Friday, April 29, 2022

Pink Steppers... Pink Hats.... and Finished (or not!) Friday!!!

 Oh my Heavens... did this week not just FLY past!!!! It seemed to for me! I am not sure where it went - but at least I got a few things finished...... 

Pink was the Color of the Month for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.... so I dug in!

This is the Quilt I finished :

Got a tiny break in the wind and actually had sun ( as opposed to dust or smoke)  so I ran to the trailer!!!!

Ta Da!!! My Finished Pink Stepper Quilt!! (tutorial Here) 

And because is was so florally - It needed some big and bold ( and kinda quick) Quilting on it!

Oh! and  shot of the back!
Hot Pink
I had a whole bolt of it, and I am surprised at how many places I have used it!

and then my Hat recap!!

I didn't get as many done as I wanted - but Vacation, and family things kept me kinda busy in the evening.  I do have one in progress - so you'll have to see that for May .

I didn't have any pink in my yarn pile - so I went in to Hobby Lobby. I found the Pink and Green there and it was awesome! it was called Crafters Secret Big Idea yarn and there was 810 yards per skein. 

I really liked how soft it is!

So there you have it... My Month in Pink!!

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  • Please only link up a Finished ( or not) project 
  • What's you go to block?
  • Please make sure to visit the links - make someone's day with a sweet comment
  • Link Ends Sunday at Noon ( my time)
  • Please - link back to this post so others can join in

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Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Our Sew day and a little presentation

This last weekend was our QOV sew day 

We decided to all make blocks and see how many tops we could get made.

It was quite fun!! and!! there was Chocolate!!

We caught the Chandelier Beads Craze - and thought ! Why Not!!
There were a total of 24 of us 
These are the die hards.... as in the stayed because I locked the doors
( just kidding)

We made enough blocks for 3 quilt tops
We had one just about put together ( see the back design wall)
and we had rows for another one

be aware .. you will see them again!!

We also had a little presentation
( okay - this one was at our last sew day - but I wanted it on the blog!)

These four were so cool
They were so fun, I asked each one of them if they wanted to say something
and they did!!!

It was awesome
They each talked about their service and how much these quilts already meant to them
Oh ya!
Mission accomplished!!

Sunday, April 24, 2022

Hands 2 Help Churn Dash Quilt tutorial ( by Quiltygirl)

 Good Morning!!!

Today it is my turn to offer a tutorial for the Hands 2 Help Challenge!

My most favorite block and my Go to is this simple Churn Dash block made with all 5 inch squares:

So lets get started - and know - there is a pdf file for you to download at the end ;-)

Fabric Requirements for Block

·         5 – Print 5 inch Squares

·         4 – Background 5 inch Squares


Save 1 Print 5 inch square for the Center of the Churn Dash.



Take Two of the background fabrics and draw a diagonal line along the Back of the fabric, I also drew ¼ inch to the side of the center line so you can see where your stitch lines should be. ( I did this only for the example)

Pair them with a print piece.

Stitch on both sides of the center line

Lay your ruler along the Center line and slice

You will get 4  - 4 ½ inch Half Square Triangles

Take the last two print and the last two background squares

Pair them right Sides Together.

Stitch on the right and left side ¼ inch in. ( again I drew just so you could see)

Once both side are sewn – measure in 2 ½ inches and slice .

You will get 4 – 4 ½ x 5 in rails

Iron all of your pieces and then lay them out like so:

Stitch the pieces together into three rows.


Stitch the three rows together


And you will have a 13 inch block!

For A Cute Quick Baby Quilt

37.5 x 37.5

You will make 4 blocks as shown, then make 1 just the opposite

For the 4 setting Triangles cut 1 Square background at 18 7/8 inches

Slice it on both diagonals to yield 4 setting triangles


Then for the corner pieces:

Cut 2 – 9 ¾ squares of background and slice on one diagonal.

Stitch them in rows and add a border. I added 1 ½ inch strips in this one – but if you want to make it a tad bigger, you can add a bigger border.

For a little bigger toddler/Cot quilt 37.5 x 55 inches

add 3 blocks - the setting triangle sizes remain the same ;-)

Not a fan of setting blocks on point?

Make 12 blocks and set them together. Add a 1 ½ inch border

It will measure 39.5 x 52 inches

Now to some fun examples of Churn Dash Quilts I have made in the past!

