Friday, October 06, 2023

A Red Finish... and!! Finished (or not) Friday

The year was 2015... I was into my 30's Repro Prints, and 2 1/12 inch strips.....

Many blocks were made...

The year is 2023... I was so proud of my UFO-less status... until I moved a pile.....

I might have jinxed it... as this was the convo I had with myself:

Me : " I don't have UFO's"

Quilt Room : " Hold my thread"

I will conquer tho.... and I loaded all three of my RSC15 challenge quilts onto one piece of backing... that's thinking right??? But... alas - you can NOT bind all three at the same time... no matter how much wizardry you try... 


RED is DONE!!!

I quilted this one with a fun swirly leafy all over designs - and in my attempt to get arts fartsy with the photos while windy and holding a puppy..... I got sidetracked..... she jumped on a log and decided it was just the perfect size for her... and there was NO more moving!

See? Perfect fit?

And another one bites the dust!!!

Its time to show off your FONF's!!!
hit me!!!

Make sure to link your direct post
Visit the other links and show the love

and get back to that stitching!!!


*****************The End - go wind a bobbin****************


Vicki in MN said...

Congrats on a UFO finish!

Delighted Hands said...

What a beauty! I really like all the warm colors rolling together!

Preeti said...

A perfect quilt for Fall. Love the Cinnamon & Pumpkin Spice vibes!!!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Once found it sounds like you didn't waste time to turn those newly discovered UFOs into finishes. The red RSC15 quilt looks great (beautiful quilting) and what a good pup to go on quilt photo shoots with you. :)

Bernie Kringel said...

What a sweet pic of your puppy. Good job getting an older UFO finished and ready to make someone happy!

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Another beautiful quilt with lovely quilting lines. Enjoyed seeing Bella, do I have her name right? She will really enjoy going on hikes with you and if like my Ned, quilts will really bore her, LOL.

Nann said...

I like the surprise of the yellow corner block.

Elizabeth V Kelbaugh said...

Love the quilting and red is always great. Cute puppy.

Sylvia@Treadlestitches said...

Cute quilts, and adorable puppy! Congrats on finishing up no less than 3 UFOs!

Sandra Walker said...

Good for you on the no UFOs and THREE on one piece of batting, that's talent! Love the warm colours in this one. I'm glad I'm not the only one who has older RSC quilts, but no more as they're all quilted up, and I am loading one of the three I did this year onto the frame this weekend. Your puppy is a sweetheart; what's her name?

Kathleen said...

You are doing well turning those finds into finishes. Congratulations!

Andree G. Faubert said...

Yeah for a finish Alycia. It's really cute and your puppy is happy on the log - so let her be right? lol Thanks for the party.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

Cute! I've got LOTS of UFO's. Want some???