Thursday, October 19, 2023

A Pink Attitude.... and Finished ( or not) Friday!!!

 "Pink isn't just a color, it's an attitude!"

I will admit - I googled.... I needed help with a title so I wasn't boring  ( again) and then I went down a rabbit hole about the color pink....

I wondered how Pink was an attitude - and this is the definition I got... I kind of like it!!

"The state of mind represented by the color pink encourages individuals to cultivate a positive attitude, find joy in the small things, and radiate positivity to those around them."

So hopefully my Pink Quilt brings Positivity!!!!

This one is a part of my RSC2015 quilts... and I put all the pinks together for this one! Tada!!

I quilted all three of my RSC15 quilts - and this is the backing I used for them - It was so nice to use one back and one batt - but get three quilts quilted... I did use different pantos for each tho!! Too fun!!

How did your week go? Mine... WAY TO FAST!!  What happened to time slowing down??? We moved cattle, gathered horses, took some beef to market , rode horses, trained on a new( ish) one, made an airport run, quilted some of the most fun clients quilts... and played with the dog... oh the dog.... 

oh How I loved Puppy, and Puppy was just so well behaved... Puppy didn't get into too much trouble and if he did - I just picked him up... Bella... Not so much - that girl is FAST!!!

She is now 4 months old and weighs 22 pounds... I can still pick her up if needed - but holee cow she is squirmy - I love her... she needs a LOT of exercise!!

I teased my kids and said I was going to annoy them with cute pics of her - and they said go blog about it... so I will annoy you!!! 

So there you go... Be Annoyed haha!!

Well it is Finished (or not) Friday!! so it is time to strut your stuff... show us what your week looked like....

Please remember to link a direct post

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and VISIT!! oh boy Visit... and be prepared to want to start a gajillion new projects!!!

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***************** The End*****************************

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Melisa- pinkernpunkinquilting said...

Wheew that was a busy week! No wonder it went fast! Love Pink Attitude .

Cathy said...

I guess the world needs more pink!

RSC 2015? Gosh, I thought I had some old tops that needed quilting but I don't think any of my RSC ones go back that far! Well, now yours is almost vintage and I do like vintage quilts!

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the pink finish. I had never heard of pink as an attitude. Very interesting. Cute pup. Those are some long fangs.

Delighted Hands said...

Beautiful pink quilt!!! I do love her vampire teeth photo! lol

Sara said...

The pink quilt is awesome!! You'll survive that puppy stage, but it's a challenge. Those needle sharp puppy teeth - and the zoomies!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Well, I for one am feeling positively delighted with your pink finish. :) Bella does look to be growing fast. And some pups are all energy for years. She's photogenic, in spite of all that energy!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, that is such a great vampire teeth picture :-) You can bug me any time with doggy pictures - they are almost as cute as quilt photos! I love your Pink Attitude quilt. A few years ago, I was shopping for pink fabrics to go with my mother's stash of pinks and told me girlfriend..there is too much pink! Well, her reply "There is no such thing as too much pink!" so guess who got the finished quilt! Have a great weekend! I got tired just reading your list of things done this week. Take care.

Snowcatcher said...

Well, now we know why pink is the breast cancer awareness color. What a perfect color for the cause! And what a perfect quilt! Love that it's scrappy! Oh, and the dog... cuteness overload!

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

It is not possible to annoy me with puppy pix! My pup (14 now) was happily energetic until just a couple years ago. I kept waiting for her to settle down, but ended up just loving her the way she is. Nice quilt, it's really in the pink!

Quilter Kathy said...

We are not at all annoyed... enjoyed seeing the cute puppy photos!
And of course the wonderful Pink Attitude finish - fabulous!

Kate said...

All that and you finished a quilt too? You were on the ball last week! The pink quilt is fun. Congrats on finishing off all the 2015 RSC projects. Puppy is really cute, but you can see that mischievous gleam in her eye. Deficiently tot cute to be annoying.