I used these to help frame a panel - it was then donated as a Quilt of Valor.

And the this one - I used ALL scrappy pieces. I just made half squares and rails until my heart was content, then I made them into blocks, not paying attention if the reds and blues were built into one block.

The scrappiness of it made my heart happy

Alas - Here is the PDF for you:

Churn Dash Block Tutorial  ( click that link to the left)

I love to write patterns - so check out all the others I have written in my Quiltygirl Store as well as the tab in the header above.

I hope you use one of these ideas for a Hands 2 Help quilt this year!

Thanks to Academic Quilter for Hosting this year!!

Find me at all these places:

Etsy           Instagram           Facebook

Also Linking to 


Friday, April 22, 2022

Synergy The Quilt.... and !!! Finished ( or not) Friday!!

A little bit ago my Blogging Friend Preeti asked if I would be a pattern tester for her Synergy Quilt. And she gave me the date I needed to be done by, and I looked at my calendar - shouted YES!!

THIS!!! This is my Drop Everything and Make it Moment!!! Oh ya!!

So I did - I dropped doing the dishes, and folding the laundry , and I said My Friend NEEDS me.... Order Pizza People!!!

Now!!! You all know me right? I have a tendency to work in Patriotics. Plaids, or what ever is sitting on my cutting table. I am an equal opportunity fabric user!!! I had Patriotics just sitting there waiting to be used.... so that is where I started.

I think I liked where I ended !!!

Are you ready????

Ta Da!!!!   You can't really see - but!!! It is Quilted too!!!! ( and you know I won't bind it, my dear QOV friends will) 

My intent was to go outside and give it a proper photo shoot - but the wind has been HOWLING for 3 weeks now and I hate it... and by howling I mean, as I am typing we are having 35-45 mph and gusts to 60.... I may be in another state by now!

Let me tell you a little about this pattern.... 

It is on sale thru the 27th at 25% is in Preetis Etsy Store.

Her directions are really wonderful. I read them once, then dug in to get to work, and I thought it was very well written and used some fun (easy) techniques to piece this quilt. When you go to her store you will see it in a lot of different colorways - so I think its fairly easy to create a unique look to her pattern.

Since I sort of dropped everything to make it - I thought it was funny that my design wall was 4 quilt tops deep - and I just kept adding to it!!! No worries at all!!!

Here it is in the Top phase.

But then I got inspired and I thought... why can't I get it quilted???? 
I loaded it on the machine and off we went!!!

Look close - I promise - it is quilted!!

Just a full disclosure shot - even tho I wasn't brave to fight the wind.... Buford was keeping a close eye anyways!!!

Want to make this quilt? Well Preeti is hosting a giveaway for one PDF pattern!!! All you need to do is leave a comment on THIS POST - tell me...

How many Quilts a year do you think you make?

Make sure you leave me a way to reply to you, 
an email so that the winner can receive their PDF pattern!
Comments close on Monday the 25th at 8 am ( colorado time)

Now it is your turn!!!

Link up your direct post for Finished (or not) Friday
Spread the word 
Go visit other posts!!!

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** ***********The end*************

Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Motorcycles everywhere - and a QOV presentation


As you know - sometimes when you make Quilt of Valor presentations you get to travel... and sometimes that travel is a LOT of fun. ( okay all of it is fun, but I needed filler)

And this fun.... was seeing all these Motorcycles parked at the entrance of where I was going.

I am not a Motorcycle owner - but I have been blessed to ride with some of these riders... on the back and in the side car  - and I tell you - it's a blast!!!

And as happy as I was about what was on the outside - here is who I found on the inside!!!

This was SUCH a fun group. Again - I will say each group has its own uniqueness about it. But these guys had me laughing so hard - I had to get mean and tell them to let me breathe!!! This is after ... you can see I whipped them into shape! 

They were so excited and in love with their quilts. It is amazing how each quilt was perfect for that Veteran - just amazing I tell yoU!!! I loved it!!

For more info about Quilts of Valor :    

Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Wine Country

 I'm Leaving... On a jet plane.....

Don't you just love the perspective from the air??? I am assuming that we are somewhere near the Grand Canyon here - West of Colorado... east of California....

on my way to WINE COUNTRY!!
my husband had to go to a company meeting out here - so he went to meet, and I flew out as his conference was ending to hang out !!

