Friday, November 11, 2022

Long May She Wave Finish!!! and !! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

Oh my Gosh! it has been a crazy week and a half for me and my family - but I think... we now have all the laundry done, groceries have been purchased, and maybe... we are back to our routine life haha!!

Let's start with the Finish!!!!

My LONG MAY SHE WAVE Mystery came to a close Wednesday... and now... its time to show off my Quilt!!! I tried to keep it under wraps for the past 8 weeks/.. but I need to brag now!!!

Ta- Da!!!!  All those flying geese turned into something PATRIOTIC!!!
Just in time for Veterans Day!! and more Quilt of Valor Awards!!!

A Close up of the Quilting.
I love all the Starry Pantos Available to us quilters now!

now.. on to the things that kept us busy....

We had to get dressed up. ....

All for a good cause tho!!!

We finally got to celebrate my son and .... his wife! ( how did my baby get old enough to have one of those????)

And now we wait for the Professional photos - but... I just couldn't wait to share haha!!!

And lastly - a few of you said the Quilt hangers were out of stock - I had to order more yesterday - and they were back.....that means I am up to hanging 24 quilts!!!! I had no idea I had that many to hang!!! Most of mine get given away or sold... or so I thought!!!!



Link up your Finishes ( or not) post and let us ohh and ahh on the things you have done!!!

*****************Link up*************************

********************** The end***************************

Until Next Time!!!!


Preeti said...

You all look so fabulous and happy!!! Thank you for sharing such a personal moment with us.

Cathy said...

I hope to work on the last clue for Long May She Wave today. I love it!

Best wishes to the lovely couple! Yes, babies do grow up!

Kate said...

Congrats on the new addition to the family, what a great thing to celebrate. I really like your mystery quilt this year, wish I'd been able to stitch along.

Mari said...

Congratulations! You don't look old enough to have a son getting married, but you all look really happy!

julieQ said...

Oh!!! I really love it!! What a fun design!

maggie fellow said...

beautiful quilt and family - congrats

Vicki in MN said...

Oh but your mystery quilt is oh so pretty!! What a beautiful family photo also.

Jan @Cocoa Quilts said...

It is always fun to have a reason to play dress up. Beautiful pictures!

Love that patriotic quilt.

Delighted Hands said...

fantastic quilt!!!! The wedding photos are great--congrats! You dress up nicely! lol

Andra Ridout said...

beautiful quilt and beautiful wedding! Thanks for sharing!

Michelle said...

First, many congrats to your son and his new wife! And now, that quilt is a beauty, Alycia. Well done!

Rebecca Grace said...

What a beautiful design, Alycia! I love how you achieved the suggestion of the flag through careful color placement. Very pretty, very patriotic, and very modern interpretation of our flag!

Sherrill said...

I LOVE Long may she wave!! Absolutely gorgeous! Where did the wedding take place? This is your oldest that went east, isn't it? Looks like a very happy couple (and mom and dad, too).

The Colorful Fabriholic said...

Congrats all the way around! I love Long May She Wave. Best wishes to your son and his bride. Is she a quilter (yet) ?

Deb said...

We did the same in August ! Our daughter got married last year in a tiny church ceremony wearing my very own wedding dress! Then all the Italians were invited along with friends and more family to a big bash this fall in a very fancy dress.
Oh and love the quilt hangers. I use a very thick plastic to hang mine in the closet till completion. Then they get displayed on railings ( we have a lot of railings) and /or off to family, friends or charities. Stay safe and sew on !

LA Paylor said...

awe congrats on gaining another family member and you all look beautiful

Jocelyn is Canadian Needle Nana said...

Congratulations to the happy couple! May I say you looked stunning in those photos, Alycia and far too young to have a married son.
And that is another beautiful patriotic quilt too.

The Joyful Quilter said...

Congratulations on a fabulous quilt finish (and acquiring a daughter!!)

chrisknits said...

Congrats!! Your family looks great. Awesome mystery project!

Snowcatcher said...

This really is a beautiful quilt, and so perfect for the cause. As always, your quilting is just beautiful. Congratulations on the newest member of the family!

Quiltpiecer said...

Congratulations to the happy couple and your family. Beautiful family. And another great quilt. I love QOV quilts.

Andree G. Faubert said...

Hi Alycia, I can see why you had such a busy couple of weeks - a wedding and a finish! Congrats on both counts. You quilt is really amazing and your family looks great :-) Hope life gets back to normal for a while!

Kathleen said...

What a lot of good things for you! That is a great quilt and so perfect for Veteran's Day. Congratulations to your son and his bride!

Cynthia Brunz Designs said...

All the best wishes to you and the new couple! So many things in this post to be proud of :)

dq said...

Gorgeous Gorgeous Gorgeous quilt finish and happy wedding. Congratulations for both.

swooze said...

First. I just love this quilt!

Second…that giant person all the way on the right? Is that little bit?.? What did you feed these children?? Very handsome family!

Yvonne from Quilting Jetgirl said...

Long May She Wave is stunning, but the biggest congratulations this week goes to your son and new daughter-in-law. :)

Nann said...

Oh, what a GREAT design! And congratulations to your entire family!

Kim said...

Though I'm very patriotic, I am not usually overawed by the Quilts of Valor that I've previously seen. That has now changed. This is gorgeous in my not-so-humble opinion. Now I have to resist the temptation to start a new project. sigh!