings Positivity!!!!

This one is a part of my RSC2015 quilts... and I put all the pinks together for this one! Tada!!

I quilted all three of my RSC15 quilts - and this is the backing I used for them - It was so nice to use one back and one batt - but get three quilts quilted... I did use different pantos for each tho!! Too fun!!

How did your week go? Mine... WAY TO FAST!!  What happened to time slowing down??? We moved cattle, gathered horses, took some beef to market , rode horses, trained on a new( ish) one, made an airport run, quilted some of the most fun clients quilts... and played with the dog... oh the dog.... 

oh How I loved Puppy, and Puppy was just so well behaved... Puppy didn't get into too much trouble and if he did - I just picked him up... Bella... Not so much - that girl is FAST!!!

She is now 4 months old and weighs 22 pounds... I can still pick her up if needed - but holee cow she is squirmy - I love her... she needs a LOT of exercise!!

I teased my kids and said I was going to annoy them with cute pics of her - and they said go blog about it... so I will annoy you!!! 

So there you go... Be Annoyed haha!!

Well it is Finished (or not) Friday!! so it is time to strut your stuff... show us what your week looked like....

Please remember to link a direct post

Link back

and VISIT!! oh boy Visit... and be prepared to want to start a gajillion new projects!!!

*****************Link here *********************

***************** The End*****************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Sunday, October 15, 2023

RSC Neutrals

 When I read that the colors for October were light Neutrals I thought I would probably sit it out, but then I was playing in my fabrics ( again) and I found some cool colors, and I thought  hmmmmm

I wonder....

Would these be considered Light neutrals? and then I thought - the Quilt Police don't live here - so Go with it.... and I did and now I have a new Top!!!

And the picture is at night, in the low light, and the rain outside was happening!!!
My husband was at a sales conference, and I don't sleep well when he is not there - so!!! I used the time to my benefit and ta da!!!

Another Buffalo Plaid!!! ( Pattern by Quilters Candy, but quickly becoming at one with my brain)

I think I like it!!!!  and now... it needs to be Quilted!! 

Linking up with :

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

hawaiii.... iii...eeee and Finished (Or not ) Friday

Once upon a time I had so much fun playing with my Hawaiian themed fabrics that I made a lot of Quilt tops.... And they were so much fun!!

Fast forward to a little bit ago and my dear buddy said... My Wife is Pregnant.... and they were the people we stayed with when we went to Hawaii...

It seemed like fate...  I had finished a top, they are having a baby ! Kizmet right?

I don't think I have ever had a baby quilt finished before the baby came. Is this a turning point in my Quilting career?

Tada!!! here it is next to my Barn Block - because everyone needs a barn block!!

I had so much fun quilting it - lots of seashells and beachy things....

The Parents of the baby this is going to were stationed in Hawaii and now are stationed in California (Dad is a Marine... I love my Marine Family!!) - I sure hope they get a kick out of it!!  And Yay for another finish!!

Someone said a few weeks ago that I have a lot of finishes to show. That is true - but I also have a lot of starts - so that I can have a lot of finishes.  And I have a lot of fabric - so I have a lot of starts, so that I can have a lot of finishes.   You followed that right? 😂🤣😎😍

I have been blessed with a LOT of fabric. so I like to get a LOT of quilts out into the world. I have been involved with Quilts of Valor for 20 years!! And I donate a lot of quilts to Hospice, and to my church, and to anyone I feel needs an extra hug - its what I do ❣❤

And with that... it is YOUR turn!! Show us what you have been up to!!!

It would make my heart happy if you would share this link so that we have a ton of folks link up and join in!!

**************Direct Link Here please****************

***************The end... go sew*************************

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Monday, October 09, 2023

NE Wyoming Quilt Show... and I saw a Quilt I recognized!!!

 This last weekend Was the North East Wyoming Quilt show.... and I saw it on Facebook and looked it up. It was about 30 minutes from where my In laws live. I texted my MIL and asked if We could crash at her place, and off we went.... 

( well not really - off - we had a lot of planning to do, and begging of the boys to do the chores... you know the routine things before you can leave)

If you recall - I hosted a Mystery called Long May She Wave...

This Quilt show had a TON of quilts, and they were all in classes so you could walk through and judge the classes, and As I turned a corner... There was a LONG MAY SHE WAVE....

Bowl me over!! My husband says - Hey that one looks familiar!!

it was made by!!!!  ( Drumroll please)   HOW COOL!!!!

That just totally made my day!!!!  I was so excited to see it, and!!! I got to see her!!! Of course, I was so happy to chit chat - I forgot a photo... and I even had my hair untangled!!!

Seeing her Quilt inspired me to finish the final pattern. It was written as a mystery - but I just needed to put it all together into one pdf for you all - and now!! Thanks to Ms Judy's Push... it is ready for you!!!

Long May She Wave Quilt Pattern Here  There you go!!! ( and go me... I need validation haha)

Just for fun .... this is mine... and even though you will notice it is not bound in the photo - Ms Kim has now Bound it and... it has already been off to its Veteran!!!

