It now a TOP!!!!
The binding matches that Red inner border.
Next up.... ( after the Christmas Client Quilts) QUILTING!!!
Linking to:
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Oh Scrap at quilting is more fun than housework
It now a TOP!!!!
The binding matches that Red inner border.
Next up.... ( after the Christmas Client Quilts) QUILTING!!!
Linking to:
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrication
Oh Scrap at quilting is more fun than housework
Doesn't that sound like a fun combination?
Last Sunday (not yesterday - the week before) We woke up to do chores, and there was frost on the ground, and it was so pretty, until.... we saw something odd.... along the fence line.
I ran in and Grabbed the Binoculars and K started moving animals into a different pasture - and lo and behold - there was a car flipped over. I couldn't tell a whole lot so... I called the Non Emergency hot line to see if a wreck had been reported.
It had not - so! I reported it.
The awesome Dispatch asked if I could keep her on the line and go see inside the car to see if people were there. and I said I can - but - I have to get in the pick up, get thru two gates, and it may take a moment.
She gave me her direct line to call back.
K and I took off quickly and got down to the car. He started hollering to see if someone was in it. We did not see anyone, but we heard the sirens pretty quickly.
The Emergency team got there, and we sighed. The Girl Driving the car - had just arrived at the ER ( 35 minutes from us) and the Emergency Hot line informed the Fire Trucks. They still searched the car - as there was a car seat in it.
Now - here is the kicker - she rolled her car and !! LANDED RIGHT on the fence.... I mean DEAD on...
First - I am so glad she is okay, second is it just a fence - but .... seriously - she couldn't have hit is any more perfect to knock it down...
Now here is the funny - You can't see the car until you are right on it from the highway. So - the accident happened Sunday Morning - and by Tuesday they had had the wreck called in 8 times.
One of the times I ran down there to see if they knew when the car would be removed so we could fix the fence. When the Sherriff stepped out - I was shocked! It was a kid ( well ahem a man) my oldest son had gone to school with - I've known him since he was 5 .... but now!! Holee cow - he's like an adult!
Good thing about it being called in so many times - they removed it faster than normal .. which led to us fixing fence on Friday !!
Back to the Quilty stuff!!!! My Crumbs!!!
I took off all the other ones From this post : Plaid Crumbs so I could see what I had left - and here I am....
Heck fire - I got a very late start this morning ( on the computer!)
Hope your Thanksgiving was awesome....
Today we are relaxing and fixing some fence... I'll have to share that story later...
Link up your finishes for this week - brag away....
************Link up **************
I am still *making*crumb blocks - but my design wall got too full.... so i started to put one together.
The big crumb blocks are 10 inches, the small are 5 inches ( built up to 10 with the blue strips)
and .... here is where we are today :
I think I like it - I will add borders ( I think) to make it about 60 x 80 ish when it is done. Good size couch/bed quilt that way.
and.... I am quilting away!!!
I love this time of year - and I can just imagine all the wonderful smiles when they open their quilts!!!
I am taking Quilting appointments for January - Mail in, Meet up ( if your close to me) , Message me for details ;-)
Happy Wednesday!!! I have pies on the list to make today!!
Linking to : Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications
and Oh Scrap at Quilting is more fun than Housework
A friend of mine gifted me with some Charm Packs.... so I grabbed one and started in
That was kind of fun and fast.... stay tuned.... May get it quilted this year....
Until next time.....
Linking to:
Way back in August I got this top all laid out, I thought I had stitched it together.... and then I didn't remember where it had gone.... So imagine my happiness when I saw it in my To Be Quilted pile....
There is growth on my design wall!!
it has turned into a game - how small of a crumb I can save ... and my husband just looks at me like I'm crazy.... he knew that when he married me tho - so what's the problem hahah!!!
That purple line - that is denoting what I think the first quilt will be.... maybe - i am sort of playing in the creativity and just letting it take me where it needs to go.....
Water.... oh boy.... remember we are in the country and we have our own well/cistern for water usage. that last couple of months I have thought the water pressure was getting lower, but in the summer we use more water - so its kind of hard to tell if its pressure or the pump trying to keep up....
Until we got home last Monday ( from the wedding you know!!) and the water sort of ....trickled.....
Then I knew something wasn't right - so I called the well pump guy and he diagnosed a problem. He did an intermediate fix so I wouldn't ( fingers crossed) lose all water - and then yesterday came to replace the parts.
Why is this important? I have a Waterpik Powerpulse Shower head.... and its got great pressure, even with our water failing.... but now... Oh my stars NOW!!! I have full water pressure and I turned the shower on and stepped in... and Holee Cow....
I have a shoulder issue and the water pressure helps it a lot - but with real water pressure - it was like a masseuse had worked on my shoulder !!
Too much info I know - but you all need to check this showerhead out - it should be called the Quilters Relief Shower head... you will be able to stitch all day!!!
Back to the Crumbs....
Until Next Time.....
Linking with
Midweek Makers at Quilt Fabrications
After I finished piecing the Random Plaid Blocks... ( see that post here)
There were still more plaid left in my bucket.... I mean... I may never NEVER see the end of it....
So I laid all the pieces out and decided to make Crumb blocks
I still have a huge pile of Blocks getting up to size.... I may be here a while....
Oh and at the bottom of the strings in the bin.... was another project I had started..... oh boy......
Until Next time......
Linking to:
Design Wall Monday at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts
Oh my Gosh! it has been a crazy week and a half for me and my family - but I think... we now have all the laundry done, groceries have been purchased, and maybe... we are back to our routine life haha!!
Let's start with the Finish!!!!
My LONG MAY SHE WAVE Mystery came to a close Wednesday... and now... its time to show off my Quilt!!! I tried to keep it under wraps for the past 8 weeks/.. but I need to brag now!!!
All for a good cause tho!!!
We finally got to celebrate my son and .... his wife! ( how did my baby get old enough to have one of those????)
And now we wait for the Professional photos - but... I just couldn't wait to share haha!!!
And lastly - a few of you said the Quilt hangers were out of stock - I had to order more yesterday - and they were back.....that means I am up to hanging 24 quilts!!!! I had no idea I had that many to hang!!! Most of mine get given away or sold... or so I thought!!!!
Link up your Finishes ( or not) post and let us ohh and ahh on the things you have done!!!
*****************Link up*************************
Yes - I shouted.... don't you get excited when the end is in sight?
Well Here you go!!
All the previous clues are at the link above ;-)
And don't forget - Here Friday is Finished ( or not) Friday
Come link up your progress!!
Past Mysteries can be found Here
Maybe you remember at one of my QOV sew days we all sat down and made Stepper blocks from my HUGE pile of 3 1/2 inch strips.....
Well - One is moving forward!!!
It is pieced and Quilted... and that s A FINISH on this one for me - it now moves on to the Binders!!
You are getting SUPER close now... remember when we played hot and cold with our kids? well you are getting hotter!!!
This one and ONE MORE CLUE... and you will have solved the mystery!!!!