I left horrible winds, Sand Facials, and Dryness - to Rain!!!!

I had to run to my rental car... in the rain! and it was humid,..... and I really want to send it back to Colorado ;-)

PS ( photo out of order) Check out my tiny rental car!!!!  I MEAN TINY!!!!

The first thing we did when I arrived.... Head out to Cline Wineries. We wine tasted in the rain and the poor wine tester had to bring me a blanket. She laughed at me, as I really wanted to stay outside... but I was a little damp still.

Oh ya, and when my hair gets wet or humid.... it kinda goes goofy - I was trying to keep it at a low puff hahah!!!

After Cline we went to Imagery Estates. This one really appealed to me. Each vintage of wine gets a different label. Each of those labels is made from an original piece of art, that is submitted by famous artists  to up and coming artists.

The only Caveat - each Art piece has to have the Parthenon in it somewhere- and it is up to the Artists Interpretation.

Check out these labels:

I think that a Quilter should take over a winery and each label could feature a different quilt!!!

If you check out Imagery and decide to order wine - Give a shout out to Sandi. She was our Sommelier - and oh my stars - she was amazing. We had so much fun learning about the history of the wines, the area, and she gave us a great restaurant recommendation for the evening!!!

Oh - and we closed the tasting room! it got amazingly quiet - as we realized they had closed. But Sandi was having too much fun. So then we met the winemaker, the vineyard manager and .... it was too fun!

Okay - One more thing we learned. Most wineries do not use chemicals to keep bugs and weeds down. They bring in herds of Sheep and Goats on a regular basis to munch in the vineyards.  It keeps weeds down. and reduces pests!!!!  So we have really healthy wine( right!!)

We stayed in the Historic Hotel La Rose. It was just so cool! So old timey, yet totally refreshed!!!

I have photos too.... The rooms were just so cool. And there were antique desks, 4 poster bed, and antique paintings all over the walls. ( Under security!)

Sandi told us we needed to check out La Gare - a Famous French Restaurant - and so... we did!!

The food was amazing, the Staff - exceptional!! We were really glad we took Sandi's recommendation.

 Which leads me to our vacation style. We have an idea of where we want to go.. and an idea of what we want to do. We do research ahead of time - just in case you have to make reservations... but if you don't - 
We wing it!

So we got to Cline Wineries from a friends recommendation... got to La Gare thru Sandi...

Our Waiter at La Gare was tickled we were from Colorado. And he reminisced about all the places in CO he had been, and we enjoyed talking with him. We told him the area we were headed to the next day and He said... Oh! You HAVE to go this way, and check out **** and **** on the way.......

So we did.... see you later ......

Monday, April 18, 2022

Jeeping in the BackCountry

 I have more photos to share of our Jeep Trip....

I know you are jumping with Joy!!! I can see you!!

The views while Jeeping along these rarely used roads are just amazing!

The rock Outcropping were amazing. Its easy to see how they found dinosaur fossils in these areas - as you can see so many of the layers!

And looking out onto the mountain range! Such a clear day!!

When I was  a kid one of my aunts learned all about pan mining, and when we visited she would take us to the rivers and give us a pan - and ... we never got anything - but we were entertained for hours.

Gold Panning and Mining has always intrigued me - so check out these old mines....

I am sure in their heyday  - they looked a LOT safer???? Right?
* Below - same one just a zoomed out view*

The little town we stopped in was almost like Time had stopped too. Its the same place the kids got those yummy desserts a few posts ago.

it was the Worlds Greatest Gold camp and founded in 1894. 

Aren't these just the coolest wall signs?

after our little stop - we headed back out into the wilderness!
As is tradition in our family - I said - First one to see Wildlife gets Ice Cream - and 6 seconds later Little Bit shouts - There!!

And!! He was right - he saw this little one first, and then we came around the rock - and Bam!!


needless to say - I think we ALL deserved Ice Cream haha!~
Don't they just look like they had been watching us the whole time and wondering why we were in their wilderness?

And just across from them - the other mountain range was this!

After we checked out the cool rocks we turned back to the sheep they were looking out across the way. I was told that they can see danger miles away - and maybe they were seeing a predator coming their way.

Either that - or they were mad we didn't bring them snacks???

Just a super pretty view of frozen falls.....

Enjoy your day!!!