Hope you all enjoy it ---

One more Show photo:

Oh you know I had to ohh and ahh over this one haha!!

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Friday, October 06, 2023

A Red Finish... and!! Finished (or not) Friday

The year was 2015... I was into my 30's Repro Prints, and 2 1/12 inch strips.....

Many blocks were made...

The year is 2023... I was so proud of my UFO-less status... until I moved a pile.....

I might have jinxed it... as this was the convo I had with myself:

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

I will conquer tho.... and I loaded all three of my RSC15 challenge quilts onto one piece of backing... that's thinking right??? But... alas - you can NOT bind all three at the same time... no matter how much wizardry you try... 


RED is DONE!!!

I quilted this one with a fun swirly leafy all over designs - and in my attempt to get arts fartsy with the photos while windy and holding a puppy..... I got sidetracked..... she jumped on a log and decided it was just the perfect size for her... and there was NO more moving!

See? Perfect fit?

And another one bites the dust!!!

Its time to show off your FONF's!!!
hit me!!!

Make sure to link your direct post
Visit the other links and show the love

and get back to that stitching!!!


*****************The End - go wind a bobbin****************

Wednesday, October 04, 2023

Four Corners ( the QOV mystery from Quiltygirl)

 or me!! I just like my name sometimes!!!

I have another layout of the Four Corners Mystery that we just did over in my Groups !!

I think (and  yes I am biased) that this was a fun quilt - it had FOUR different ways to solve the mystery, and I am sure there are more... but I came up with FOUR !

I have the pattern listed in my Etsy shop now:

Four Corners QOV Mystery   I hope you like it!!

and you might want to join my Mystery Quilts 4 Military group - who knows when the next mystery will be...

Oh and if you want to see a scrappy one:

Head over to:

Linking to: MidWeek Makers

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Tuesday, October 03, 2023

We played Hooky

 Because the lists were long, the to-do's were overwhelming.. and... fall was calling.... I mean

you only have a short time to catch the gorgeousness that is the changing of the colors....

We loaded up Bella and KC and I hit the trails... I will recommend playing hooky during the week - we had this WHOLE place to ourselves... and the quiet, and the calm, and the smell of pine... lawsy mercy - none of us wanted to leave.... EVER!

On this trail there were lots of these little bridges. The first one we hit was over a dry spot so we took a moment to show Bella how to go over them - WHAT a Pro!!! She didn't hesitate over the next 6 bridges.  I was impressed!!!  She is going to be a great hiker ( okay she really already is)

Don;t you just LOVE colors in nature - there is the yellow and gold and greens - but can you see that peachy clump? Its gorgeous - and with the sun shining.... 

Of course, we have to hike to the highest place on the trail...... if you don't - you totally miss the views!!

Trying to take usies with a dog... she was wondering what more I had in my pack... Little does she know it was all for her. As a puppy ( 3 months old) I wasn't sure how much water she would need, so I might have overpacked... but! I'd prefer that. Of course there were a few snacks for her as well - and we have learned she has QUITE the nose.... 

She easily entertained herself.... Pinecones, Water spots... she was quite hilarious ...

We took a break on a rock, and she climbed all over it.. until she saw my camera - then she posed... I really do have her trained right??/ 

I really wondered if she would ever tire out - so this was at the 4 mile mark of the second trail ( so maybe 7 miles so far) and she finally decided to rest... of course - what a better resting place than on me? Haha!!!  

She only lasted about 2 minutes here, then was ready to go again... 

I love her.

Oh - you thought this was a hiking post didn't you?? and I turned it into the Puppy....

We finished our hike sitting at the river. I have to say - that was a great way to play hooky and!! we were refreshed to start back on our lists.....

Linking to:

Find me at all these places:

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Monday, October 02, 2023

All over the Place.. The Cowboy Churn Dash

I have not met a Churn dash that I don't like.... yet!!!

I really enjoyed reading all your comments on my All over the Place post - and I truly loved the vibe that came with them. And I would like to add - that... In my Will and final papers I have a list of people for my kids to call if they don't want to deal with my projects, fabrics, and craft stuff... 

Who knows where they will be in their stage of lives when I am 120.... but!! I did at least make a list and a diagram of my room as of this moment  ;-)

If you remember I found 5 FQ's that I didn't want to put away - and from that - I made 15 Churn Dashes....

15 is an Odd Number... so I might have gone to my trusty plaid bin and got enough to make one more block..... and who Doesn't need plaid in a quilt??? ( Not me!! The more the merrier!!)

The count is now 16 - and 

This is where I am now... I am pretty sure I want to sash them - but maybe not - I'll schooch them together on the Design wall for a day and see what I think - It may be fun to just put them together and use one of my other cowboy fabrics for a border.... hmmmm 

the Possibilities!!

Linking to:

Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll QUilts

Sew and Tell at Melva Loves Scraps

Monday Musings at Songbird Desings

Find me at all these places:

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